Dear HH,If you are all for ears,without anybiased view, here I go...
I would stress the importance of the word "Theology/Theosophy', and the necessity of those studies while talking about 'scriptures' , be it any religious scriptures.I do believe, theologians/philosophers do carry an important role in guiding religious mass,correcting their misconception/misinterpretation, not alone its heads.
we do have very many sages and monks who explain philosophies and things in various scriptures, going from the literal to the intended meaning, to remove misconcepetions / misinterpretations..i suspect you have not tried to seek a teacher physically, but speak from points gathered from internet sources...
If I were to share you the events occured during Galileo, it was a theological error. Galileo,who himself was working in Jesuit lab under their guidance, didnt wait to publish, until theologians finished their work to find a coherent answer in scripture.
Science/Nature/Scripture should sail smooth right!!.. Thats why some one said, "Scientist tread a long journey,climped the icy rocky mountains for to reach the peak(quest of God), only to find theologians/philosophers are already sitting there 500Yrs ago..Thats the point I was driving out here..
I do not think science / nature / scriptures can all profess the same things, because each has its own role and own level of development. The point you are making can seem misplaced. Nor do i think its a good idea to mix up religion (of the social kind) and science, and judge each thru the glasses of the other.
Secondly, I (intentionally) stayed away from talking about Biblical Incest, just not to deviate the subject here. Here again, I quote the role of Theologians/Philosophers while reading any religious scriptures.
i wish you had also included examples from the bible in your evaluation of ethics, morality judgements, etc atleast at some place if not the 'why i am not a hindu' cud come across as a delibrate stand to not touch the bible, but yet seeking to judge other religions..
Incest is very well recorded in Bible,where a king has sex with his step daughters. Not alone incest, rape,polygamy,polyandry is all well recorded...
Prophet Mohammed once read bible, and saw incest there,shocked, and claimed 'Bible is corrupted", cos he believed 'Holybook' cannot have such things..
Famous American president Thomas Jefferson, took a scissors and deleted all of them, and called it as Jefferson's Holy bible.
Look what a theologians response to it.. "Bible is not God given book',dropped by the man on sky. Rather, its a recording of the 'history of the Jewish tribes guided by God'.. And subsequently, the king who indulged in incest was punished by God. Thats the moral of the story.. ie, To err is human - God's delivers justice and punishes the wrong,even if he is a holyman/prophet.
There are hindus who do not consider the smritis, puranas, upanishads, as god given books. To me, all books are man-written.
Biblical stories are recent, some are authenticable. Puranic stories are far too ancient, sections are insane yes (like someone sitting inside the cloud, animals talking, etc), but the stories of tribes, kingdoms, etc may have some basis to it, stories could have been added to older sections of the puranas.
If judgement is what you are looking for, then the puranas also tell stories to show falsehood never wins, to show the necessity of 'values' and so on.
Similarly, Islamic philosophers like Ibn Rush Avvero, tried to remove the wrong interpretations in Koran'ic 72 houries, which our suicide bombers are following..Unfortunately,Ibn's writings were burnt,only later to be copied by Europens after renaissance.
This is what I was opposing your repeated points,claiming that,so&so is not in scriptures etc.. .I just gave a generic opinion, just to remind you that, it may(could) be there, but one should have a theological/theosophical/Philosophical approach to them.. Orelse, it will end up like Galileo..
May i know which are the 'repeated' points i have claimed that so&so is not in scriptures. Wud be glad if you cud list them, so i can clarify.
I think I have fairly well explained the importance of the role of Theologian/Philosopher by citing those 2 instances from history of various religions..