"In todays life of a brahmin grhasta, with all his other engagements and yet to chant 108 Gayatri three times a day may be a difficult thing to adhere to."
Not at all.
Not at all--perhaps for you. Certainly not for me and there are many like me. I simply have no time that large in my schedule every day. Period.
First, get the facts right. Then put pen to paper. (Or take to the computer keyboard.) You DO NOT chant 108 gaayathris three times a day. You do that once. In the morning. At noon you chant 42, at sunset 64.
And your figures were not right and needed a correction by yourself. LOL.
Could you please explain what is the significance of these figures 32, 64 etc.,? What is the logic that gives these figures? Why 32 and not 33 (33 is more beautiful because of symmetry in the first place and looks. And why not 69 instead of 64. Look at 69 how beautiful it looks.LOL)You may kindly quote your sources too.
The point I would like to stress is that the counting of the Gayatri chanting is itself a source of distraction for me and so I have given up counting. I rely on my intuition to reach the required numbers I set for myself. And please enlighten us as to what will happen if the chanting is less by one or two or more by one or two.
There is a limit for even indulging in dukhrinjkarane. Certainly nahi nahi nahi nahi (extra two nahi here for emphasis)rakshathi.......
As a gruhastha I have had, and am having, NO DIFFICULTY performing sandhya vandanam as it should be performed. As I wrote earlier in this forum, cultivate the self-discipline to get up two before sunrise every day. You will have plenty of time for gaayathri japams for praatha sandhya and maadhyaahnikam. Set aside 35 minutes before sunset. That will enable you to do your saayam sandhya without rushing. Reserve these times as a vital priority.
That is ok. You have no difficulty. But I have difficulty and many others like me have difficulties and the world is made up of all of us.
Second, please note that self-praise is no praise. It is all very well for Vaishavaites to thump their chests in this forum. It only provokes, tempts, encourages shaakthaas, shaivaites, gaanapathyaites, kaumaraites to prick the balloon. Thirumanthiram is superior to mahaa-gaayathri? What a laugh! Aalvaars superior to Naayanmaars? Why start a controversy in your enthusiasm?
How shallow can a mind get in understanding a counter point and a differing viewpoint!!
I demand the following from you and you owe it to the members here:
1.Where have I indulged in self-praise? My saying the vaishnavite's method of Sandhya practice is not a self-praise. Nor is quoting Alwar. You can not close your eyes and believe with all your might that there does not exist a school of thought called vaishnavism. The world is too large and there are many schools of thought. And this forum is that of Tamil Brahmins and vaishnavites are Tamil Brahmins.
2. Which balloon is going to be pricked? Please do try pricking it if you could catch one such entity. Let us enjoy the tamasha. Please fly it before us and then prick.
3. I stated vaishnavites consider Tirumantram to be superior to Gayatri. I did not require you to accept it. I am a vaishnavite and I have every right to speak about the vaishnavite belief here. You can laugh and I am least bothered whether you laugh or cry.
4. When did I say Alwars are superior to Nayanmaars? Your straight answer please. No escapist vazha vazhaa kozha kozhaa answer.
5. I have not started any controversy. It is you who have gone ballistic against a non-existent adversary. LOL.
"naaraayanaaya vidmahe vasudevaaya deemahi, thanno vishnoo prachothayaayaath" is a gaayaathri we all know. There are other gaayathris s well. Read Book IV of the Thayithireeya Upanishad. Mahaa Vishnu is not the exclusive possession of self-proclaimed Vaishnavaites.
LOL and I leave it at that.
This is clearly standing the matter on its head. The correct advice is: measure the time needed for chanting the gaayathri: 108 at sunrise, 32 at noon, 64 at sunset, and set aside this time in full without stingeing. Then attend to your other laukeeka matters. As a responsible gruhastha, set an example for the brahmachaaris in your household to follow. Do not shrink.
A sure way to drive the brahmacharys to madness. Poor fellows will die of anxiety and miss the real benefit , keeping count of the Gayatris chanted and missed or exceeded. And the whole contrived effort will be a huge waste of precious time.The best advice would be to tell them to allocate as much time as they can and chant Gayatri with shradhdha and knowing the meaning. That is the need of the times.
I will not be answering your next post as you appear to be prejudiced about vaishnavites and their faith. God bless you with enlightenment.