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How Varna/Caste System Harmed Brahmins

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The Brahmins of the early Vedic period who first thought of the Varnashrama system were great Rishis. Their idea of the system was entirely different from what it turned out to be later.

The rigid Varna system was not their idea. It is a total corruption of the original concept.

The Varna Dharma as originally envisaged classified the Brahmins as an Intellectual class. The corrupt caste system believes that you bacame a Brahmin by birth.

How was the Hindu society especially the Brahmins affected by the rigid caste system?

I am not talking about the divisions caused by it and the atrocities committed in its name. We have one too many books detailing all that. This thread is not about that.

There is no way to ensure that all the people born in the same family have 140+ IQ. When this is not true of any family it is foolish to think an entire community would consist of high IQ intellectuals. Again application varies from person to person. Even a high IQ is not suffecient.

Vedas are extremely difficult to learn and recite. There is a lot of emphasis on the pronunciation, utterance of letters, and intonation. This requires a more than average IQ and tremendous application.

There is write up about it here.


In the early Vedic period only those who had these abilities were chosen for this job. Other than reciting the Vedas, they were expected to seek Brahman. That is why this class of people were called Brahmins or the seekers of Brahman.

They were chosen by their ability and not by birth.

Our caste system was not like the Japanese caste syatem, which placed the Samuarais (Warriors) at the top.

In later years the caste system became more rigid and only those who were Brahmins by birth were expected to recite the Vedas.

What the caste system did not take into account was that you can not group people like you group inanimate things. No two human being are the same.

This had an unintended effect on the community. Not all the children of Brahmins could recite the Vedas properly. Their mental abilities also varied. Many of them did not have the right aptitude. A life devoted to seeking the Brahman was not everybody's cup of tea.

It was easier for the Kshatriyas. You can become a king even if you are not courageous and are not a good fighter.

But learning of the Vedas is not like that. You either have the ability or you do not. There is no midway. We find a number of Purohits who do not know how to recite the Mantras properly or have knowledge about the rituals even after years of training.

In the engineering college we had to learn carpentary. In spite of my best efforts I could not master it. My teacher was from the carpenter community. One day I remarked to him that it was easy for him because he is born in the community. He told that he learnt it only by years of practice and not by birth and said that his son is not a good carpenter in spite of his best efforts to teach him carpentary.

The Brahmins who by birth did not have the mental abilities to recite the Vedas had to choose some other professsion.

But the Varna Dharma prevented that. Though some of the smiritis did speak of the professions which a Brahmin could take up when he is in distress it was not practical.

The injunction about the Brahmins not seeking riches applied only to the Veda reciting Brahmins who were very happy seeking Brahman. People respected them and gave them Dhana.

But what about the Brahmin who could not recite the Vedas? Should he idle away his time cursing the fate which has made him take birth in a Brahmin family? He was neither respected nor given Dhana.

The Brahmins started seeking ways and means of earning a living. Even 1000 years back they had sought other professions as evidenced by the drama Mricchakatika where the hero Charudatta is a merchant. The thief in the play is also a Brahmin. This play also revals a startling fact that only Male Brahmins were allowed to speak Sanskrit. Women and other castes were not allowed to even speak Sanskrit. What a horrible system?

Varna Dharma which bound people to a particular profession enslaved the Brahmins and other castes and prevented individuals from developing according to their own aptitude and ability.

Throughout history it is seen that progress has been made only by individual efforts. Individuals have changed the society. Society in general does not like changes. But individuals by their efforts have brought about a change. Hinduism more than any other religion emphasizes the individual. It always talks about the relationship between the individual and the supreme God.

If the Brahmin community had confined themselves to what was enjoined by the Varna Dharma, they would have become extinct by now. The Brahmins have survived and prospered because all of them did not follow the Varna system.

The varna system reduced the Brahmins to a class of mendicants or worse.

Again Manu Smirti expressly forbids any men of the three twice-born castes from dwelling in any other country other than Aryavarta. Arya varta did not include the Deccan peninsula.

The brahmins broke this rule in order to survive.

I remember one of our respected Brahmin administrators speaking proudly in an interview that one of the herditary profesion of the Tamil Brahmins was Culinary art. I used to make an annual trip to Chennai during the Music season. It was not only the music, but also the food served by Arusuvai Natarajan and Jnanambica mess which attracted us.

Let us dump the varna system to the dust bin of history. Let us forget the racial theory that anyone is born superior because he was born in a community.

All the great Tamil Brahmins like Ramana Maharishi, Swami Sivananda, Ramnujam, C.V. Raman and a host of others became great due to their own efforts and not because they were born Brahmins.
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Dear Sri Nacchinarkiniyan,

This is a great piece of information. However I find the title a bit too provocative.

Something a little milder such as "Varna System Today Not True to Original Form" might be better.

From a language perspective I am not in favor of the word "destroy" in any title that carries the words "Varna System".

I would like for you to change it. My suggestion was only a suggestion. You could come up with an alternative title too.

If there are technical problems please let me know. I will change it to the title you choose.

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The idea is to provoke people into thinking. I do not think I have been successful. The number of viewers are still very small.

Yes. From an administrative point of view such "provocations" have proven counter productive as we have all levels of adherents visiting this forum.

The more orthodox members have taken offense at milder ideas.

I requested this to keep the peace of the forum.

No provocations please.

No Mr.Nacchi,

May be u feel so because of the Cricketing season !
Soccer season there ! may be ??
There is enough provocation alright ! but my feeling is much needless energy is spent on other discussions , and everyone has his freedom of choice !
Let the GOOD things continue !
O.K. Chintana.

My idea is to make the Tamil Brahmins think and not hurt their feelings.

Please change it to How the Varna/Caste system harmed the Brahmins.

The Brahmins of the early Vedic period who first thought of the Varnashrama system were great Rishis. Their idea of the system was entirely different from what it turned out to be later.

Let us dump the varna system to the dust bin of history. Let us forget the racial theory that anyone is born superior because he was born in a community.

All the great Tamil Brahmins like Ramana Maharishi, Swami Sivananda, Ramnujam, C.V. Raman and a host of others became great due to their own efforts and not because they were born Brahmins.

Good Thought!

Too much of Varna subject here !, even Varuna Devata will be upset and stop the rain !

We need to know " The Essence of Vedas " and its contemporary prescription , suitable and adaptable for the present day geniuses !

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Dear Nachinarkineyan

Your assumptiions are mis-leading. Rishis have not developed any system. They system is revealed to them. Time and again I 've repeated this . As the saying goes “Muthal konal murrum konal” one wrong view then one's whole understanding goes wrong.

Their pursuit for knowledge is very intense and they want to see the order of things as it is.

That's why they are called “SEERS” (Mantra Dhrishta)

That's why we are called the followers of SANANTANA DHARMA (EVER PRESENT ORDER).

The intelligence prevading the universe is revealed to them WHY because they pursued it.

The very sanskrit alphabets are enough to tell that the akshara's are not from ordinary human intelligence but of Ishvara's.

The misunderstandiing that the caste system is created for convinence and brahmins benefitted is very erroneous. In fact, our forefathers took exterme austerities and avoid indulgence they clearly showed us what is important to pursue.

Many of them lived a simple life not because of circumstances but by choice, They clearly saw the pursuit of artha and kama alone should not dominate one's life. They showed us discipline (aacharam) is more important and set forth various samskaras. They also showed us upto what extent one should pursue for artha and kama . That's why we have Artha shastra and Kama sutra – isn't it?

To say women should not read sanskrit and all is not as per vedic spirit. There may be breaches but it is not the spirit.

That's why for learning we go to godesses “Sarasvathi” . The seers are not only Males but also FEMALES. There are number of (“mantra drishta” in female also) . That we put down female is very absurd. Infact Mami's have more of a say than Mama's is it not true?

The fittest will survive , why then only we strive.

But remember the intention of shastras is to set what is proper for a peaceful existence.

On heredity, “appankku pillai thappama piranthirukkiran” is the general rule. There may be exceptions. It is easy to pick up the necessary skill from a family than to go and learn something new. This is how it was for hundreds of year that is the norm. This modern education is only a new concept in practice for 50 or more years.

A fisherman son even though he goes to school he is expected to do what for his livelihood .
A buisnessman son even though he goes to school he is expected to do what for his livelihood?
What is proper here? Could you please explain.

This picking on Brahmins on a most whimsical and unscientific basis by the Brahmins themselves has ruined this community. No other community denigrates itself as the Brahmins do of themselves. All because they think they are smart!

Vinaasa kaale vipareetha buddhi!

Without going into the merits of Varnasrama I wish to draw the attention to the following verses from Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

Lord says:

"Chatrurvarnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah /
tasya kartaram api mam viddhy akartaram avyayam " // ch:4-13.

According to the aptitudes resulting from the disposition of nature (gunas) and works (karma), the social order of fourfold division has been created by Me. Though I am their originator, know me to be not an agent but the spirit unchanging.

Again Lord reiterates in the following verses:

" Brahmana-Kshatriya-Visam Sudranam cha paramtapa /
karmani pravibhaktani svabhava-prabhavair-gunath // Ch:18-41

O Great Hero! The duties of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and also of Sudras have been divided according to the qualities born out of their
own nature (Gunas).

According to these verses Varnasrama is based on the inborn character types "Trigunas" (i.e.) Satvika, Rajasika and Tamasika. Lord confirms this
in the next three verses Gh: 18-42 to 18-44 wherein He identifies character types of Varnas.

"Samo damas-tapah saucham kshantir-arjavam eva cha /
jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam" // Ch:18-42

Serenity, control of the senses, austerity, purity, straight=
forwardness, knowledge, insight, and faith in the Supreme
being -- these are the Brahmana's duties born of his own

"Sauryam tejo dhrtir-dakshyam yuddhe chapyapalayanam /
danam isvara-bhavascha kshatram svabhavajam // Ch:18-43

Prowess, splendour of personality, unfailing courage, resoursefulness,
dauntlessness in battle, generosity, leadership-- these are a Kshatriya's
duties born of his specific nature.

"Krishi-gaurakshya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhavajam /
paricharyatmakam karma sudrasyapi svabhavajam // Ch: 18-44

Agriculture, cattle rearing and trade form the duty of the Vaisya springing
from his own nature, while the natural duty of a Sudra consists in subordinate service under others.

Dear Nacchinarkiniyan Ji and Brahmanyan Ji,

Classification of people for a societal function based on the admixture of three gunas formed the Varna system. This worked for a long time till the age of industrialization. We need to always remember that the four Varnas depended on each other for the proper working of a society. Without such an interdependence and the regard given to the inherent 'dharma' for each Varna, the system is lost.

I wonder, in this modern age of industrialization, (which one may hate, but is a reality) whether the original Varna concept, even without the degradation introduced by caste classification would have been able to be intact today.

This is not to say that we should abandon altogether the sampradhayams that we were brought under. But the divisions of castes over time will surely disappear as mobilization introduced by modern global economy takes more and more the charecteristics of an international labor force.

We can neither get rid of the caste divisions today by just wishing it to go away, nor can we go back to the original Varna system. There are macro changes afoot for the world and it is all His leela. And this is clearly written as the charecteristic of Kali Yuga!

As an individual, and as a member of my proud community, I can only think of myself to follow these behaviours:

1. Treat all other human beings as His creation and hence with respect and understanding, irrespective of their caste, religion, work, nationality etc.

2. Understand that no human being is perfect. If they are, they are already Gods. And we all come back to the material world again and again to mature in our spiritual being. Hence the conflicts among people because of the individual differences in spiritual maturity. For example, one's father may be less mature spiritually than one self. The practical way to address these differences is through love.

3. Sanatana Dharma will never die. Because it is the natural practice of spirituality found in every human being. We should always strive to make our communities strong (TB, Hindu, India, World, Universe), with our love and service, instead of accentuating divisions.

4. Every human being has the right to worship in his/her own way, as long as it does not harm others. A society should be controlled by civilized law and order, not by 'private' armies. Every person's agenda and aim in life should be to build such a society, which cares for everyone, regardless of color, race, religion or national origin.

If we do the above, the bad effects of castes will be washed away and the good aspects of Varna Dharma can be preserved.

Just my two cents.

Although Varna System has created an anti-brahmin wave and has become a grist for the so-called rationalists,the differences exist.If we analyse the haplotype of the different Varnas we can understand how pure it is.
As far as I know I use the Gothram during religious ceremonies. Even it is pity that amongst brahmins remarks are made by one Gothram against another.If a person is frequently losing his temper they ask is he from Viswamitra gothram. Also there is a saying that "Vai vachha idam ellam Vaduala Gothram" Although it is not in the main Gothra table in the top ten Gothrams, People with hairy looks are told that they are from shadamastra gothram jovially. Distinctions exist.whether these are traceable strands for interpretation of attitude and intelligence needs further research. Let us accept what is in existence from the period of Manu but develop further understanding the necessity or otherwise of it.
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Dear Mr.KRS.,

I fully appreciate your views on Varnasrama. This is what I have been writing from my first post on this subject. When I quoted the relevent verses on Varnasrama from Gita, my intention is to draw the attention of the reader on the basics of Varnasrama in relation to three gunas as exponded in the Holy book.
From our Epics we see that even in Ancient times inter change of Varnas was not an uncommon event. Neither marriage among Varnas was new. I do not want to go into the merits or otherwise of this system. These Social Classifications change with the times as per the prevailing conditions and requirements like the laws of the land. We have to question ourselves whether there is any use of holding to some thing which had out-lived its utility in the modern social fabric.

It is my personal view that we should try to be "a good human being" first and try to follow the path for "right living". As you have given in detail,there are some basic requirements developed over generations for this, which we should never forsake.

Dear Sri Brahmanyan Ji,

I totally agree with your thoughts.

One more thing I would like to say on this. Our Srutis as you know, while talking about the four divisions based on Gunas, never talk about the heredity factor or the castes.

The citations of these come from our Smritis and as we know Smritis were constructed to be useful for the times they were written, based on the then prevailing customs and mores. For example, Manu was not one person. There were many 'Manus' over time.

I think that for the modern life, based on industrialized and global economy, a 'meritocracy' system is the best. However, then the challenge is how to use that meritocracy system as the collective Brahminism that would help the entire society, particularly those who are helpless and not able to participate otherwise fully in the system.

Brahmins have more hubris than the Jews and it is a negative quality.Mr.KRS and Brahman yam choose to mutually interact despite the openness of this forum.We should not exclude what we don't understand.The main draft of this Varnas et al is
from Manu as we understand a posteriori today. What ever mutations it has taken over time it is not a good classification method despite the claims that interpolations and misinterpretations have taken place.
Pl study the "kibutz" method of living to ascertain land rights with institutional support given by Israeli Govt. This is a thought out system. Nowadays we live by net and web 2.0 has come to reality.Brahmins can form international "kibutz" on the net.You call it by any convinient name.Istead of chatter on the Thinnai why the organisers of this forum think of such virtual net with reality interface to enter and exit.
Please leave the nuances etc of all old classifications and try to organise a discussion on scientific ways of meritocracy.I think you can do it
"Down to Earth Prosperity"
Dear Sri Fehu Ji,

I addressed Sri Nacchinarkiniyan Ji and Sri Brahmanyan Ji directly as I had questions about what they posted. I did not address you specifically as your postings in general did not pose any questions to myself directly. This is clearly within the rules of netizenship. Now that you have addressed me in particular, I am responding.

Besides this, I have no idea what you just said in your above posting - you involve Manu as well as the Jews and Kibbutzs. We can only write about what we know and as a simpleton, I can only express my own ideas. If there is a 'scientific' way that can be understood by folks like me, by all means, I would like you to expound.

The Brahmins of the early Vedic period who first thought of the Varnashrama system were great Rishis. Their idea of the system was entirely different from what it turned out to be later.

If KRS doesn't agreed to what is said above and if he perfectly knows the varnadharma is no body creation but existence from time immemorial passed from generation to generation thru heredity, then he should have rebuked the above earlier. That would have saved a lot of "Theatarics"

The rigid Varna system was not their idea.

How KRS failed to question the above - Did the poster, was he with them when the sit and think. ? To tell in the language of KRS , Did the poster had any "Divya drishti"?

It is a total corruption of the original concept.

Please extend the above question here also.

The Varna Dharma as originally envisaged classified the Brahmins as an Intellectual class.
The corrupt caste system believes that you bacame a Brahmin by birth.

Since I'm the jumper of conclusion, would any intelligent people explain to me what is really meant here. Because KRS accepts "Brahmin by birth" is a valid statement.

Could any one explain to this poor man who is only versed in jumping skills?

Dear Sri malgova.mango Ji,

The whole essense of the 'debate' between myself and Sri Desi Ji that you much enjoyed, was about allowing other folks to express their own ideas in this Forum, without being called names.

The references you make in your posting are from a posting of Sri Nacchinarkiniyan. Knowing him, he would not have posted this unless he has sound scriptual backing for saying so. I consider him as one of a few in this Forum who has vast knowledge about our scriptures.

While you posted your questions properly addressing him on this thread, before he would or could answer, you made some harsh remarks on his person. So did Sri Ram Ji. I don't blame Sri Nacchinarkiniyan for not answering then.

There used to be a member in this very Forum who would turn any topic in to a subject about vegetarianism. And I distinctly remember a very cultured lady who used to contribute saying that she would respond to any one's posting except his! May be you are being viewed as such by Sri Nacchinarkiniyan Ji!

It is not my place to expound on his writing except to cite some basis for showing that his views are valid also.


If KRS doesn't agreed to what is said above and if he perfectly knows the varnadharma is no body creation but existence from time immemorial passed from generation to generation thru heredity, then he should have rebuked the above earlier. That would have saved a lot of "Theatarics"

How KRS failed to question the above - Did the poster, was he with them when the sit and think. ? To tell in the language of KRS , Did the poster had any "Divya drishti"?

Please extend the above question here also.

The Varna Dharma as originally envisaged classified the Brahmins as an Intellectual class.

Since I'm the jumper of conclusion, would any intelligent people explain to me what is really meant here. Because KRS accepts "Brahmin by birth" is a valid statement.

Could any one explain to this poor man who is only versed in jumping skills?

Purusha Sooktam

Many people quote Purusha Sooktam as the basis for the caste system. This is a great hymn. Having learnt the Sooktam and being a regular reciter of the Sooktam, I would like our members (those who have an open mind) to go through the translation of the Sooktam given in the following links and make their own judgment. One of the translators is a respected member of this forum.

A word by word simple translation.



I hope this will also kindle the interest of some of our members to learn the Sooktam.
Dear Fehu,

It is perfectly acceptable for posters in any given discussion to respond to some views and not others. Nobody has any authority to compel posters to respond to their queries.

Of course, if you have a specific question you can and should ask. But if you are making a general comment (which is what you did) you cannot expect everybody to answer. So KRS and Brahmanyan were very much within bounds in not responding to you.


Brahmins have more hubris than the Jews and it is a negative quality.Mr.KRS and Brahman yam choose to mutually interact despite the openness of this forum.We should not exclude what we don't understand.The main draft of this Varnas et al is
from Manu as we understand a posteriori today. What ever mutations it has taken over time it is not a good classification method despite the claims that interpolations and misinterpretations have taken place.
Pl study the "kibutz" method of living to ascertain land rights with institutional support given by Israeli Govt. This is a thought out system. Nowadays we live by net and web 2.0 has come to reality.Brahmins can form international "kibutz" on the net.You call it by any convinient name.Istead of chatter on the Thinnai why the organisers of this forum think of such virtual net with reality interface to enter and exit.
Please leave the nuances etc of all old classifications and try to organise a discussion on scientific ways of meritocracy.I think you can do it
"Down to Earth Prosperity"
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Dear Sri Malgova.Mango,

I find that your response to Sri Nacchinarkiniyan is based on a lot of misinterpretations. It is important to understand any poster's views in the way they have presented it. Otherwise it creates room for misunderstanding.

So here is what I felt was inaccurate in your interpretation...

Dear Nachinarkineyan

Your assumptiions are mis-leading. Rishis have not developed any system. They system is revealed to them. Time and again I 've repeated this . As the saying goes “Muthal konal murrum konal” one wrong view then one's whole understanding goes wrong.

Their pursuit for knowledge is very intense and they want to see the order of things as it is.

That's why they are called “SEERS” (Mantra Dhrishta)

That's why we are called the followers of SANANTANA DHARMA (EVER PRESENT ORDER).

The intelligence prevading the universe is revealed to them WHY because they pursued it.

I don't believe Sri Nacchinarkiniyan was questioning this.

The very sanskrit alphabets are enough to tell that the akshara's are not from ordinary human intelligence but of Ishvara's.

This is your opinion. Alphabets in any language by themselves do not say anything. The meaning a language points to, makes it superior. And that is my opinion. The larger point is, this idea is debatable. Not an established fact as you seem to imply.

The misunderstandiing that the caste system is created for convinence and brahmins benefitted is very erroneous. In fact, our forefathers took exterme austerities and avoid indulgence they clearly showed us what is important to pursue.

I don't think Sri Nacchinarkiniyan said the caste system was created for the benefit of the Brahmins. Please go back and read his posting.

No arguments about our forefathers.

Many of them lived a simple life not because of circumstances but by choice, They clearly saw the pursuit of artha and kama alone should not dominate one's life. They showed us discipline (aacharam) is more important and set forth various samskaras. They also showed us upto what extent one should pursue for artha and kama . That's why we have Artha shastra and Kama sutra – isn't it?

We don't know this for a fact - to the best of my knowledge we don't have any research conducted on why they did what they did.

To say women should not read sanskrit and all is not as per vedic spirit. There may be breaches but it is not the spirit.

I read his entire posting. He hasn't mentioned anything about women.

That's why for learning we go to godesses “Sarasvathi” . The seers are not only Males but also FEMALES. There are number of (“mantra drishta” in female also) . That we put down female is very absurd. Infact Mami's have more of a say than Mama's is it not true?

No questions about this.

The fittest will survive , why then only we strive.

But remember the intention of shastras is to set what is proper for a peaceful existence.

This is irrelevant to the point that Sri Nacchinarkiniyan was making.

On heredity, “appankku pillai thappama piranthirukkiran” is the general rule. There may be exceptions. It is easy to pick up the necessary skill from a family than to go and learn something new. This is how it was for hundreds of year that is the norm. This modern education is only a new concept in practice for 50 or more years.

Social environment is at least as important as heredity. To say that one is just like one's father is to discount the influence of the many, many changes we have in society today.

A fisherman son even though he goes to school he is expected to do what for his livelihood .
A buisnessman son even though he goes to school he is expected to do what for his livelihood?
What is proper here? Could you please explain.

All this has changed or is in the process of changing. Please recognize that we are living in a very different world.


Dear Sri Malgova.Mango,

A few clarifications again. The maroon italics are my responses...

If KRS doesn't agreed to what is said above and if he perfectly knows the varnadharma is no body creation but existence from time immemorial passed from generation to generation thru heredity, then he should have rebuked the above earlier. That would have saved a lot of "Theatarics"

Nobody can tell anybody else how to react to a specific posting. If you found that KRS missed saying something you can say that you feel that he missed saying something or even better, you can say that you differ from KRS in a certain point of view. That would be a good way of conducting a discussion. There is no point in asking why somebody did not respond in a particular way. Each person responds according what s/he believes is the best way to respond. So please don't specify to any poster how s/he should react.

How KRS failed to question the above - Did the poster, was he with them when the sit and think. ? To tell in the language of KRS , Did the poster had any "Divya drishti"?

Please extend the above question here also.

Same comment for this point too.

The Varna Dharma as originally envisaged classified the Brahmins as an Intellectual class.

Since I'm the jumper of conclusion, would any intelligent people explain to me what is really meant here. Because KRS accepts "Brahmin by birth" is a valid statement.

This is such a complete misinterpretation and a total misrepresentation of what both KRS and Nacchinarkiniyan were saying. I am taken aback.

I recommend that you be a little more careful in reading the opinions of others before responding.

Could any one explain to this poor man who is only versed in jumping skills?

Is it possible that perhaps this "poor man" needs to read others postings carefully and calmly?


Thanks to Administrator "Chintana" for the timely intervention and course correction.

Of late, we find a new disturbing trend emerging in the Forum Posts due to some enthusiastic members trying to show their erudition by asking other members as to how and what they should write or discuss in this Forum.

This reminds me of the well known verse from Subhasishtam:

"Vidya dadaati vinayam. Vinaya dadaati paatrataam.
Paatratva dhanamapnoti. Danaat dharmam tatatsukham."

Learning begets humility; Humility gives character.
From character one gets wealth; From wealth one gets
righteousness and happiness.

Being Polite or humble, does not mean submissiveness, it is a noble quality of extending courtesy to others in words and deeds.

By the way I wish to know, what is wrong in "the chatter on the thinnai"?
In fact I enjoy it. I am aware of my limitations. I am an ordinary person who value simple things in life. In fact the "Tamil Brahmins" provides a stage (Thinnai) for the advancement of the community in the contemporary world without losing our roots.

As a matter of conviction I do not react to insinuations and sarcasm, where I prefer silence as the best answer.

"Varna Dharma which bound people to a particular profession enslaved the Brahmins and other castes and prevented individuals from developing according to their own aptitude and ability."

One of the best statements I have ever heard. Mr Nachinarkiniyan you think deeply and contribute better on all sides of the issue.Please don't be disheartened by people who are on the verge of fundamentalist tendencies keeping themselves too much conservative in ideas and process.Messrs.Ramaa , Vijisehsh and Malgova, want to hear what they think as right thus foreclosing any thought process or new ideas. I wish these two should restrain themselves so that others can participate without "sankhojam" or diffidence.They can keep their criticisms to themselves and contribute with factual details instead of passing on their opinions with judgements without evidences with the full play of their"bounded rationanlities"
I object to the sloganeering "Vinasa kale Vipareetha Budhi" Instead of countering with point by point with revealing ideas they give slogans. It is very unfortunate to this open forum on Tamil brahmins.
The best postings are from Shri Nachinarkiniyan who deserves all blessings and kudos from me.
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