I am with you Sri vijisesh Ji. If what all Sowbhagyavathi Kamakshi Ji wants is for me to admit being a 'secularist', to stop this charade, I admit to it.
There - now we all can get on with the business of fruitful discussions that would either throw some light on certain issues or would produce some concrete actions to help our community.
But I want to at least comment on Sowbhagyavathi Chintana Ji's posting above:
I think you have made an interesting observation between the American and Indian culture. However, I also think that Indians have always categorized and named and grouped things - in fact I think we started it all! We split everything in to different things - witness the multiplicity of Jathis and sub Jathis; sects and subsects; and the lists go on forever.
By the way, labeling brings up a scene from the old Sam Peckinpa's western serial, 'The Rifleman', where the hero tells his son:' Mark, there is nothing wrong in labeling! But first make sure, when you label a pickle jar, there are pickles in that jar, not something else!'.
There - now we all can get on with the business of fruitful discussions that would either throw some light on certain issues or would produce some concrete actions to help our community.
But I want to at least comment on Sowbhagyavathi Chintana Ji's posting above:
I think you have made an interesting observation between the American and Indian culture. However, I also think that Indians have always categorized and named and grouped things - in fact I think we started it all! We split everything in to different things - witness the multiplicity of Jathis and sub Jathis; sects and subsects; and the lists go on forever.
By the way, labeling brings up a scene from the old Sam Peckinpa's western serial, 'The Rifleman', where the hero tells his son:' Mark, there is nothing wrong in labeling! But first make sure, when you label a pickle jar, there are pickles in that jar, not something else!'.