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Remembering Maha Periyaval

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What normally amounts to immodesty at times becomes a necessity. In this case it has become a sacred pilgrimage.

Dear brother Brahmin, will you come along with me to share my recollection of precious moments/events that has happened during my 70 years of the past? Yes, I am 70 plus of age, who tries to remember only the worthwhile occurrences of the past. Problems have cropped up only to go away, I do not remember most of them – perhaps that is a special gift of God to me.

I am a blessed individual who had the rarest blessings of having darshan of Maha Swamigal Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamigal of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam for more than 45 years at regular intervals.

Kindly do not pre-conclude or attribute any hold aroma around me. It just happened, perhaps because His Holiness Mahaswami desired it to happen. I wish to share some events and – I pray the present Swamigal blesses me not to exaggerate or indulge in falsehood.

I offer, with utmost humility, these scribbling of mine to the lotus feet of the perennial Kanchi Acharya Parampara.

The True Sanyasi

The Queen of Greece, during her visit to India while at Chennai, desired to have ‘darshan’ of Maha Swamigal, the reason, you will agree, will be best known to the queen only.

Before leaving for Kanchipuram, the queen noticed 2 special chairs accompanying her. When she asked the reason for this she was informed,

“Your majesty, people sit on the floor before His Holiness. We do not want you to get, by chance, infected”. The queen stoutly refused and was firm that she will sit like all others.

When the queen reached the Sankara Mutt, the Maha Swamigal was sitting on a raised platform giving darshan and also offering kind words to devotees. The queen, with her companion, was escorted to the front line where she sat on the floor with difficulty as she was not used to sitting in that posture. The “sanyasa dharma” glittered when sri Maha Swamigal came down hurriedly and sat before her on a wooden plank.

“Why does the Swamiji do that”, was the queens wonder, for which the Maha Swamigal explained “She is the queen of a country and I am only a humble sanyasi. I should not sit on a higher pedestal and talk to her”.

It was later informed that the queen of Greece expressed her joy of leaving with a heart filled with joy.

The Margabandu

Lord Shiva is known by many names – one being ‘Margabandu’, meaning a friend/protector during travel.
My personal experience has proved the meaning in totality. During early 1970’s bus frequency from Chennai to Kanchipuram was very limited. The last bus will leave by 7 pm and the travel time used to be for 2 ½ hours to 4 hours. In those days devotees should leave the premises only after His Holiness nods his approval. There was no compromise on it as it was considered “abhachaaram” (sin) to leave without his approval.

Once, on reaching the presence of Sri Maha Swamigal I realized that I was short of money for my return journey. Being a very ordinary person, my mind was more on how many miles I had to walk back to reach home at Chennai.

Around 6 pm, I stood before His Holiness silently, as was the practice, to seek permission to leave. But Sri Mahaswami ordered me to go and sit and pray! It was 6:30 pm, 7:15 pm and so on. My permission was not coming as I was repeatedly ordered to go and pray. The irony of it was that I knew nobody at Kanchipuram.

It was 8 pm, when an elderly man and his wife entered to have darshan of Sri Mahaswami. After blessing them, giving some flowers, etc His Holiness asked them the least expected question,

“Have you come by car? Are you going to Chennai ?”

Slightly startled by this question the elderly man said “yes” and also that he was directly returning back to Chennai. Sri Mahaswami signaled to me to come as I was quite far away. When I reached his holy presence he said to the elderly man,

“If it is not inconvenient can you drop this boy anywhere in the city limits? This boy will go home in some bus from there.”

The elderly man agreed saying that it was his pleasure. I was dropped, not at the outskirts of Chennai, but at my very doorstep.

At home, I felt grateful to Sri Mahaswami for his “parental act”

The Judge

We know that a judgement is final and unquestionable. But little is known as to how much discipline the judges must observe – in personal and social life. The most important is that they cannot claim exemption from any law – moral, social or legal.

The temple authorities of Tirupati, the Lord of the Seven Hills, had assembled near the dwajasthambam, with poornakumbam, to receive sri Maha Swamigal who was to arrive by foot anytime.

The moment came when His Holiness arrived with a full smile and stood outside the temple. He eagerly looked at the hills around, the blue sky above, the temple Gopuram and the grand walls of the temple. Suddenly he went and stood in the free darshan queue. The temple authorities were taken aback as they had planned to take him by a special entrance to avoid hours and hours of waiting. Somehow they cleared the free darshan queue as quickly as possible and Sri Maha Swamigal had a good darshan of the Lord.

While coming out one of the authorities informed His Holiness that they had arranged for a special darshan through a separate entrance. Sri Maha Swamigal replied,

“When I was looking around I saw a board in Telugu which contained the words “dharma padha” (dharma darshanam). There is also a red arrow below indicating the queue. I have been telling for years to those who come to see me to follow the “dharma paadha”. Then how can I take some shortcut route? Hence I joined that queue.”

The above incident was narrated to me by one Sri. Raghurama Iyer whom I always hold in high esteem for his ethics and strict orthodoxy. Next time we try to have darshan in any temple, using influence, somewhere in our heart there will be a pricking. Call it conscience or our inner ethical values which many a times remain dormant.

The Crystal

Interesting it is that many crystal gazers wear all sorts of coloured attire, hats, gloves, etc. But what is the colour of a crystal? It defies all conceivable boundaries. The different cuts or shapes emanate multi-colour, multi-dimensional arrows, arches, etc. In all, this psychedelic display the crystal remains the same. It is colourless. Maybe the yogis, paramahamsas, mahatmas are like crystal – the Nirgunas. They display a plethora of feats yet remain still. They cannot be measured or understood as they defy all set rules.

Intense excitement was afloat as the Mahaswami had ordered preparation for a person to be given “sanyasa”. Many vedic scholars, pundits around were eager that they maybe chosen as the purity involved can be “felt” and not told. At this juncture a few people from Chennai arrived to meet Maha Swamigal. One of them was a foreigner – a Frenchman (if my memory is right). Intense discussion/talk was held by Maha Swamigal, including the foreigner, for nearly an hour.

Then the thunderbolt came when Maha Swamigal ordered the foreigner to be taken for tonsure, kaashayam – in short for sanyasa in the august presence of Maha Swamigal.

A few days later – by that time the “foreign sanyasi” had been sent to the Himalayas – the disgruntled or disappointed “ashrama aspirants” approached Maha Swamigal and expressed their hurt, preferring a foreigner who was perhaps a meat eater, alcoholic and what not was not fair, was their argument.

The reply of Maha Swamigal was astounding, “What can I do ? You are all around me always. But your thoughts are only about your family. He was living thousands of miles away, but always thinking of me”

Indian or foreigner, orthodox or unorthodox, puritan or liberal, scholar or stupid it is the purity of heart and perseverance that made the crystal perform a galaxy of colours, yet remain colourless untouched. Truly Maha Swamigal is the star crystal.

Special attention to my Brahmin brethren placed outside India. The event stated above should/must help to wipeout any longing of yours that you are missing a lot or something of not living in your native soil. Keeping our heart clean, wherever we are, will create a paradise in our heart. Our creator will start discriminating between us only from the day a mother starts charging her child for the milk given by her. So cheer up !
There is a superstition that a 'dhumakethu' portends something evil. But, our 'dhumakethu' brings good and moving episodes here. Hearty welcome to you and we expect more from you.
Sri Dhumakethu,

You are a very fortunate person indeed. It is a previlege to read your experiences. Thanks for sharing them.
The word "Dhumakethu"

Happy that you have read the episodes.

My pen name "Dhumakethu" is one of the 16 names qouted by puranas by which Lord Ganesha is addressed.

Please read the first paragraph in the following link :

Encyclopaedia of Hinduism - Google Books

Also read the title "16 Names of Ganesha" in the following link.

Lord Ganesha or Ganapathi, the Leader of the Gods

I am not aware of any superstition as referred by you. I took my pen name only on the basis of what I have stated. May Lord Ganesha help me to pen some more interesting articles which will give everyone interesting reading.

A comet is referred to as 'dhumakethu'. I did not want to belittle your pseudonym.

Please go ahead and give us more treasures.
Shri.Dhumakethu is a fortunate person who had very close intimate moments with the great Mahaperiyaval.Let us hope he shares other experiences, if any, he had with the Mahaswami for the benefit of others who are not so fortunate as him.
On February 1 1967 I was traveling on a scooter from Shillong to Gauhati

I had a terrible accident. I saw death coming. My tongue was punctured and was stuck on my broken teeth
and my right knee swelled to the size of football. I was bleeding all over profusely and could not get up. If I had
rolled over few feet I would have fallen into a deep ravine.
I was praying to Sri Maha Periyava in my mind.
I saw the vision of Sri Guru walking at a high speed at a height of about three feet above from the ground.
He was carrying on his left hand a Kamandalu and he raised his right palm
and blessed me. "periya abathu vandhathu. Ellam sari ayidum" (Great danger came. Everything will be all right).
The image vanished. Within minutes a man driving a truck stopped and carried me like a child to a villge hospital at Tongpo for first aid and then taken over to my colleague's house in Gauhati and then to the General Hospital.
I was 27 years old then and now I am going to be 70 in July 2010. Not a day passes without my prayer to Sri Guru.
Glory to Sri Periyava.
Madurai Meenakshisundaram Vaidyanathan (Gurubhaktha)

What normally amounts to immodesty at times becomes a necessity. In this case it has become a sacred pilgrimage.

Dear brother Brahmin, will you come along with me to share my recollection of precious moments/events that has happened during my 70 years of the past? Yes, I am 70 plus of age, who tries to remember only the worthwhile occurrences of the past. Problems have cropped up only to go away, I do not remember most of them – perhaps that is a special gift of God to me.

I am a blessed individual who had the rarest blessings of having darshan of Maha Swamigal Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamigal of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam for more than 45 years at regular intervals.

Kindly do not pre-conclude or attribute any hold aroma around me. It just happened, perhaps because His Holiness Mahaswami desired it to happen. I wish to share some events and – I pray the present Swamigal blesses me not to exaggerate or indulge in falsehood.

I offer, with utmost humility, these scribbling of mine to the lotus feet of the perennial Kanchi Acharya Parampara.

The True Sanyasi

The Queen of Greece, during her visit to India while at Chennai, desired to have ‘darshan’ of Maha Swamigal, the reason, you will agree, will be best known to the queen only.

Before leaving for Kanchipuram, the queen noticed 2 special chairs accompanying her. When she asked the reason for this she was informed,

“Your majesty, people sit on the floor before His Holiness. We do not want you to get, by chance, infected”. The queen stoutly refused and was firm that she will sit like all others.

When the queen reached the Sankara Mutt, the Maha Swamigal was sitting on a raised platform giving darshan and also offering kind words to devotees. The queen, with her companion, was escorted to the front line where she sat on the floor with difficulty as she was not used to sitting in that posture. The “sanyasa dharma” glittered when sri Maha Swamigal came down hurriedly and sat before her on a wooden plank.

“Why does the Swamiji do that”, was the queens wonder, for which the Maha Swamigal explained “She is the queen of a country and I am only a humble sanyasi. I should not sit on a higher pedestal and talk to her”.

It was later informed that the queen of Greece expressed her joy of leaving with a heart filled with joy.

The Margabandu

Lord Shiva is known by many names – one being ‘Margabandu’, meaning a friend/protector during travel.
My personal experience has proved the meaning in totality. During early 1970’s bus frequency from Chennai to Kanchipuram was very limited. The last bus will leave by 7 pm and the travel time used to be for 2 ½ hours to 4 hours. In those days devotees should leave the premises only after His Holiness nods his approval. There was no compromise on it as it was considered “abhachaaram” (sin) to leave without his approval.

Once, on reaching the presence of Sri Maha Swamigal I realized that I was short of money for my return journey. Being a very ordinary person, my mind was more on how many miles I had to walk back to reach home at Chennai.

Around 6 pm, I stood before His Holiness silently, as was the practice, to seek permission to leave. But Sri Mahaswami ordered me to go and sit and pray! It was 6:30 pm, 7:15 pm and so on. My permission was not coming as I was repeatedly ordered to go and pray. The irony of it was that I knew nobody at Kanchipuram.

It was 8 pm, when an elderly man and his wife entered to have darshan of Sri Mahaswami. After blessing them, giving some flowers, etc His Holiness asked them the least expected question,

“Have you come by car? Are you going to Chennai ?”

Slightly startled by this question the elderly man said “yes” and also that he was directly returning back to Chennai. Sri Mahaswami signaled to me to come as I was quite far away. When I reached his holy presence he said to the elderly man,

“If it is not inconvenient can you drop this boy anywhere in the city limits? This boy will go home in some bus from there.”

The elderly man agreed saying that it was his pleasure. I was dropped, not at the outskirts of Chennai, but at my very doorstep.

At home, I felt grateful to Sri Mahaswami for his “parental act”

The Judge

We know that a judgement is final and unquestionable. But little is known as to how much discipline the judges must observe – in personal and social life. The most important is that they cannot claim exemption from any law – moral, social or legal.

The temple authorities of Tirupati, the Lord of the Seven Hills, had assembled near the dwajasthambam, with poornakumbam, to receive sri Maha Swamigal who was to arrive by foot anytime.

The moment came when His Holiness arrived with a full smile and stood outside the temple. He eagerly looked at the hills around, the blue sky above, the temple Gopuram and the grand walls of the temple. Suddenly he went and stood in the free darshan queue. The temple authorities were taken aback as they had planned to take him by a special entrance to avoid hours and hours of waiting. Somehow they cleared the free darshan queue as quickly as possible and Sri Maha Swamigal had a good darshan of the Lord.

While coming out one of the authorities informed His Holiness that they had arranged for a special darshan through a separate entrance. Sri Maha Swamigal replied,

“When I was looking around I saw a board in Telugu which contained the words “dharma padha” (dharma darshanam). There is also a red arrow below indicating the queue. I have been telling for years to those who come to see me to follow the “dharma paadha”. Then how can I take some shortcut route? Hence I joined that queue.”

The above incident was narrated to me by one Sri. Raghurama Iyer whom I always hold in high esteem for his ethics and strict orthodoxy. Next time we try to have darshan in any temple, using influence, somewhere in our heart there will be a pricking. Call it conscience or our inner ethical values which many a times remain dormant.

The Crystal

Interesting it is that many crystal gazers wear all sorts of coloured attire, hats, gloves, etc. But what is the colour of a crystal? It defies all conceivable boundaries. The different cuts or shapes emanate multi-colour, multi-dimensional arrows, arches, etc. In all, this psychedelic display the crystal remains the same. It is colourless. Maybe the yogis, paramahamsas, mahatmas are like crystal – the Nirgunas. They display a plethora of feats yet remain still. They cannot be measured or understood as they defy all set rules.

Intense excitement was afloat as the Mahaswami had ordered preparation for a person to be given “sanyasa”. Many vedic scholars, pundits around were eager that they maybe chosen as the purity involved can be “felt” and not told. At this juncture a few people from Chennai arrived to meet Maha Swamigal. One of them was a foreigner – a Frenchman (if my memory is right). Intense discussion/talk was held by Maha Swamigal, including the foreigner, for nearly an hour.

Then the thunderbolt came when Maha Swamigal ordered the foreigner to be taken for tonsure, kaashayam – in short for sanyasa in the august presence of Maha Swamigal.

A few days later – by that time the “foreign sanyasi” had been sent to the Himalayas – the disgruntled or disappointed “ashrama aspirants” approached Maha Swamigal and expressed their hurt, preferring a foreigner who was perhaps a meat eater, alcoholic and what not was not fair, was their argument.

The reply of Maha Swamigal was astounding, “What can I do ? You are all around me always. But your thoughts are only about your family. He was living thousands of miles away, but always thinking of me”

Indian or foreigner, orthodox or unorthodox, puritan or liberal, scholar or stupid it is the purity of heart and perseverance that made the crystal perform a galaxy of colours, yet remain colourless untouched. Truly Maha Swamigal is the star crystal.

Special attention to my Brahmin brethren placed outside India. The event stated above should/must help to wipeout any longing of yours that you are missing a lot or something of not living in your native soil. Keeping our heart clean, wherever we are, will create a paradise in our heart. Our creator will start discriminating between us only from the day a mother starts charging her child for the milk given by her. So cheer up !

thank you for your lovely post,so much of mahaswamigal memories flooded,wish i had the capability to narrate as you do.gurubhyo namaha.
My second vision of Sri Maha Periyava

October 1973 I had my second vision of Sri Maha Periyava In U.S.A.

From Aug 1970 to Oct 1973 was a very difficult period of our lives.

No scholarship. First thesis for M.S(computer and inforamtion science)at the University of Pennsylvania was a failure.

From a Divisional Engineer class I position in India to a position of cleaning mens room in the college it was a startling change in my life.

No money. No job. Going to Univ of pennsylvania without a scholarship.
I was mariied in July 1970 in Bangalore and came to U.S alone in August 1970.
My wife was carrying our first baby and I did not even know that when I left for U.S.A .
Our son was born in Apr 1971 and I did not see him until 1974.

In Oct 1973 , near the University ,I was working in a yogurt culture manufacturing company,
situated on the top of an old brick building on the fifth floor.
I had two dollars and thirtyfour cents in my Girard bank account.
It was a tuesday evening. I will not be paid 62 dollars until Friday.
I used to unload cubes of solid carbon dioxide "dry ice" each weighing 56 lbs.
I broke the cubes with 16 lbs sledge hammer, into small pieces and mixed with ethyl alcohol,
in a flat metal bath in which long glass cylinders with yogurt culture inside.
The glass tubes are are connected to a vacuum chamber for removing moisture and make the culture a dry powder.
It was vicious mixture of alcohol and evaporating carbon dioxide.
I had severe headache. i did not have money for the train to go back to my slum apartment.
i was hungry. I had no money to buy food. It was raining.
I walked fifteen blocks in the rain and came to my apartment repeating
"Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara
...." and I had a pint of milk which I wanted to heat and drink. That wll be my dinner. I had no other food.
When I poured the milk in the heating pan it fell out with a sickening thud and
I realized the milk had gone bad and sour. I realized I have no dinner that night.
I sat down and wept. "Acharaya Deva! Even hardened criminals breaking stones in a jail are given Koozh"
" You have decided to treat me like this". I must be worse than a criminal.

I was so angry and I decided that I must be punished more than a criminal.
I was running a high fever.And there was no hot water as the landlady had turned off the hot water in that slum aprtment. Poor students have no say.
In that peak winter, the water in the bathroom sprayed ice cold water like stinging needles.
I stood under the water to punish myself. Repeating "Gur brahma Gurur Vishnur..." sloka
I stood shivering as every part of the body shook uncontrollably and the ice cold water did a miracle.
My fever was reduced. i came out of the bath room with wet towel and I said to myself
" i am a dog and dogs do not sleep in bed" So I slept on the cold cement floor under the picture of Sri Guru.
I went into a deep coma/sleep. And then a dream.
During the dream I am standing with the wet towel repeating the sloka.
Where reality ends where dream starts i was not aware.
In the dream I was standing in pitch darkness.
I am praying to Sri Guru.
Something is sharp and I am standing on it and it hurts.
I bent down and I pick that and rub it on my wet towel and suddenly I have huge glittering diamond that instantly illuminates the room and lot of people are around me saying "Look at him. He has a priceless diamond".
It was around four in the morning.
I noticed a triangular piece of News paper sticking out near the bed.
I tore the piece and read " A programmer with Telephone exchange experience and computer science back ground needed for programming" Call 215-FL2-6520."

I went to work next day and took a loan of a quarter of dollar from Mike, who was my co-worker at the Yogurt culture company. I called FL2-6520 and spoke a Gentleman who wanted to see me immediately. From that time Sri Acharya has sent wave after wave of good luck in our lives.

The pregnant wife I had left in Bangalore joined me after four years in Aug 1974.
I saw our son Rajeev for the first ime when my wife came to join me in the U.S.
Rajeev is an associate Director at Stanford research Institute in Harrisonburg Virginia and doing research in drug discovery.
Our second son Natesh was born twelve years later and is a MBA from Georgetown University and works for Lockheed Martin corp as a finance analyst in Manasss Virginia.
Natesh is named after my paternal Grandfather Sri Natesa Thatha.
My grandfather and Sri Maha Periyava studied together for Veda Adhyayanam veda patasala and my Grandmother used to always say that. Sri Periyava came to see my grandfather in our rented house in Kalla kurichi
in 1948. My Grandfather was bed ridden and could not walk and he sent a word to Sri Periyava asking for his forgiveness as he was unable to come for Darshan. Instead Sri Periyava decided to come to our house to see his devotee. I was eight years old. It looks like yesterday when I had the Darshan of Sri Periyava. Today I wrote this from my heart. (July 15 2010). All the Glory to Sri Guru.
Madurai Meenakshisundaram Vaidyanathan (Gurubhaktha)
Be blessed. Mahaperiyaval in Blessing mood Click on the link given in my previous post .You may start the day with his blessings Jambu:pray:
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hi jambu mama,
romba thanks....aathile saami room le vaccha romba nalla irukkum.....im blessed


i was so moved to read your post,as mahaswamigal is a legendary saint,just not for common ppl but to all.today morning at 5.30 am had a dream of his holiness jayendrar sarswathi for the first time in my life.feeling so happy and relieved about nagging issues in my life,which suddenly seem to be a distant issue.and when i read your post,about mahaswamigal,felt his blessings too.guru brahma guru vishnu guru devo maheswaraha,guru sakshaat parabrahmai thasmai shree guruvay namaha.
October 1973 I had my second vision of Sri Maha Periyava In U.S.A.

From Aug 1970 to Oct 1973 was a very difficult period of our lives.

No scholarship. First thesis for M.S(computer and inforamtion science)at the University of Pennsylvania was a failure.

From a Divisional Engineer class I position in India to a position of cleaning mens room in the college it was a startling change in my life.

No money. No job. Going to Univ of pennsylvania without a scholarship.
I was mariied in July 1970 in Bangalore and came to U.S alone in August 1970.
My wife was carrying our first baby and I did not even know that when I left for U.S.A .
Our son was born in Apr 1971 and I did not see him until 1974.

In Oct 1973 , near the University ,I was working in a yogurt culture manufacturing company,
situated on the top of an old brick building on the fifth floor.
I had two dollars and thirtyfour cents in my Girard bank account.
It was a tuesday evening. I will not be paid 62 dollars until Friday.
I used to unload cubes of solid carbon dioxide "dry ice" each weighing 56 lbs.
I broke the cubes with 16 lbs sledge hammer, into small pieces and mixed with ethyl alcohol,
in a flat metal bath in which long glass cylinders with yogurt culture inside.
The glass tubes are are connected to a vacuum chamber for removing moisture and make the culture a dry powder.
It was vicious mixture of alcohol and evaporating carbon dioxide.
I had severe headache. i did not have money for the train to go back to my slum apartment.
i was hungry. I had no money to buy food. It was raining.
I walked fifteen blocks in the rain and came to my apartment repeating
"Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara
...." and I had a pint of milk which I wanted to heat and drink. That wll be my dinner. I had no other food.
When I poured the milk in the heating pan it fell out with a sickening thud and
I realized the milk had gone bad and sour. I realized I have no dinner that night.
I sat down and wept. "Acharaya Deva! Even hardened criminals breaking stones in a jail are given Koozh"
" You have decided to treat me like this". I must be worse than a criminal.

I was so angry and I decided that I must be punished more than a criminal.
I was running a high fever.And there was no hot water as the landlady had turned off the hot water in that slum aprtment. Poor students have no say.
In that peak winter, the water in the bathroom sprayed ice cold water like stinging needles.
I stood under the water to punish myself. Repeating "Gur brahma Gurur Vishnur..." sloka
I stood shivering as every part of the body shook uncontrollably and the ice cold water did a miracle.
My fever was reduced. i came out of the bath room with wet towel and I said to myself
" i am a dog and dogs do not sleep in bed" So I slept on the cold cement floor under the picture of Sri Guru.
I went into a deep coma/sleep. And then a dream.
During the dream I am standing with the wet towel repeating the sloka.
Where reality ends where dream starts i was not aware.
In the dream I was standing in pitch darkness.
I am praying to Sri Guru.
Something is sharp and I am standing on it and it hurts.
I bent down and I pick that and rub it on my wet towel and suddenly I have huge glittering diamond that instantly illuminates the room and lot of people are around me saying "Look at him. He has a priceless diamond".
It was around four in the morning.
I noticed a triangular piece of News paper sticking out near the bed.
I tore the piece and read " A programmer with Telephone exchange experience and computer science back ground needed for programming" Call 215-FL2-6520."

I went to work next day and took a loan of a quarter of dollar from Mike, who was my co-worker at the Yogurt culture company. I called FL2-6520 and spoke a Gentleman who wanted to see me immediately. From that time Sri Acharya has sent wave after wave of good luck in our lives.

The pregnant wife I had left in Bangalore joined me after four years in Aug 1974.
I saw our son Rajeev for the first ime when my wife came to join me in the U.S.
Rajeev is an associate Director at Stanford research Institute in Harrisonburg Virginia and doing research in drug discovery.
Our second son Natesh was born twelve years later and is a MBA from Georgetown University and works for Lockheed Martin corp as a finance analyst in Manasss Virginia.
Natesh is named after my paternal Grandfather Sri Natesa Thatha.
My grandfather and Sri Maha Periyava studied together for Veda Adhyayanam veda patasala and my Grandmother used to always say that. Sri Periyava came to see my grandfather in our rented house in Kalla kurichi
in 1948. My Grandfather was bed ridden and could not walk and he sent a word to Sri Periyava asking for his forgiveness as he was unable to come for Darshan. Instead Sri Periyava decided to come to our house to see his devotee. I was eight years old. It looks like yesterday when I had the Darshan of Sri Periyava. Today I wrote this from my heart. (July 15 2010). All the Glory to Sri Guru.
Madurai Meenakshisundaram Vaidyanathan (Gurubhaktha)

Shri. Gurubhaktha,

So amazed to read your experiences. Had tears while reading this. God bless.
Dear Sri. Gurubhaktha,

I am thrilled to read your experience on Mahaswamigal. Your narration coincides with an identical incident which happened when Sri Mahaswamigal was camping at Thenambakkam, near Kanchipuram. A noted carnatic singer came around 6 pm in the evening and wanted to take leave of Mahaswamigal to go back to Chennai.

"Why don't you spend the night at Kanchipuram and go tommorrow morning to Chennai ?", asked to him Sri Mahaswamigal.

Implicitly the singer agreed and spent the night in Kanchipuram. Little did he know why he was asked to stay back until very late in the night he came to know that the vehicle in which he was to go back to Chennai met with an accident and all the occupants had died on the spot.

With tears running the singer went with gratitude to Sri Mahaswamigal and thanked him for saving his life.

"I thought you came to request to pray for the departed souls, but, you seem to think only of your life to be precious", was the rejoinder of Sri Mahaswamigal, the Jagath Guru [the guiding light of all lives].

Your narration was not a dream, but a real happening, the thrill of which can only be felt by experiencing.

With prayers,

amazing blissful experiences. During Anusham/Jayanthi days, devotees used to narrate such experiences with Mahaswamigal. Prayers.
Dear M.M. Vaidhyanathan, you are truly a gurubaktha i.e. a baktha loved and protected by his guru. How lucky you are! I can't but envy you.
May the Guru shower his full blessings on you.
arul puriyum jyothi arul puriyum jyothi,thani perum karunai arul puriyum jyothi

understanding gracelight from bhagavan maha swamigal of kanchi kamakoti peetham.
Great experiences with the Grace of Maha Periyaval to Blessed souls! thanks Sri. Dhumakethu and Sri Gurubhakhtha! Please share more of your memories of Maha Periyaval as you remember them!
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