Journey of man and genetics study by CCMB
This aryan-dravidian mumbo-jumbo was intially used by british who felt threatened by the brahmins who were leading all the indians in the freedom struggle. Even gandhi's guru was gokhale a brahmin. The british basically wrote all fictitious crap and came up with this theory to willify th ebrahmins and divide and rule the indians. E.V. Ramasami niacken was either in their pay rolls or he wanted to get some importance and so he latched on to this nonsense -- probably he was rejected by some isai-vellalla female( I take a mild detour here. I read an article in by Ms.Gariyali former IAS officer of TN mentioning that the isai vellalar's claim descent from brahmin fathers and dravida women who wer offered to temples to do God's seva. Incidentally karnunanidhi and marans belogn to this caste. )
Moving back, the CCMB at hyderabad had conducted a research on genes.
There are two types of DNA -- one in your nucleus and other in your mitochondria. The mitochondrial one comes from the mother and the one in nucleus is contributed by both fathe rand mother. So based on this a study was made and they found the upper castes have more affinity with europeans and the lowercastes have mroe affinity with asian/africans. Also they found that the men exhibit more european character than the women. So this study supported the theory of europeans( predominantly males) entering india and marrying local women to set up caste hierarchy.
But later there was a study by Spencer Wells that was shown in national geographic which concluded that all humans evolved from ethiopia. Fromt here people moved ot different locations in the world such as southindia, australia, indonesia, mongolia, china, eurasia, caspian sea area , middle east etc and evolved a bit differently . After sometime there was again migrations, conquests, inter marriages etc.
So in effect all humans ame form one set of people in ethiopia. So i do not understand how these dravidian parties can ask brahmins to go out saying they are outsiders. The fact is ALL OF US ARE OUTSIDERS IN INDIA and ALL FROM ETHIOPIA (atleast from gentics). So it means every one - vanniyar, brahmin, isai vellalalar,dalit, nadaar, mudaliar and what not -- has to go out leaving behind elephants, snakes and monkeys back
So this argument of DK , DMK and PMK is flawed and scientifically wrong.!
Pl see spencer wells article on
I wish someone will ask madan in ananda vikatan about spencer wells article.
Also this can be put to sujatha in kumkumamaand whoever is answering in kumudam. They need to be asked -- in the light of Spencer wells study, how can the dravidian parties talks about race and asking brahmins to leave and other nonsense is justified?
Will they publish that question?