Dear Mr. Kunjuppu,
Actually our great grandmother was kept so busy by her eight
grandchildren (out of which six were boys and one was a new born baby)
she had no time to think about herself.
In those days no kitchen gadgets to help and everything had to be done
manually. She must have worked day and night to look after these eight
kids and her busy doctor son-in-law!
When late in her life, she lost her memory (Alzheimer' disease?) she
would instruct the person in her room, to call all those imaginary
characters walking around and always she would want to feed them.
She is the one person who was a real Annapoorni- the giver of food to
everyone who had the good fortune of being seen by her!
She was so cheerful, so kind, so selfless, so jovial that it is hard to
imagine such a person in real life.
She died within ten days after our paternal grandfather (our music /
maths/grammar guruji) died.
Today if they were alive they would be ~ 125 years old!
Two great people in our real lives!
with warm regards,