In the past few chapters, we went through
1. Force-fields (Scalar Higgs/Vishnu, Vector/Chakra, Spinor/Conch) (1)
2. Fundamental Particles (Panchajana/Five particle types, ChaturSana/Four right-handed particles) (2)
3. Interactions (Soma/strong, Madhu/Weak, Apa/Electromagnetic) (3)
4. Charges ( Vaishravana/Color, kAla/Weak, Yama/Electric) (3)
5. Composite Particles (Sura/Nucleons, Asura/Non-nucleons, Rakshasa/Vector and Pseudo-scalar mesons and Yaksa/Scalar and Pseudo-vector mesons) (4)
6. Concepts of Chirality, Helicity etc (4)
Let's understand Asvins as in the Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 180
'Executive Summary' of Rgveda Mandala 1 Hymn 180
asva are the 'photon's, the 'quanta' or packets of energy in light or electromagnetic radiation or those that mediate the electromagnetic field. asvins are the twin-headed electromagnetic field (electric and magnetic field) that follows the photons.
If the photons (that mediate the electromagnetic field) are asva, the horses, then ratha or chariot that follows the horses/asva are the asvins, the twin-headed electromagnetic field. Asvins are twin-headed because they cause electric and magnetic field. Apa, the electromagnetic interaction (often described as 'celestial waters') is the 'sister' (svasa) of Asvin. vAja are the thunderbolt, the discharge of energy in electromagnetic field.
Asvins, the electromagnetic field are inside havis (the matter that is sacrificed for evolution of larger matter forms) crooked/bent in different directions, enabling the consumption of havis, emitting light/shining. Thus asvins (electromagnetic field) are oblations of the evolutionary sacrifice.
There are two types of Asvins. The dasra and the nAsatya
Dasra is the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons (virtual horses/asva) inside atoms and between any matter forms.Tugra is the binding caused inside atoms and between atoms in matter forms by asvins, the electromagnetic field (gra means capture/seize). The energy in this binding are the Taugras. The dasra, the electromagnetic field betwen atoms and inside atoms does not 'wear out the taugryas', does not reduce the energy between the atoms. Rather, dasra binds all the electromagnetically impacted particles, becoming the axle of that binding, producing larger and larger matter forms.
There are two aspects of a force-field when it impacts something. The first one is the 'force' or 'push' that it creates on something. It is the cause. It is called 'Cit' The second one is the 'flux' or effect that it creates on that something. It is called 'dhI'.
The asvins, the electromagnetic field has force (cit) and flux (dhI). The force is the cause. Flux is the effect. The push or force is the 'Cit' which is translated as 'Consciousness'. Consciousness is the 'Cause' or force behind the biological beings. The flux or effect is the 'dhI' , which is translated as 'thoughts'. Thoughts are the 'Effect' that arises due to the force of consciousness on biological beings.
(For eg. in brain, between neurons there is a electromagnetic resting potential (of -70 mv) at which there is no flow between the neurons or there is no force acting or no signaling taking place. When this potential difference drops to 0 mv and even reverses to a +30mv due to build up of charges on one side, an action potential manifests, which is the 'force' or the consciousness that manifests. This action potential results in a flow of ions or current between the neurons and thus some signaling takes place between them or a thought manifests. The action potential is the force or 'cit'. The signaling is the effect or the 'dhI'.).
nAsatya is the electromagnetic field that is caused by real photons that radiate through the space. When asvins, the electromagnetic field travel swiftly/transiently through molecular clouds they produce photons/light (asva) by themselves. Such asvins are the nAsatya. The electromagnetic field of radiations produce newer materials with unbroken exteriors out of molecular clouds and sprinkle them abundantly all over the space.
arista-nemi are those with unbroken (arista) exteriors (nemi). They are neutral atoms, elements or compounds (as compared to taugryas which are charged or ions) whose outer shells are not broken. These get sprinkled abundantly all over the outer space due to action of nAsatya, the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons.
Summary of Rg Veda Sloka Mandala 1 Hymn 180
'nara' are charged particles (5). 'asva' are the photons that mediate electromagnetic field. asvins are the twin-headed 'ratha', the chariots that asva/photons drag everywhere along with them.
The electromagnetic field is twin-headed because every moving charge produces both electric field and magnetic field. The twin-headed ratha or electromagnetic field is moved easily by asva, the photons. Hence it is called suyamasa (easily regulated/controlled). This twin-headed electromagnetic field surrounds like a flood the minutest of atoms or even particles of dust. The minutest of atoms or particles of dust is called 'rajAmsi'. Asvins, the electromagnetic field, associated with the dawn of the Universe, drink away the madhu, the weak decaying force, that is present as moist in the wind. Madhu is the weak decaying force (1) and madhva are particles impacted by this weak decaying force.
These asvins, the electromagnetic field produced by particles, conquer or establish themselves between particles, if the particles are same charged (repel) or opposite charged (attract). They are always associated with Apa, the Electromagnetic interaction, which is like the 'Sister' of electromagnetic field. Apa, the electromagnetic interaction carries the 'vAja' the thunderbolt or electric discharge between particles.
The electromagnetic interaction between particles and the energy movement between the charged particles drinks away the Madhu, the weak decaying force (1) that decays the particles as the electromagnetic interaction evidently strengthens the binding between particles and causes evolution of larger and larger matter forms that are stabler and stabler.
Asvins, the electromagnetic field produce the 'juice' of brightness, that is fit for consumption for the growth the ancient/initial matter forms. By being inside havis (the matter that is sacrificed for evolution of larger matter forms) crooked/bent in different directions, enabling the consumption of havis, emitting light/shining, Asvins are oblations of the evolutionary sacrifice.
After the heat-filled, weak-force mixed Rsi Atri (the neutrino decoupling process) (6), asvins, the electromagnetic field chose not shattering to dust or destroy the particles, but out of the charged particles, desire the elements and compounds (groups of matter forms called Pazhu, the herds) which with each cycle of asvins, restrain the decay of particles as the groups of matter become larger and larger.
There are two types of asvins, dasra and nAsatya
Of both, the giving away, the one that begins, dasra, that arises/begins/multiplies goh/matter forms that evolve/earth, never worn out the taughryas. After accompanying these evolving matter forms great you both, both glowing glaze/fire, both axle/eye that binds those worthy of sacrifice
The dasra type of asvin is the one that begins the 'earth' (matter forms) and also multiplies the earth/matter forms. This dasra can give but it never wears out or reduces the taugryas, the energy present in the depths of asvin, the electromagnetic field. The dasra type of Asvins, the electromagnetic fields inside the atoms (earth) and between atoms, is the glowing fire, that become the axle/eye of those particles that bind together, sacrifice and evolves larger matter forms. Asvins bind those particles that are worthy of sacrifice or that can bind together and evolve into larger matter forms.
Tugra means strongly (tu) seizing/capturing (gra). Aurobindo calls tugra (forcefully hastening). Tugra is the bond between particles seized/captured by asvins or the electromagnetic field.(gra means capture/seize).
All matter and biological forms are caused by this electromagnetic bond (Tugra) between atoms and inside the atoms.Taugryas or the 'derivatives of Tugra' are the energies dissolved in these electromagnetic fields that bind the matter or biological forms.
The dasra type of asvin, that begins/multiplies the earth/evolving matter forms does not worn out/decay this energy in the electromagnetic bonding.
Dasra, the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons between the charged particles like protons and electrons of elements and compounds, becomes the axle/eye of those matter forms that bind together, worthy of evolutionary sacrifice.
'dasra' is one type of Asvin, the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons between atoms, elements and compounds. The energy in this electromagnetic field is never worn out. Rather it binds all electromagnetically impacted particles, becoming the axle of that binding (producing larger and larger matter forms).
When these asvins in millions pour out by their inherent power, they create the complete bodies out of pressured molecular clouds that learn, greatly giving out thunderbolt/electric discharge that follows the vows/rules.
There are two aspects of a force-field when it impacts something. The first one is the 'force' or 'push' that it creates on something. It is the cause. The second one is the 'flux' or effect that it creates on that something.
The force (Cit) and flux (dhI) from the 'Satya', the eternal existence is transacted by the Asvins. By raining near the matter forms, they flawlessly deposit that force and flux of that eternal existence on matter forms.
For eg. Voltage is the Push or force of electric field, which is the cause. Current, the flow of electrons in a conductor is the flux or the effect of the electric field.
The resistance to the voltage or force of electric field is the Capacitance. The resistance to the flux or current of electric field is the inductance.
The push or force is the 'Cit' which is translated as 'Consciousness'. Consciousness is the 'Cause' or force behind the biological beings. The flux or effect is the 'dhI' , which is translated as 'thoughts'. Thoughts are the 'Effect' that arises due to the force of consciousness on biological beings.
For eg. in brain, between neurons there is a resting electromagnetic potential (of -70 mv) at which there is no flow between the neurons or there is no force acting or no signaling taking place. When this potential difference drops to 0 mv and even reverses to a +30mv due to build up of charges on one side, an action potential manifests, which is the 'force' or the consciousness that manifests. This action potential results in a flow of ions or current between the neurons and thus some signaling takes place between them or a thought manifests. The action potential is the force or 'cit'. The signaling is the effect or the 'dhI'.
This force (cit) and flux (dhI) is applicable to every force-field. But the Cit/force and dhI/flux of asvins/electromagnetic field create all the matter forms, biological forms and also serve as the 'ratha' or vehicle of 'consciousness' that we observe in biological beings.
Both force flux of the asvins wins over the force-field-less empty space, producing currents of energy. The charged particles with 'potted' nucleus repeats of which now builds up innumerously.
nAsatyas are electromagnetic field mediated by real photons, that travel through the space (simply put light). When these nAsatya (the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons) are carried swiftly through molecular clouds, like the hotr of manuSya, who invoke the Yajna/sacrifice, the molecular clouds themselves adopt to radiating asva/light and invoke asva/light out of themselves. Due to impact of electromagnetic radiation on molecular clouds, molecular clouds start producing light themselves, leading ot production of variety of materials.
nAsatya are the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons. The molecular clouds 'learn' the electromagnetic radiation and in turn produce light. These invoke the evolutionary sacrifice of molecular clouds, like the 'hotrs' of a yajna invoke/start a yajna.
We invoke now the heap/multitude/collection of asvins, which newly awaken easy paths to matter forms with fully/sufficiently unbroken exteriors in the outer space and sprinkle these 'settlements' abundantly. (settlements on which further evolution takes place).
As nAsatyas (the electromagnetic field caused by real photons/asva travelling through space), the ionizing electromagnetic field travel swiftly through molecular clouds, multitude of these ionizing radiations newly awaken paths to those with unbroken exteriors. sprinkling them abundantly in the outer space.
arista-nemi are those with unbroken exteriors. They are neutral atoms, elements or compounds (as compared to taugryas which are charged or ions). These get sprinkled abundantly all over the outer space as settlements for further evolution due to action of asvins, both dasra and nAsatya.
For detailed translation of Rg Vedic Sloka Mandala 1 Hymn 180
In the past few chapters, we went through
1. Force-fields (Scalar Higgs/Vishnu, Vector/Chakra, Spinor/Conch) (1)
2. Fundamental Particles (Panchajana/Five particle types, ChaturSana/Four right-handed particles) (2)
3. Interactions (Soma/strong, Madhu/Weak, Apa/Electromagnetic) (3)
4. Charges ( Vaishravana/Color, kAla/Weak, Yama/Electric) (3)
5. Composite Particles (Sura/Nucleons, Asura/Non-nucleons, Rakshasa/Vector and Pseudo-scalar mesons and Yaksa/Scalar and Pseudo-vector mesons) (4)
6. Concepts of Chirality, Helicity etc (4)
Let's understand Asvins as in the Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 180
'Executive Summary' of Rgveda Mandala 1 Hymn 180
asva are the 'photon's, the 'quanta' or packets of energy in light or electromagnetic radiation or those that mediate the electromagnetic field. asvins are the twin-headed electromagnetic field (electric and magnetic field) that follows the photons.
If the photons (that mediate the electromagnetic field) are asva, the horses, then ratha or chariot that follows the horses/asva are the asvins, the twin-headed electromagnetic field. Asvins are twin-headed because they cause electric and magnetic field. Apa, the electromagnetic interaction (often described as 'celestial waters') is the 'sister' (svasa) of Asvin. vAja are the thunderbolt, the discharge of energy in electromagnetic field.
Asvins, the electromagnetic field are inside havis (the matter that is sacrificed for evolution of larger matter forms) crooked/bent in different directions, enabling the consumption of havis, emitting light/shining. Thus asvins (electromagnetic field) are oblations of the evolutionary sacrifice.
There are two types of Asvins. The dasra and the nAsatya
Dasra is the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons (virtual horses/asva) inside atoms and between any matter forms.Tugra is the binding caused inside atoms and between atoms in matter forms by asvins, the electromagnetic field (gra means capture/seize). The energy in this binding are the Taugras. The dasra, the electromagnetic field betwen atoms and inside atoms does not 'wear out the taugryas', does not reduce the energy between the atoms. Rather, dasra binds all the electromagnetically impacted particles, becoming the axle of that binding, producing larger and larger matter forms.
There are two aspects of a force-field when it impacts something. The first one is the 'force' or 'push' that it creates on something. It is the cause. It is called 'Cit' The second one is the 'flux' or effect that it creates on that something. It is called 'dhI'.
The asvins, the electromagnetic field has force (cit) and flux (dhI). The force is the cause. Flux is the effect. The push or force is the 'Cit' which is translated as 'Consciousness'. Consciousness is the 'Cause' or force behind the biological beings. The flux or effect is the 'dhI' , which is translated as 'thoughts'. Thoughts are the 'Effect' that arises due to the force of consciousness on biological beings.
(For eg. in brain, between neurons there is a electromagnetic resting potential (of -70 mv) at which there is no flow between the neurons or there is no force acting or no signaling taking place. When this potential difference drops to 0 mv and even reverses to a +30mv due to build up of charges on one side, an action potential manifests, which is the 'force' or the consciousness that manifests. This action potential results in a flow of ions or current between the neurons and thus some signaling takes place between them or a thought manifests. The action potential is the force or 'cit'. The signaling is the effect or the 'dhI'.).
nAsatya is the electromagnetic field that is caused by real photons that radiate through the space. When asvins, the electromagnetic field travel swiftly/transiently through molecular clouds they produce photons/light (asva) by themselves. Such asvins are the nAsatya. The electromagnetic field of radiations produce newer materials with unbroken exteriors out of molecular clouds and sprinkle them abundantly all over the space.
arista-nemi are those with unbroken (arista) exteriors (nemi). They are neutral atoms, elements or compounds (as compared to taugryas which are charged or ions) whose outer shells are not broken. These get sprinkled abundantly all over the outer space due to action of nAsatya, the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons.
Summary of Rg Veda Sloka Mandala 1 Hymn 180
'nara' are charged particles (5). 'asva' are the photons that mediate electromagnetic field. asvins are the twin-headed 'ratha', the chariots that asva/photons drag everywhere along with them.
The electromagnetic field is twin-headed because every moving charge produces both electric field and magnetic field. The twin-headed ratha or electromagnetic field is moved easily by asva, the photons. Hence it is called suyamasa (easily regulated/controlled). This twin-headed electromagnetic field surrounds like a flood the minutest of atoms or even particles of dust. The minutest of atoms or particles of dust is called 'rajAmsi'. Asvins, the electromagnetic field, associated with the dawn of the Universe, drink away the madhu, the weak decaying force, that is present as moist in the wind. Madhu is the weak decaying force (1) and madhva are particles impacted by this weak decaying force.
These asvins, the electromagnetic field produced by particles, conquer or establish themselves between particles, if the particles are same charged (repel) or opposite charged (attract). They are always associated with Apa, the Electromagnetic interaction, which is like the 'Sister' of electromagnetic field. Apa, the electromagnetic interaction carries the 'vAja' the thunderbolt or electric discharge between particles.
The electromagnetic interaction between particles and the energy movement between the charged particles drinks away the Madhu, the weak decaying force (1) that decays the particles as the electromagnetic interaction evidently strengthens the binding between particles and causes evolution of larger and larger matter forms that are stabler and stabler.
Asvins, the electromagnetic field produce the 'juice' of brightness, that is fit for consumption for the growth the ancient/initial matter forms. By being inside havis (the matter that is sacrificed for evolution of larger matter forms) crooked/bent in different directions, enabling the consumption of havis, emitting light/shining, Asvins are oblations of the evolutionary sacrifice.
After the heat-filled, weak-force mixed Rsi Atri (the neutrino decoupling process) (6), asvins, the electromagnetic field chose not shattering to dust or destroy the particles, but out of the charged particles, desire the elements and compounds (groups of matter forms called Pazhu, the herds) which with each cycle of asvins, restrain the decay of particles as the groups of matter become larger and larger.
There are two types of asvins, dasra and nAsatya
Of both, the giving away, the one that begins, dasra, that arises/begins/multiplies goh/matter forms that evolve/earth, never worn out the taughryas. After accompanying these evolving matter forms great you both, both glowing glaze/fire, both axle/eye that binds those worthy of sacrifice
The dasra type of asvin is the one that begins the 'earth' (matter forms) and also multiplies the earth/matter forms. This dasra can give but it never wears out or reduces the taugryas, the energy present in the depths of asvin, the electromagnetic field. The dasra type of Asvins, the electromagnetic fields inside the atoms (earth) and between atoms, is the glowing fire, that become the axle/eye of those particles that bind together, sacrifice and evolves larger matter forms. Asvins bind those particles that are worthy of sacrifice or that can bind together and evolve into larger matter forms.
Tugra means strongly (tu) seizing/capturing (gra). Aurobindo calls tugra (forcefully hastening). Tugra is the bond between particles seized/captured by asvins or the electromagnetic field.(gra means capture/seize).
All matter and biological forms are caused by this electromagnetic bond (Tugra) between atoms and inside the atoms.Taugryas or the 'derivatives of Tugra' are the energies dissolved in these electromagnetic fields that bind the matter or biological forms.
The dasra type of asvin, that begins/multiplies the earth/evolving matter forms does not worn out/decay this energy in the electromagnetic bonding.
Dasra, the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons between the charged particles like protons and electrons of elements and compounds, becomes the axle/eye of those matter forms that bind together, worthy of evolutionary sacrifice.
'dasra' is one type of Asvin, the electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons between atoms, elements and compounds. The energy in this electromagnetic field is never worn out. Rather it binds all electromagnetically impacted particles, becoming the axle of that binding (producing larger and larger matter forms).
When these asvins in millions pour out by their inherent power, they create the complete bodies out of pressured molecular clouds that learn, greatly giving out thunderbolt/electric discharge that follows the vows/rules.
There are two aspects of a force-field when it impacts something. The first one is the 'force' or 'push' that it creates on something. It is the cause. The second one is the 'flux' or effect that it creates on that something.
The force (Cit) and flux (dhI) from the 'Satya', the eternal existence is transacted by the Asvins. By raining near the matter forms, they flawlessly deposit that force and flux of that eternal existence on matter forms.
For eg. Voltage is the Push or force of electric field, which is the cause. Current, the flow of electrons in a conductor is the flux or the effect of the electric field.
The resistance to the voltage or force of electric field is the Capacitance. The resistance to the flux or current of electric field is the inductance.
The push or force is the 'Cit' which is translated as 'Consciousness'. Consciousness is the 'Cause' or force behind the biological beings. The flux or effect is the 'dhI' , which is translated as 'thoughts'. Thoughts are the 'Effect' that arises due to the force of consciousness on biological beings.
For eg. in brain, between neurons there is a resting electromagnetic potential (of -70 mv) at which there is no flow between the neurons or there is no force acting or no signaling taking place. When this potential difference drops to 0 mv and even reverses to a +30mv due to build up of charges on one side, an action potential manifests, which is the 'force' or the consciousness that manifests. This action potential results in a flow of ions or current between the neurons and thus some signaling takes place between them or a thought manifests. The action potential is the force or 'cit'. The signaling is the effect or the 'dhI'.
This force (cit) and flux (dhI) is applicable to every force-field. But the Cit/force and dhI/flux of asvins/electromagnetic field create all the matter forms, biological forms and also serve as the 'ratha' or vehicle of 'consciousness' that we observe in biological beings.
Both force flux of the asvins wins over the force-field-less empty space, producing currents of energy. The charged particles with 'potted' nucleus repeats of which now builds up innumerously.
nAsatyas are electromagnetic field mediated by real photons, that travel through the space (simply put light). When these nAsatya (the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons) are carried swiftly through molecular clouds, like the hotr of manuSya, who invoke the Yajna/sacrifice, the molecular clouds themselves adopt to radiating asva/light and invoke asva/light out of themselves. Due to impact of electromagnetic radiation on molecular clouds, molecular clouds start producing light themselves, leading ot production of variety of materials.
nAsatya are the electromagnetic field mediated by real photons. The molecular clouds 'learn' the electromagnetic radiation and in turn produce light. These invoke the evolutionary sacrifice of molecular clouds, like the 'hotrs' of a yajna invoke/start a yajna.
We invoke now the heap/multitude/collection of asvins, which newly awaken easy paths to matter forms with fully/sufficiently unbroken exteriors in the outer space and sprinkle these 'settlements' abundantly. (settlements on which further evolution takes place).
As nAsatyas (the electromagnetic field caused by real photons/asva travelling through space), the ionizing electromagnetic field travel swiftly through molecular clouds, multitude of these ionizing radiations newly awaken paths to those with unbroken exteriors. sprinkling them abundantly in the outer space.
arista-nemi are those with unbroken exteriors. They are neutral atoms, elements or compounds (as compared to taugryas which are charged or ions). These get sprinkled abundantly all over the outer space as settlements for further evolution due to action of asvins, both dasra and nAsatya.
For detailed translation of Rg Vedic Sloka Mandala 1 Hymn 180

Aditya Hrdayam Again - Part 62 - Asvins - Electromagnetic field
Background In the past few chapters, we went through 1. Force-fields (Scalar Higgs/Vishnu, Vector/Chakra, Spinor/Conch) (1) 2. Fundam...