I have given these on july and august 2012. but now I am not able to give them back here.in the sticky threads anthyesti anthim karyams in rituals ceremonies and pujas.-9 pages were there.
THEETU =UNCLEAN (IMPURITY) Unclean is of two kinds. One unclean state is when a child is born to our relatives. This is called VRIDHI in sanskrit.
The second is when some one dies the''unclean'' state which develop on the relatives. This is called 'KSHAYAM' in sanskrit. . Generally for both it is called aasowcham in sanskrit.
Vridhi means increase and kshayam means decrease. When consulting a priest in case of child birth one should ask ' How many days vridhi is devolved on me and my family and not asowcham is devolved on us.
Our beliefs on the 'unclean' and 'clean 'states are based on the functioning of various microcopic organisms not visible to our eyes. This is akin to the aroma of as flower spreading to the surroundings , even though one cannot see the 'aroma' thru eyes.
Likewise all living beings transmit their aura to their surroundings and this is also confirmed by Ayurveda system of treatment. The 'unclean' state devolving on one person also get spread to others due to body contact, breath,eating together and sleeping together. and similar reasons.You can see your aura through KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY.
one should not consider these things as superstitions. One should not also seek for scientific proof for all these assertions , but follow with reverance and enjoy the benefits bestowed on us by divine Beings. One must also remember that our "maharishis' are realised beings, who have transcended the physical, will only say what is beneficial to human beings.
Our sastras indicate that the observance of theetu for the deceased will satisfy the deceased's jeevan and will enable it to get a good status in the astral plane.
For son= death of parents 10 days unclean. and also on 11th 12 th day during function time only theetu.
10 days daayaadhi= sapindargal. 10days daayaadhi 's death= ten days unclean. From the day you hear the news upto 10th day.
For one person; 10 days pangaali= daayaadhi 's male child expires after 6 years 10 days unclean whether poonal is over or not.
For the daughter's son; for the death of mother's father or mother 3 days unclean.
For the death of mother's brother or maamaa 3 days unclean .
For son-in-law; Father -in law or mother-in law death 3 days unclean.
For the son; of a woman elder or younger =for the death of chithi or periamma 3 days unclean.
marumaanukku; athai death 3 days unclean.
for the brother; death of a sister after her marriage 3 days unclean.
For the father ;death of daughter after her marriage 3 days unclean.
maamaavukku; maruman death of a sister's son after upanayanam 3 days unclean.
For grand father; death of daughter's son after upanayanam 3 days unclean.
for one person ;3 days pangaali death 3 days unclean.
For the son; who had been adopted by a third person 3 days unclean for his own father or mother.
For one person; ten days pangaali's son death from 3 to 6 years of age 3 days unclean.
Amman seykku (maamaa 's son); athai's son or daughter (athan, athangal) death one and half days unclean.
Athai's son (athanukku); maamaa son or daughter death ( Amman sei, ammangar) one and half days unclean.
maamaavirku; death of maruman or marumal after 3 years of age one and a half days unclean.
For a person; death of mother's sister's daughter or son after marriage one and a half days unclean.
For a person; death of mother,s sister's husband (elder or younger) one and a half days unclean.
for a grand father; death of daughter's daughter or son( death after 3 years of age) or son's daughter one and half days unclean.
Father's second wife 's; maamaa, chithi, periamma, sister's son or daughter, etc one day unclean.
for the death: brother-in-law one day unclean (machinan) machini death only snaanam.
For a person; within 3 generation ,s pangaali 's daughter's death,of below six years of age one day unclean.
For a widower; death of MIL or FIL (without children) one day unclean.
For a person; death of a 10 days pangaali's son, age between 6months to 6 years of age one day unclean.
For the father in law, death of son in law only snaanam.
For the machinan, death of elder or younger sister's husband snaanam only.
For marumaan, death of athai's husband snaanam only. machini death only snaanam.
For a person: death of co-brother (shuddagar) wife of athan (aththan madhani), maamaa son's wife, chithi's daughter- in law etc snaanam only.
Upto 7 generations 10 days unclean is there. EXAMPLE: sri raman(1) 7 generations. SRI RAMAN's Father :subramanian; father's father krishnan: father's grand father srinivasan; father of grand father narayanan; grand father of grand father kesavan; father's grand father's grand father madhavan.
After 7th generation 3 days unclean; For all birth and death in this 7 generations example sriraman is having 10 days unclean.... 3 days unclean for gents; Death of mother's father,mother's mother; for mother's brother; mother's brother wife(mama,mami) for son -in-law mother-in-law and father-in-law;
For the death of mother's sister ; father's sister; sister's son; For daughter's son ;for three days pangaaligal (daayaadhi) males after upanayanam; daughters after marriage ;sister; brother; adopted boy's parents; parents of the boy who had given their son for adoption to somebody; from 25 th month to 72 month of age for ten days daayaadhi sons the ten days dhayaadhis 3 days unclean; from 7th year before marriage ten days dayadhi's daughter for ten days dayadhi group only 3 days unclean;
one and half days unclean for gents: Father's sister's son /daughter;Mother's sister's son/daughter; sister's daughter; For the death of sister's married daughter chithappa and periappa is having 1 1/2 days unclean; for the death of chithappa or periapppa daughter chithappavin son 1 1/2 days theetu;for daughter's daughter death for grand father 1 1/2 days theetu;
for the death of daughter's son for grand father 1 1/2 days theetu; for the death of nephew after 3 years of age
(sister's son) maamaa is having 1 1/2 days theetu
one and half days=36 hours. two nights one day time or 2 day time and one night time If you hear the news after meals in day time take starving upto night and take a bath theetu will go.
ONE DAY UNCLEAN FOR GENTS; For the first mother's son theetu for one day to the death of his father's second wife's brother, sister,daughter; this chithi's chithappa and periappa's daughter; sister's daughter', parents of this chithi; athai; athai's son and daughter;
for the group of ten days pangaaligal to the death of un married daughter/son of their pangali group from the age of 25 th month to 72 months.
one day theetu
Nithyavidhi karma has to be started soon after cremation and the stone is placed /held on the ground earth the same day.consequent to this jeevan stays on that place ,eats the food every day, conveys its blessings.
Those who are unable to do so on the day of cremation, the sastras allows one to start the ceremony on odd numbers day; 3rd;5th;7th;9th.and perform all the karmas together with those, due from the first day.
Nithya vidhi has to be done on the banks of a pond or river, canal, well, within the limits of that village and/or near the house entrance. This is called thadaaga theera kundam.
In a similar fashion at the sitout or entrance of the kartha's house, a tent is erected and the kartha burries 3 small karungal stones. This is called Grahadwara kundam.
This process of performing tharpans and pinda dhaanam at both the places is called Nithyavidhi. According to sastras , the Jeevan's heat due to cremation , hunger and thirst are lessoned.
Duties of sons: perform the karma with absolute commitmrnt and sincereity; fasting when required and uttering the manthras with reverence.The kartha while performing the karma should recall the good deeds of the deceased , control anger against others and sacrificing your personal work; The eldest son must perform the karmas and the younger sons do, benefit fully, just being there with the eldest son.
Due to circumstances if the eldest son cannot arrive there in time , the next younger son can do the karma.
DUTIES OF THE DAUGHTER. Daughters of the deceased should take part in the nithya vidhi by remaining pious and clean. They should prepare the havis (cooked rice) and make it into a ball shape-pindam to be offered daily in thr graha kundam.
Remaining clean means the daughter should bath and with wet clothes wrapped around them they should cook the havis. Gas stove should be avoided for preparing this havis. should not use eversilver utensils. use charcoal or fire wood, use brass sombu; brass karandy. brass plate to cover this.
Havis preparation should be done near the house kundam tent. Then after the pindam offering is over the aduppu/or kumutty and brass pot,brass karandy and brass plate should be cleaned and kept near the tent. the same pot should be used for ten days.
SMIRITIS says that the jeevan accepts with pleasure only the havis prepared by daughter.. If the deceased have no daughters then the son, daughter -in-law , paternal lineage chithappa or periappa daughter can do this havis.
Daughters will prepare idly dosa and with chutney it will be distributed to the neighbours and relatives on the 7th day. on 13nth day and on tenth day daughters used to prepare aval pori urundai and sweets and it will be distributed to all.
Our human being has been created out by five elements water, fire,air, earth and aakaasam.in different proportions. To experiance hapiness /grief we reqiure body. by through sense organs perceive this happines or sorrow. When person dies the body gets cremated.but the jeevan which was in the body which is called Soul or Athman or Jeevan has to go to swarga or naraka depending upon good and bad deeds performed through the body.
To traverse the jeevan to paralokha requires a body and now a new body is created and through this body the jeevan has to sent to paraloka. Our sastras and maharishis thru their meditative power have elobarated, methods on how to create a new body structure for the jeevan to use after its death.
The symbolic body structure is created thru manthras , offering of pindas , vasodhakam and thilothakam done as part of daily samskarams.Gothra of the deceased person must be mentioned. The pinda or rice ball made by the daughter is offered as vehicle to form the virtual body,
Rushyasringa maharishi says on the 10 th day the jeevan gets urge for food and happiness.Some scientists explain Jeevan (energy) is formed with five elements combined in the body. This is compared to the bright red colour that is obtained when betel;nuts and calcium are chewed in the mouth, In similar fashion jeevan energises the five elements to form a body and makes that body to function.
prepare the havis for pindam and add some ghee, keep it in northen side . then once agin some ghee now.In the graha kundam place in the south west place clean the place with cow dung and by having left leg mutty pottu kondu place some dharbhai on the floor facing south and pour some ellu and water with manthras take egg size or bigger than that add ellu and water on the pindam and offer it to the pretha sareeram
Again pour some water and ellu over the pinda for morning and one for evening.Then wash the brass vessal ( used to make havis) with water and pour some ellu and keep the pindas in the brass vessal and go to a river or pond stand facing south throw away the pindam in the river by your backside and have snaanam and come back to house.
On all the 10 days throw the pindas in water in the same place. Keep some old dhoty/saree which were used by the dead person above the tent. Keep one tender coconut daily near the graha kundam; keep water in the graha kundam in a brass vessel; decorate the tent with coconut flowers and coconut tree leaves pachai keethu.
Buy one mud pot make a hole at the bottom put water on it and place it in the graha kundam in the maner by which drops of water be poured on the graha kundam. on all the ten days. pour water in the mud pot daily in the morning and evening.
THere are songs which in olden days some seventy years ago some old women paid for this to cry in the grahakundam in the evening after lighting a lamp they used to cry by telling some songs.
one lamp in the graha kundam must be there along with oil and thiri for ten days. lamp must burn all the 24 hours on all these ten days. hurricane lamp or bed room lamp must be there,
TENTH DAY: Pangalis= gyathikal may have shaving or whole body shaving and must do with wet cloth and only one cloth and with one dharbhai pavithram 30 vaasodhagam and 75 thilothgam by facing south in the nadhi dheera kundam. If the 10th day falls on friday they can have their shaving on thursday itself. for kartha he must have shaving only on 10th day.
Even 10 days is over they have to do tharpanam and shaving.(pangaalikal) Then kartha should take bath for 3 times and do 3 vasodhakam and 12 thilothagam in the river kundam and in the graha kundam vasodhagam and thilothagam ekothra vridhi sratham and charity prabootha bali should be done.
permission for doing prabootha bali and charity for thithi vaara star yoga dosha nivrithiyartham . near graha kundam odd number kolam. spread 2 yards dhoti nuni facing south and spread dharbhai nuni facing south.pour ellu and water on the dhoti and spread saltless savouries and cooked rice .Now pour ellu and water over it .
POur some water with ellu on the vessel prepared for cooked rice and do parishechanam anti clock wise place the vessal in the south upside down and do prokshanam and place the vessal in normal position and do namaskaram facing south. all family members of that family will put cooked rice in the prabootha bali.
then grahadwaara kundam uthaapanam with dosha parihaara arrtham charity.