Are men meant to be monogamous?
There are two schools of thought when it comes to men and monogamy. One says men are meant to stay with a single partner for life, and the other says that men are biologically predetermined to spread their seed as widely as possible.
Followers of the second theory explain the predominance of monogamous relationships - marriage, cohabiting, settling down and so on - in modern society as a consequence of religion and social convention rather than evolution. Men aren’t meant to be monogamous, they say, but are forced to be so by prevailing societal norms.
Now new research challenges that view, and suggests monogamy may have been part of human evolution after all. But can it really answer that thorny old question: are men meant to stay with the same partner for life?
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Are men meant to be monogamous?
There are two schools of thought when it comes to men and monogamy. One says men are meant to stay with a single partner for life, and the other says that men are biologically predetermined to spread their seed as widely as possible.
Followers of the second theory explain the predominance of monogamous relationships - marriage, cohabiting, settling down and so on - in modern society as a consequence of religion and social convention rather than evolution. Men aren’t meant to be monogamous, they say, but are forced to be so by prevailing societal norms.
Now new research challenges that view, and suggests monogamy may have been part of human evolution after all. But can it really answer that thorny old question: are men meant to stay with the same partner for life?
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Are men meant to be monogamous?