BBC News - 'Ugly Indians' clean up Bangalore
The Ugly Indians have a dare for the nation's cities.
Anonymity is a big attraction of the movement
"Show us one Indian city that can boast of one kilometre of clean street - with no open garbage dumps, no missing footpath slabs, no urine stench, no paan (betel leaf) stains on walls? Bangalore, we challenge you, is the only Indian city that now has 4km of streets clean from these four civic ills."
The Bangaloreans in the Ugly Indians civic group have spent every week of the past year trawling the city's central business district with face masks, gloves, buckets, broomsticks and mops.
Their mission is to "spot-fix" Bangalore, dirty street by dirty street, and has inspired the confidence to throw their "Ugliness Challenge" at other cities.
They choose small stretches each week to clean: pavements piled up with plastic, defaced walls, footpaths rendered unusable by potholes.
Here is the transformation they have done
In their own words,
Read more :BBC News - 'Ugly Indians' clean up Bangalore
An Anonymous Group Of People In Bangalore Is Doing Something Amazing. This Is Their Story.

The Ugly Indians have a dare for the nation's cities.
Anonymity is a big attraction of the movement
"Show us one Indian city that can boast of one kilometre of clean street - with no open garbage dumps, no missing footpath slabs, no urine stench, no paan (betel leaf) stains on walls? Bangalore, we challenge you, is the only Indian city that now has 4km of streets clean from these four civic ills."
The Bangaloreans in the Ugly Indians civic group have spent every week of the past year trawling the city's central business district with face masks, gloves, buckets, broomsticks and mops.
Their mission is to "spot-fix" Bangalore, dirty street by dirty street, and has inspired the confidence to throw their "Ugliness Challenge" at other cities.
They choose small stretches each week to clean: pavements piled up with plastic, defaced walls, footpaths rendered unusable by potholes.
Here is the transformation they have done

In their own words,
“ No activism, no lectures, no awareness drives, no moralizing. Just go out and do it.”
True to their motto, the group deliberately stays anonymous and avoids media hype and adulation. As the wise men say, “Media hype is like stepping onto dust. It gets into your eyes and distracts you from your goal”.
Read more :BBC News - 'Ugly Indians' clean up Bangalore
An Anonymous Group Of People In Bangalore Is Doing Something Amazing. This Is Their Story.