[h=1]Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: Blackberry may close hardware division next year[/h] October 9, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment Edit
The name Blackberry evokes the image of a fallen titan. A company that makes formidable phones, formidable software, but is plagued by the popularity of Android and iOS.
That’s why Blackberry is making the Priv, its first Android phone. it comes with Blackberry’s design chops and Google’s app ecosystem, giving perfect synergy.
However, Blackberry’s future rests on the Priv. If the Priv tanks (Less than 5 million in sales according to Blackberry), then there is the possibility of Blackberry pulling out of the hardware business, said John Chen, its CEO at the Code/Mobile event.
Specifically, he said that if hardware is not profitable. Blackberry would pull out and would focus on its software security solutions which are still highly regarded, although among a small niche.
What do you think? Is it best for Blackberry to drop hardware?

The name Blackberry evokes the image of a fallen titan. A company that makes formidable phones, formidable software, but is plagued by the popularity of Android and iOS.
That’s why Blackberry is making the Priv, its first Android phone. it comes with Blackberry’s design chops and Google’s app ecosystem, giving perfect synergy.
However, Blackberry’s future rests on the Priv. If the Priv tanks (Less than 5 million in sales according to Blackberry), then there is the possibility of Blackberry pulling out of the hardware business, said John Chen, its CEO at the Code/Mobile event.
Specifically, he said that if hardware is not profitable. Blackberry would pull out and would focus on its software security solutions which are still highly regarded, although among a small niche.
What do you think? Is it best for Blackberry to drop hardware?