Active member
Off late it is noticed that great amount of aggression is applied in postings by honorable members. Friends, we are here to share our views not force our views upon every other member. Members who read it may accept our views or remain neutral or even oppose it in case they don't find it to their liking. All of us enjoy the same amount of freedom of expression and share same amount of responsibility to keep the forum free of aggression. Whatever we are writing on the wall of this forum remains here only and don't think it grows anything beyond that. In case some of your views are opposed or objected by any member please try to treat it with due respect and accept if you feel the other member is right or press your points once again in an acceptable and polite manner. So much usage of choicest vocabularies not going to help any cause except increasing your own blood pressure. Let us all abide by the ceasefire regulations for peaceful existence of any forum and make life our moderator also peaceful.. Thank you all....