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Confusion about Vedic Soma Plant

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Soma was the famous plant used by the Vedic priests to make juice for the fire sacrifice. The whole of Ninth Mandala of Rig Veda (RV) is devoted to its praise. We have more references in other Mandalas too. The seers described Soma as the King of Herbs. They attributed divinity to it.
Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita praised Soma Juice. Two thousands year old Sangam Tamil Literature praised Soma Juice. Ninth century Tamil Copper plates praised Soma Juice. But foreign scholars sowed the seeds of doubts in the Indian minds. They dubbed it as hallucinative or psychotropic drug. They were very happy to dub the Vedic seers as drug addicts and drunkards. Indian Ph.D walas felt happier when they found some stuff to grind in their Mill of Falsehood. They wanted to get their Ph.D.s by hook or crook. Now, who should we believe?

Have we to believe Shankara and Sayana who purified them by drinking Go Mutra (cow’s urine) on the day of their baptism? Or Have we to believe pork and beef eaters who drank wine on the day of their baptism and use whisky and brandy after their meals every day as a routine? Have we to believe a set of seers who do not know what a drug is, what alcohol is or we have to follow whose generations were floating and swimming in alcoholic drinks and piping tobacco and opium polluting the earth?

Tamils praise for Somarasam
Ninth Century Copper Plates of Pandya King Paranthaka Veera Narayanan praised Kataka Somyaji of Somasikurichi village as one who drank Soma juice and purified himself. The impression that the Tamil and Sanskrit literature left in the minds of Hindus is Soma juice is a purifier; purifier of the mind.

‘’Somapana manosudhdha Kataka Somayaji’’

The other name of Soma is Pavamana meaning of which is that which flows, that which purifies.
Avvaiyar, the grand old lady of Tamil literature, praised a Choza king on the day of successful completion of Rajasuya Yagna by the great Choza king Rajasuyam vetta Peru Narkilli (Reference: Pura Nanuru verse 367). Not only she praised the Cholza king, but also was extremely happy to see the three great Tamil kingdoms united under one banner. She saw the great Pandya and Chera kings along with the Choza king and greeted them to live longer like this. Tamils were a fighting race. They killed one another just to show heroism. But the poetess did not like war mongering kings. Rajasuyam is called Rajasuyam because the king/Raja presses the King of the Plants- Soma and drinks it. So Tamils used Soma rasam (Juice) 2000 years ago.

Krishna’s View on Soma plant
Krishna gave qualified support for Soma drinking. It won’t take you to your final goal of Mukti, but gives the joy of Indra Loka, says Krishna.
In Bhagavad Gita (9-20), he says,
‘Trividya mam somapah putapap……….’
Meaning : the knowers of the three Vedas who drink the Soma juice are cleansed of sin, worshipping Me with sacrifices, pray for the way to heaven they reach the holy world of Indra and enjoy the heavenly pleasures of the gods.


Sri Suktam also (verse 23) also glorified Soma Juice. ‘Let Indra drink Soma juice. Let the Devas who enjoyed drinking Soma juice give me enough wealth to do more Soma Yagas. It links Soma juice with Garuda, the eagle.

Soma is mythically reported to be brought by an eagle to the Vedic people, and even to their gods, from its place of origin:
Eagle/ Garuda reference: RV- I-80:2; 93-6; RV. III 43-7; IV 18-13, 26-4/7, 27-3/4; V-45-9; VI-20-6; VIIII-82-9; 100-8; IX 68-6, 77-2, 86-24, 87-6;X-11-4; 99-8;144-4/5.

The guardians of Soma tried to attack eagle and it escaped, according to Rig Veda(RV). Gandharvas also linked with the Soma plant in many verses. Mandalas of Kasyapa, Angirases and Bhrgus have more verses on Soma than others.

The Rig Veda and Avesta (Yasna Ceremony) agree on many points regarding Soma (Haoma plant).
Foreign scholars kept quiet about this Eagle-Soma link. They couldn’t explain it because it went against their views. Why should an eagle bring a plant? Eagle may even be a tribe’s name or their totem symbol.

Foreign scholars couldn’t explain another point as well. If it is an intoxicating drink why should they waste it by pouring it in to fire instead of fully consuming it? They did not explain why in the whole world only priests were drinking it? The herb sellers must have also used it and danced if it is an intoxicating drink.

Identification Confusion
Mr.Lassen identified it with Sarcostemma viminale or brevistigma, Mr Roth with Sarcostemma acidum, Mr George Watt with Afgan grape, Mr.Rice with sugarcane, Mr.Max Muller with a species of hop. Mr.Hillebrandt said that it was unidentifiable.

What we know from the Vedic literature is the colour of the shoots was brown, it grew on Mujavant mountain. it was purchased from the Gandharvas or hill tribes. They soaked it in water and pressed it for juice and filtered it. The Vedic seers mixed it with milk and drank it. Since it was difficult to get, they used alternate plants. If it was really an intoxicating one, they would have found many alternates. None of the ones we knew of intoxicating.
Prof.N.A.Quazilbash and Dr C.G.Kashikar Identified Soma with Ephedra. If it is really Ephedra, lots of other plants with the chemical Ephedrine are available even today and they would have used them as alternates. This plant is known as Uma in certain parts of the world and that is the basis for this identification!

R. Gordon Wasson identified Soma with a mushroom known as Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) used in Siberian Shamanism.
Whenever foreign scholars got stuck up and could not give reasonable explanation they simply hid behind something else. If they couldn’t find anything to support their theories they simply dubbed them as outside the Vedic tribes. Vedic deity Tvastr was linked with the far away areas of soma plant. Hillebrandt escaped by saying Tvastr came from outside the Vedic Tribes.

Sura and Soma
Hieratic Soma is eulogised by Bramana literature
Alcoholic Sura is always denounced.
Satapata Brahmana remarks,” Soma is truth, prosperity and light; sura is untruth, misery or vice and darkness ( S.B. 5-1-2-1-10)

“satyam sri jyotih somah, anrtam, papma tamah sura”.
A Brahmana is enjoined not to drink Sura (wine) because it is unpropitious for him (S.B.12-8-1-5)
By drinking wine one becomes violent in temper (SB 12-7-3-20)
Tatriya Brahmana compares Soma with men and Sura with women.
Latest interpretation on Indus seals identifies the Stand in front of animals in the seals as soma juice filter.

Books for further reading: Identification of Soma by Dr.C.G Kashikar,Pune, 1990; The Rig Veda- A Historical Analysis—Shrikant G.Talageri, New Delhi, 2000; Life in Brahmana Period.
Dear Sri Swaminathan,

I enjoy reading your meaningful and insightful inputs. What a great relief from the hordes of egoistic shallow posts that abound here. I learn a lot from your posts. Keep up the good work!

Incidentally, is it possible to identify Soma in current botanical terms. Ayahuasca (Ayawaska) is a medicinal plant in Peru that is hallucinogic. This is smoked. Di Methy Tryptamine is the active ingredient that is similar to endorphins ( endogenously produced in the body to give a high ) But the question is why did the ancients do homam with Soma?


Vish Iyer MS FRCS
Dear Prasad

That is correct. But I still wonder what caused that rivalry.Ego?
When we call a person Deva, they say Asura. Why?
But linguistically, Zoroaster and his Avesta fall into 6th or 8th century BC.

Kanchi Paramacharya says Zoroaster was from Saurashtra.
Saurashtra got corrupted into Zoraster.
He made this as a passing remark in one of his talks, but did not elaborate.

When the Parsees came to India several centuries ago, they came only to Gujarat (Saurashtra).
Probably that was the reason for Paramacharya's remark.
I am also posting what Maha Peryava had mentioned about Soma.

இப்போது ஒரு மருந்தைப் பரீக்ஷிப்பது என்பதற்காக லாபரிட்டரிகளில் எத்தனை ஜீவன்களைக் கொல்கிறார்கள்? இப்படியே ஒரு பெரிய க்ஷேமத்துக்காகச் சின்ன ஹானியையும் உண்டாக்கலாம் என்றே யக்ஞங்கள் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. வாஸ்தவத்தில் ஹானியும் இல்லை; அந்தப் பசு ஸத்கதி பெறுகிறது என்பதே நம்பிக்கை.
இன்னொரு புரளி, ஸோம யாகம் என்று சொல்லிக்கொண்டு ஸோமரஸம் குடித்தது மதுபானம் மாதிரிதான் என்பது. ஸோமரஸம் போதைப் பொருள் அல்லவே அல்ல. அது intoxicating அல்ல. " அர்த்த வாதம் " என்கிற முறையில், மிகைப்படப் பேசும்போது, வேதத்தில் ஒரிடத்தில், இந்திரன் ஸோமரஸத்தால் மதமடைந்து சத்ருவதம் பண்ணினான் என்று வருவதை வைத்துக் கொண்டு இப்படிக் குயுக்தி பண்ணுகிறார்கள். தேவ சரீர தத்வமே மநுஷ்ய தர்மங்களுக்கு மாறானது. அது மட்டுமின்றி, ரித்விக்குகள் ஏதோ பாட்டில் பாட்டிலாகவோ மொந்தை மொந்தையாகவோ குடித்த மாதிரிப் பேசுவது அடியோடு விஷயம் தெரியாத பேச்சு. ஒரு யாகத்தில், உரல் மாதிரியான ரூபத்தில் ரொம்பவும் செய்ய வேண்டும், அதில் மீறுவதை ‘ஹத சேஷம் ' என்று சாப்பிட வேண்டும் என்ற சட்டம் இருக்கிறது. இம்மாதிரி ஒரு யாகத்தில் துளிதுளியாக செய்கிற ஸோம பானத்தையெல்லாம் சேர்த்தால்கூட ஒரு அவுன்ஸுக்குமேல் வராது. இப்படிச் சாப்பிட்டு எவரும் மயக்க மடைந்தததும் கிடையாது. ஸோமரஸம் என்பது அப்படியன்றும் ருசியாக இருக்கவும் இல்லை என்கிறார்கள்.
ஸோம பானத்தை அந்தக் காலத்து காபி என்று சிலர் வியாக்யானம் பண்ணிவிட்டார்கள். ஸோம ரஸம் உண்டாக்குகிற ஸந்தோஷத்தைப் பற்றி வேத மந்திரங்கள் இருப்பதால் இப்படி தப்பர்த்தம் பண்ணிவிட்டார்கள். காபி சித்த விருத்தியைக் கெடுக்கிற வஸ்து. ஸோம ரஸம் சித்த சுத்தியை உண்டாக்குகிற வஸ்து. இரண்டையும் ஒன்று என்பது கொஞ்சங்கூட பொருந்தாது அந்தக் காலத்தில் ஸம்ருத்தியாகக் கிடைத்து வந்த ஸோமலதை இப்போது கிடைப்பதே ரொம்பவும் அபூர்வமாகிக் கொண்டு வருகிறது. வேத தர்மங்கள், ஆசாரங்கள் எல்லாம் நசித்து வருவதற்கு ஏற்றாற்போல், ஸோம யாகங்களுக்கு ஜீவாதாரமாக இருக்கப்பட்ட கொடியும் க்ஷீணித்துக் கொண்டே வந்திருக்கிறது. ஸமீபத்தில் கொல்லங்கோடு ராஜா, ஸோமயாகம் எங்கே நடந்தாலும் அதற்கு ஸோமலதை கொடுப்பதென்று வைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தார். காபிக்கும் இந்த ஸோமலதைக்கும் ஒரு சம்பந்தமும் இல்லை.

Read more: D.Kural-2 - Jeeva Himsai Seiyalama - Part 2 | Kanchi Periva Forum

Thanks to periva.proboards for reproducing this from Deivathin Kuran Vol.2

Respects to all

Vish Iyer MS FRCS
Dear Vish Iyer

Thanks. I dont think that any one can identify Soma plant now. It must have become extinct long ago.
Tamil literature mentions Arundhati (Vashista's wife), Amruta and Indra at least in six places each using the Sanskrit word. But Soma has never been mentioned. Indirect reference comes through Rajasuyam. Later copper plates refer somayaji. Your identification is interesting. But how can we know that it was the one they used under the name Soma. We need some proof. If one goes through Ninth Mandala of RV and Avesta, one may know more. There is lot of scope for research.
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