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Well-known member
In continuance of my request to the moderators for dissuading members from discussing topics which carry on beyond the limits of substance, I give here one such topic which is a recurring theme and exists in almost every alternate thread. That oft recurring topic is 'caste system and brahmin superiority'. To see this and similar themes cropping up in various titles and guises is irritating to say the least and a waste of resources of all those involved in making this forum possible.

It is the responsibility of the senior members of the forum to set precedence while starting topics, bring up ones that need fresh perspectives. It is my experience that sensitive issues cannot be debated through reason, people who take sides invariably stick to their point of view and the discussions invariably ends in personal attacks. Sensitive people cannot be wished away from discussion but at least we can do something about the issues that are brought up.
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In continuance of my request to the moderators for dissuading members from discussing topics which carry on beyond the limits of substance, I give here one such topic which is a recurring theme and exists in almost every alternate thread. That oft recurring topic is 'caste system and brahmin superiority'. To see this and similar themes cropping up in various titles and guises is irritating to say the least and a waste of resources of all those involved in making this forum possible.

It is the responsibility of the senior members of the forum to set precedence while starting topics, bring up ones that need fresh perspectives. It is my experience that sensitive issues cannot be debated through reason, people who take sides invariably stick to their point of view and the discussions invariably ends in personal attacks. Sensitive people cannot be wished away from discussion but at least we can do something about the issues that are brought up.

Dear Shri Sravna,

In my view, the two topics caste system and brahmin superiority raise their heads very often because these are vitally linked to the past of this country; caste system may not be wiped of in the next 50 years even, but that is not the case with 'brahmin superiority' (BS).

I understand, when this BS term is used here, no one intends to say that each Brahmin - atleast each Tabra - lives with a load of superiority complex in his/ her head, but that due to the superiority enjoyed gratis for at least the past few generations, the preference for seclusion which probably might have driven our ancient Brahmins to the forests and hermitages - for simple living, high thinking and contemplation undisturbed by a populated town or village - became "exclusivity by force" in the later periods; that is living as an exclusive group in the midst of all people and all material luxuries, but claim and enforce restrictions on others (read other castes) disturbing (polluting) their exclusive areas- this can be likened to some of the very high security areas of today, in a way. Along with such living habits most Brahmans, even in the early decades of the twentieth century, possessed a high degree of a feeling of spiritual superiority; it is very common in personal conversations, even today, to hear some Tabra or the other, remark like என்னவெல்லாம் சொன்னாலும் நம் முன்னோர்கள் செய்த காயத்ரீ ஜபமும், பூஜையும், அவர்கள் பிராஹ்மண்யமும் இப்பவும் இருக்குமே {whatever may be said otherwise, the effect of the gaayatree japa, poojas done by (our) ancestors and their Braahmanya will definitely be there (with us)}. This notion is what I consider as the superiority we must consider now. It is a bogus claim, according to me. But when the topic is discussed the term brahmin superiority gets interpreted differently by different persons.
In continuance of my request to the moderators for dissuading members from discussing topics which carry on beyond the limits of substance, I give here one such topic which is a recurring theme and exists in almost every alternate thread. That oft recurring topic is 'caste system and brahmin superiority'. To see this and similar themes cropping up in various titles and guises is irritating to say the least and a waste of resources of all those involved in making this forum possible.

It is the responsibility of the senior members of the forum to set precedence while starting topics, bring up ones that need fresh perspectives. It is my experience that sensitive issues cannot be debated through reason, people who take sides invariably stick to their point of view and the discussions invariably ends in personal attacks. Sensitive people cannot be wished away from discussion but at least we can do something about the issues that are brought up.


i do not if what you are suggesting is feasible. the discussions of the forum take various hues depending on the time of the day and month ie there is no organized of predicting how a thread will turn out.

if we talk about caste or brahmin superiority, it is because somebody wants to comment on it. amazing, that even after so much persuasion to the contrary, there are folks here who have a chip on their shoulders re the 'superiority' of tambrams.

the honourable members can do what i do - most threads here i skip - because i do not know anything of the topic, i dislike the topic and i do not like the views of the thread starter. people do have options in this forum - stick to what interests you. and do not try to impose control or censor on what other members should discuss.
I too agree with Mr. Kunjuppu, to leave the choice to the individual member, to read or not, comment or not, pursue or not, any thread. But once some one decides to chip in, he or she must certainly stick to decorum, lest it should lead to another "An Open Letter to you all" from Mr. Praveen or a pull-up from one of the moderators. There is some thing good in everything it is said. "An Open Letter to you all" must have certainly opened the eyes of all to the dangers of uninhibited show of emotions and ego-clashes. We can all hope for the Forum to become a veritable "online library" of high standard for anybody and everybody to "peep" in and benefit by it.
ya individual can decide on answering or view
each topic given
to gain knowledge
there will something we share
Dear Members,

In the true democratic spirit, I suggest a solution to the problem. Any new thread may be allowed to start as usual. After getting the oppportunity of looking at the contents, members should be allowed to cast their vote as to whether they would be interested in the thread. If the number of such interests cross a certain cut-off the thread may be 'inducted' and the discussions allowed.

Also importantly , members may be given the opportunity to cast their votes when they feel the thread has lost its value, at some point after it started. Again a cut-of may be used to decide the discontinuance of the thread.

This solution makes sure that frivolous threads are not started and also threads which has lost currency are also not started. Again since the thread is constantly monitered by the members , it will not go out of course or control. I think this democratic set up will especially be effective in this forum due to its very knowledgeable members.
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While I very much appreciate the intention of Shri sravna, obviously to maintain a high standard for the contributions to the Forum, I wonder whether such a voting process will lead to a real enhancement or create other issues we have not bargained for. I think caution will be prudent here. In my opinion, the task of the moderators is essentially the same and they can themselves watch, monitor and veer a thread in the desired direction when something is felt amiss.
Dear Members,

In the true democratic spirit, I suggest a solution to the problem. Any new thread may be allowed to start as usual. After getting the oppportunity of looking at the contents, members should be allowed to cast their vote as to whether they would be interested in the thread. If the number of such interests cross a certain cut-off the thread may be 'inducted' and the discussions allowed.

Also importantly , members may be given the opportunity to cast their votes when they feel the thread has lost its value, at some point after it started. Again a cut-of may be used to decide the discontinuance of the thread.

This solution makes sure that frivolous threads are not started and also threads which has lost currency are also not started. Again since the thread is constantly monitered by the members , it will not go out of course or control.
I think this democratic set up will especially be effective in this forum due to its very knowledgeable members.

Many of the threads are cut and paste from other sources on the web. It is very difficult to have meaningful discussions on these as these are not the thoughts or ideas of the poster. Some times due this cut and paste technique you do find threads which go against the basic beliefs of Tamil Brahmins or even Indian Hindus for that matter.

Every forum including this have tried to curb the Cut and Paste artists.

How do you judge these threads?

The popularity of a thread does not in any way indicate its usefulness or relevance.

The viewer count goes up in all controversial articles.

These generate a lot of heat without throwing any light.

My 2 Cents.
How do you judge these threads?

The popularity of a thread does not in any way indicate its usefulness or relevance.

The viewer count goes up in all controversial articles.

These generate a lot of heat without throwing any light.

You have hit the nail on its head..
Many of the threads are cut and paste from other sources on the web. It is very difficult to have meaningful discussions on these as these are not the thoughts or ideas of the poster. Some times due this cut and paste technique you do find threads which go against the basic beliefs of Tamil Brahmins or even Indian Hindus for that matter.

Every forum including this have tried to curb the Cut and Paste artists.

How do you judge these threads?

The popularity of a thread does not in any way indicate its usefulness or relevance.

The viewer count goes up in all controversial articles.

These generate a lot of heat without throwing any light.

My 2 Cents.

Dear Shri Nacchinarkiniyan,

Members may use a number of yardsticks, usefulness being one of them. After all it is the interest in the discussions that sustains forums like this. A topic that degenerates to personal attacks I think will fall out of favour with the members
Many of the threads are cut and paste from other sources on the web. It is very difficult to have meaningful discussions on these as these are not the thoughts or ideas of the poster. Some times due this cut and paste technique you do find threads which go against the basic beliefs of Tamil Brahmins or even Indian Hindus for that matter.

Every forum including this have tried to curb the Cut and Paste artists.

How do you judge these threads?

The popularity of a thread does not in any way indicate its usefulness or relevance.

The viewer count goes up in all controversial articles.

These generate a lot of heat without throwing any light.

My 2 Cents.

Oops! posted again
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Dear Shri Sravna,

caste system may not be wiped of in the next 50 years even, but that is not the case with 'brahmin superiority' (BS).

I understand, when this BS term is used here, no one intends to say that each Brahmin - atleast each Tabra - lives with a load of superiority complex in his/ her head,
Feeling of superiority is not confined only to Brahmins. Jews consider themselves the "chosen ones", whites consider themselves superior to the rest; rajputs consider themselves valorous; even within the brahmin community each sub-group considers itself superior to rest. Nehru considered himself progressive and democratic and viewed many other fellow - Congressmen with near contempt.

Also there is very thin line that divides pride from haughtiness.

It is only a wishful thinking that it will go away by invoking reason. In fact past deeds of earlier generations (whether they are true are fanciful) creates expectations of certain behaviour, both desirable and undesirable in the following generations. The desirable and undesirables are twinned.

What can be asked is whether the "feeling of superiority" can be sublimated?
Many of the threads are cut and paste from other sources on the web. It is very difficult to have meaningful discussions on these as these are not the thoughts or ideas of the poster. Some times due this cut and paste technique you do find threads which go against the basic beliefs of Tamil Brahmins or even Indian Hindus for that matter.

Every forum including this have tried to curb the Cut and Paste artists.

How do you judge these threads?

The popularity of a thread does not in any way indicate its usefulness or relevance.

The viewer count goes up in all controversial articles.

These generate a lot of heat without throwing any light.

My 2 Cents.

Shri Nacchinarkiniyan,

C&P is not a bad thing, IMO. When one finds his views depicted in a blog, website like wikipedia or some article, it is easy to c&p portions from that; but the portion so posted must be relevant to the poster's pov.

Incidentally, I am interested to know why you are writing your name as நச்சிநார்கினியன் instead of as நச்சினார்க்கினியன்; any reason/s?
Actually I sort of forgot to mention another important point.

The question is why do some topics especially regarding caste arise again and again.

Most people are attracted to this site because it is called Tamil Brahmins.

Many of them have a particuar point of view as far as the Caste question is concerned. They feel it is unique. They are bursting to tell some one. So they start a new topic and express their views.

Though this has been discussed time and again this is bound to happen.

Caste is not the only topic. You check up Religion. Many of the topics are repetitive. Like Karma, Vedas etc.

About cut and paste it is not that it is always bad. Giving links to other informative/interesting articles does not come under this. I do agree that Cut and paste is O.K provided it represents the poster's point of view or substantiates his points.

About my signature. I do not know why I wrote it that way. Then I am too lazy to change it.
The question is why do some topics especially regarding caste arise again and again.
Most people are attracted to this site because it is called Tamil Brahmins.
Many of them have a particuar point of view as far as the Caste question is concerned. They feel it is unique. They are bursting to tell some one. So they start a new topic and express their views.
Though this has been discussed time and again this is bound to happen.


most people are getting attracted to this site is very much true.

but 99.5% members who actively post here are Tamil Brahmins or brahmins ,and only 0.5% or even less could be NB's here. still, why they are bursting out and throw mud on their own. this is what surprises me.
dear Mr. Nachinarkkiniyan!

Welcome back! I do not know much about you but judging from the very first post

after your re-entry, You must be as cool as your name suggests!

You are right sir, in stating that people clamor for the controversial topics rather

than the ones which imparts some knowledge-worldly or spiritual.

It has been that way all along. Just compare the audience for a film music

orchestra and that for a classical concert!

with warm regards,
Mrs. V.R. :pray2:
dear Mr. Nachinarkkiniyan!

Welcome back! I do not know much about you but judging from the very first post

after your re-entry, You must be as cool as your name suggests!

You are right sir, in stating that people clamor for the controversial topics rather

than the ones which imparts some knowledge-worldly or spiritual.

It has been that way all along. Just compare the audience for a film music

orchestra and that for a classical concert!

with warm regards,
Mrs. V.R. :pray2:

Thank you.

The problem with cut and paste is that many do not know the relevance of the particular article. I have been taking a look at some of the recent threads in religion. Some of the articles posted are rudimentary and/or contrary to facts. Some one likes an article and posts the article without finding out whether the article is based on some research or has something original to say.

About Spiritual/Religious articles, many of my earlier articles were hijacked.


Some of the others died out since no one was keen.


I stopped posting here because I was posting only on religious topics and there were not many takers for that.

Of course I had also posted some of the most controversial articles in this forum. But I am past that stage.

I shifted to another religious forum. But that forum closed down because of the heavy cost.

Now I am posting here again because this forum has a large number of members. And of course I have many friends here.

But even now I can not post on some of the topics here because this is basically a community forum. And articles like "Importance of Saranagathi in Bhakthi Yoga" and "Mantra Siddhi" etc. may not have any takers.

one of the reason, that many old timers might find a repetition of the same topics, is the addition of new members.

many start a thread, without going through the old threads, for which i don't blame them, as even i find them too onerous to go through the archives.

also with each discussion, i have found, that new elements are brought up, due to further progression of thought. :)

hope this explains somewhat for churning some of the old topics over and over again.

much regards..
But even now I can not post on some of the topics here because this is basically a community forum. And articles like "Importance of Saranagathi in Bhakthi Yoga" and "Mantra Siddhi" etc. may not have any takers.

dear Sir,

I for one am sure interested in such topics. I am sure that the others

will also develop interest slowly and steadily for the higher forms of

knowledge. How long can one be reading the same things over and

over again under different headings!

Looking forward to posts which are different form the others and which

will help all of us evolve spiritually. Even if one person is benefited

still it is worthwhile.

After all Bagavat Gita was spoken by Lord to only one person viz

Arjuna but those are the same words which are being heard by millions

of people ever since !

with warm regards,
Mrs. V.R. :pray2:
Dear Sri Nacchinarkiniyan Ji,

If I may say so, please do not refrain from posting on the topics you have mentioned. Professor Nara Ji has been posting a treatise on Sri Vaishnavism, which attracted a good audience.

Sri Nacchinarkiniyan,

I second Sri KRS on this. Please do post on the topics you have mentioned. I for one, will be extremely interested in reading about those topics.-

K. Kumar
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