There is no equality or justice in the true sense.
A tiger has to kill a dear to survive. Where justice or equality in that?
So even in nature there is no "justice" or "equality".
Humans try "socialism", "communism", "capitalism", and all other -ism to control the society.
In the olden days of hunter-gatherer, you needed a strong group to hunt bigger games, and to defend your group. So they set up all these -isms.
Communism has failed, socialist are dying breed.
In true capitalism, there is no mechanism to redistribute the wealth, except trough taxation. Government Taxes and doles out the combined wealth via subsidies, services, defense etc. It is a feeble attempt at best.
For true Justice, it must be totally transparent. Even our Karma theory is not Transparent.
From the days of “Jiski Lathi uski Bhains” (amounting to “He rules who carries a Baton/Stick”) the human societies grew into larger, somewhat better organized and more accountable administrative entities like Tribal bodies, Jamindaris, Kingdoms and Countries with the passage of time. Yet, all along the history of mankind, will of certain individuals has ruled over all their subjects till the concept of Democracy dawned-in and participation of masses in deciding their own future became fairly more transparent and visible. Although, it is true only for more enlightened, affluent and informed societies, while most democracies in third world are still governed like traditional Kings and Monarchs.