Janaki Jambunathan
Active member

PLAY IT A SONG: Playing music to the foetus could be used as a tool to offer additional inputs on its health. — Photo: The Hindu
As if there wasn't already enough to buy as an expectant parent — from prams to potties — a device has landed on the market which plays music into the womb from inside the vagina
But Abhimayu did not listen to Lullaby and what he listenend proved to be fatal!
It is said that when Subhadra was pregnant, Arjuna told her the technique to enter in Chakravyuha and child Abhimanyu listened in mother's womb. But before Arjuna would tell her the way to get out she fell asleep and the child could not listen to it. This is often quoted as an example on how much partial knowledge can be destructive to an individual and society.