A list of the most beautiful and fascinating mathematical identities are given here
Feel free to grade them in terms of their "beauty"
Of these, the pick of the mathematical community is the first identity - Euler's equation. It is often fondly referred to as "God's equation"
Here's a link devoted to this identity
Identities (14) and (15) belong to Srinivasa Ramanujan. Referring to the collection of such mathematical formulae from Ramanujan, the mathematician Watson commented, they ‘give me a thrill which is indistinguishable from the thrill which I feel when I enter the Sagrestia Nuova of Capelle Medicee and see before me the austere beauty’ of Michelangelo’s art works". Chandrasekhar calls it the ‘shuddering before the beautiful’.
Feel free to grade them in terms of their "beauty"

Of these, the pick of the mathematical community is the first identity - Euler's equation. It is often fondly referred to as "God's equation"
Here's a link devoted to this identity
Identities (14) and (15) belong to Srinivasa Ramanujan. Referring to the collection of such mathematical formulae from Ramanujan, the mathematician Watson commented, they ‘give me a thrill which is indistinguishable from the thrill which I feel when I enter the Sagrestia Nuova of Capelle Medicee and see before me the austere beauty’ of Michelangelo’s art works". Chandrasekhar calls it the ‘shuddering before the beautiful’.
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