Hi Everyone,
This is My first Post in this web site, Please Dont Mind if i have posted this thread in a different place than where it should belong to....
Wanted to post this in the thread of Free Tamil Daily Calendar as that thread is closed, have started a new one Someone had asked in that thread if there were any pages where you could find out the Important dates and Fasting days particularly for Hindu Religion and this web site which i browsed through had that information and this thread which i'm referring to also came in the same Search.
The Site Name is tamildinasaricalendar.com and it has the regular information like the Daily Calendar sheets and important dates apart from that i found the Monthly Calendar sheets which you find at home and which at a glance gives you the whole month days with importance and also Important days like you find in a calendar, Since i accessed this in the android phone wanted to let other members who are in the move and want to know something can just access it immediately.
The Site seems to be free and no logins, no registrations required, they have some good puja request also for members abroad.
This is not a promotion of any kind, just wanted to share the info on the thread and doing so.
This is My first Post in this web site, Please Dont Mind if i have posted this thread in a different place than where it should belong to....
Wanted to post this in the thread of Free Tamil Daily Calendar as that thread is closed, have started a new one Someone had asked in that thread if there were any pages where you could find out the Important dates and Fasting days particularly for Hindu Religion and this web site which i browsed through had that information and this thread which i'm referring to also came in the same Search.
The Site Name is tamildinasaricalendar.com and it has the regular information like the Daily Calendar sheets and important dates apart from that i found the Monthly Calendar sheets which you find at home and which at a glance gives you the whole month days with importance and also Important days like you find in a calendar, Since i accessed this in the android phone wanted to let other members who are in the move and want to know something can just access it immediately.
The Site seems to be free and no logins, no registrations required, they have some good puja request also for members abroad.
This is not a promotion of any kind, just wanted to share the info on the thread and doing so.