Preparing a blueprint to 'Indianise' education: Dinanath Batra
We must also hear what Batra has to say before swayed by the so called sickular media. Aren't we following british law - charge, argue the case and then hang the dog! Means judgement is already written. His observation on RSS must be understood by the thomases and not brand everyone supporting hindutva/bharateeyata as an RSS card carrying member. Incidentally, one of the earliest group to arrive and participate in the relief activities in - chennai central station blast, chennai building collapse, and pune land slide - are RSS volunteers. And the media studiously avoids exposing them.
Some excerpts from Batra's interview:
"Emboldened by the Gujarat government's move to make his books supplementary reading in state-run schools, in one of which he has mentioned that modernisation of education should not mean westernisation but Indianisation and has asked students to take pride in their religion and its symbols, Batra said some “like-minded” academicians are already working on the blueprint.
“We have set up a commission Bharatiya Shiksha Niti Aayog which is preparing the blueprint for the Indianisation of the education system,” Batra, who has been in the news lately, told IANS in an interview.
“It will take us three years to complete it and we will circulate it among people. Till now we have eight academicians in the commission and more will be included,” said Batra
Batrasaid: “Whatever is there in the NCERT book is not good. If the students readthese books, they will go astray.” “Filthy language, abuses, and most depressingly unconstitutional words like Chamar and Bhangi have been used in the Hindi books of the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training). Is it not distortion of Hindi language,” Batra asked.
“English poems (in Devanagri script) and Persian couplets in Hindi are there in the school books. It is a distortion of Hindi language,
Askedwhy India has been described as Akhand Bharat (United India) comprising Bhutan,Pakistan and Myanmar, among others, in one of his books, he flatly denied thisand said: “This is not part of my book.”
“I am sending a rejoinder to the newspapers that havespread canards,” Batra told IANS.
“Inever asked Gujarat government to include my books in schools curriculum. Theysought my permission to translate my books which I approved.”
Askedabout his association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), with whichthe Bharatiya Janata Party has close ideological and organisational links, hesaid: “When I was 10 years old, I participated in some of the activities of theRSS. It does not mean that I am part of the RSS.”