Wishing all fathers, would be fathers... Happy Father's Day..... 
Happy Father’s Day 2017: Wishes, Greetings, Quotes and Father’s Day WhatsApp Status and Facebook Messages
This Father's Day spoil your father and remind him how special he is and will always be.
The contribution of parents in an individual’s life cannot be fathomed. They invest themselves completely and ask for nothing in return. However, as we go about in life, immersing ourselves in everything it has to offer, we often tend to take them and their sacrifices for granted. It is only fitting then that a day is kept exclusively for them, to pamper them and also remind how special they are to us.
Following this, several counties across the world observe Father’s Day on the third Sunday in the month of June. A father’s contribution in his child’s life is tremendous, and this day seeks to celebrate his presence.
Here are some messages and greetings you can use to wish your father.
* Happy Father’s Day! You are the best Daddy in this huge world.
* On Father’s Day, I can’t help reflecting on all the things you’ve given me and lessons you’ve taught me over the years. Although time and distance may separate us, the man you are and the person you’ve made me never diminish. I hope you have a wonderful day, Dad.
* I can’t tell you what you mean to me, you’re my world Dad.
* You are the pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom to me, my Dad.
Read more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/li...ay-whatsapp-status-facebook-messages-4705926/

Happy Father’s Day 2017: Wishes, Greetings, Quotes and Father’s Day WhatsApp Status and Facebook Messages

This Father's Day spoil your father and remind him how special he is and will always be.
The contribution of parents in an individual’s life cannot be fathomed. They invest themselves completely and ask for nothing in return. However, as we go about in life, immersing ourselves in everything it has to offer, we often tend to take them and their sacrifices for granted. It is only fitting then that a day is kept exclusively for them, to pamper them and also remind how special they are to us.
Following this, several counties across the world observe Father’s Day on the third Sunday in the month of June. A father’s contribution in his child’s life is tremendous, and this day seeks to celebrate his presence.
Here are some messages and greetings you can use to wish your father.
* Happy Father’s Day! You are the best Daddy in this huge world.
* On Father’s Day, I can’t help reflecting on all the things you’ve given me and lessons you’ve taught me over the years. Although time and distance may separate us, the man you are and the person you’ve made me never diminish. I hope you have a wonderful day, Dad.
* I can’t tell you what you mean to me, you’re my world Dad.
* You are the pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom to me, my Dad.
Read more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/li...ay-whatsapp-status-facebook-messages-4705926/
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