Here comes help for flood-affected public libraries in Chennai
Mission accomplished: Public libraries in TN’s flood hit areas will not suffer
Floodwaters have receded from various parts of Tamil Nadu, but people’s generosity has not disappeared with it.
Close to two months after the alarming floods, people from across the country are still sending help; this time, to ensure that public libraries flourish once again.
Save Library campaign and Isha Foundation are together working to ensure that the public libraries have books to replace the ones that were damaged during the floods.
According some estimates, over three lakh books in libraries in the flood-hit areas were damaged, not to mention book racks and buildings.
See more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/here-comes-help-flood-affected-public-libraries-chennai-39540#sthash.FSWNwFAQ. pufd