Yet another article trying to create news about Hillary Clinton's candidacy and create buzz for their publication.
Three years is like several eons in political world - most of such analysis will prove inconsequential and forgotten by events.
A very large population in America never votes. Successful strategies tend to focus on which kind of voters will turn up to the polling station using manufactured issues that a common joe-blow would understand.
In any case Hillary has proved to be able to transform herself very well.
Regardless her challenge will be her age and associated looks - average voter is influenced by trivial issues like this.
I agree with your post.
Over the past 24 hours, and three years before the next presidential election, a tidal wave of hype has swept o'er the land. That wave of hype concerns former Secretary of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton, a woman who is presumed to be running for president, and a potential primary challenge from the left in the form of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a woman who has urged Hillary Clinton to run for president. You know, as one does when one wants to beat someone in a presidential primary.
Warren did not actually do anything, at all, that could be remotely construed as mounting a primary challenge. I actually cannot point to anything particularly noteworthy that Elizabeth Warren has done at all in recent days. The origin for all of this rampant speculation came in the form of a New Republic article that eerily followed the exact same rubric as another article that came out three years before the 2008 presidential election, describing the potential primary challenge to Clinton from the left in the form of Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), who went on to adamantly refuse to mount that primary challenge.
Nevertheless, there was much sturm und drang about an article in which an anonymous source -- an anonymous "former aide", which is very, verrrrrry low on the anonymous source reliability scale, by the way -- saying, "Yeah, Hillary is running. And she’ll probably win. ... But Elizabeth doesn’t care about winning. She doesn’t care whose turn it is." I mean, there you have it, right? Rando Mystery Aide probably knows best.
Anyway, after a whole lot of coverage and frenzy, we get the news via Politico that, actually, steps have been taken to totally solve the problem of Elizabeth Warren's primary challenge, which is not actually a real thing:
Amazing Hillary Clinton Beats Back Non-Existent Primary Challenge Within 24 Hours Of It Not Starting