“Iam proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world bothtolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universaltoleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belongto a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees ofall religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell youthat we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of theIsraelites, who came to the southern India and took refuge with us inthe very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces byRoman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which hassheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastriannation.”
Suchwere the emphatic words delivered on September 11, 1893 by a Hindumonk, Swami Vivekananda in Chicago before a thousand sistersand brothers of America.His fervent speech about his religion which described not onlytoleration but universal acceptance towards all religions made him ahistoric figure in the West.
Whatis it which is in the DNA of Indians to accept all and refute none?It is its continuing, long and ever perpetuating ideology which hasits epicentre in Hindu theology. The progress of this civilisation interms of civil engineering can be witnessed from the very earliesttimes of human history from the remnants of Harappa and Mohenjo-Darowhich dated back to 3000 BC. Also, its pioneering advancement inMathematics can be dated back to 800 BC from the reading ofsulba-sutras.The progress in the field of Metallurgy can be well noticed fromDelhi Iron Pillar which is a 1600 year old extant rust free iron. Theintroduction to Calculus comprising both Differentiation andIntegration were very well taught in the Kerala School of Mathematicssince 1400 AD by Madhavacharyaand Bhaskaracharya, a couple of centuries before Newton could patent his theory ofcalculus along with Leibnitz, independently, the details beingelaborated well in Dr. C.K Raju’s “Historyof Mathematics in India”,who was among the prime architects along with Dr. Vijay Bhatkar inthe creation of India’s first ever supercomputer. The surgicaloperations including Rhinoplasty (nasikasandhana),its father being Sushruta (around 800 BC),werebeing performed with efficacy for centuries, which West learned aslate in 1792 AD in Pune, which is apparent from the writings of DrJames Findlay and Dr Thomas Crusso, who were among the firstEuropeans witnessing this operation during Anglo Mysore war.
Thereis only one thing which was common in all these discoveries and theirdiscoverers. That is, these discoveries were possible only through aprofound knowledge and understanding of Vedas and their discovererswere saints. An ever scientific, rational ideologue mixed with avalue based system constitutes an idea of this theology, SanatanaDharma. Itadvocates for modernity and scientific progress but asks for asustainable growth. It asks to become inquisitive for new inventionsbut emphasises for the non exploitation of nature at its cost. Thisis where Hindu theology makes Indian science different from Europeanscience.
Muchof the prosperity in the West was derived from the plunder of otherpeoples. “We, who have come from the East,” Vivekananda said inan interview to a US newspaper on September 29, 1893, “have sathere day after day and have been told to accept Christianity becauseChristian nations are the most prosperous. We look about us and seeEngland, the most prosperous Christian nation in the world, with herfoot on the neck of 25 crore Asiatics. We look back into history andsee that the prosperity of Christian Europe began with Spain. Spain’sprosperity began with the invasion of Mexico. Europe wins itsprosperity by cutting the throats of its fellow men. At such a price,Hindu will not have prosperity. Blood and sword are not for theHindu, whose religion is based on the laws of love.”
Theinvention of atomic bomb which caused fatal destruction to nature andhumankind was the consequence of a western philosophy, when themethod of its invention was already known in India since timesimmemorial. Even the father of atomic bomb, Dr Robert Oppenheimerquoted a verse from Bhagvad geeta during its trial in New Mexico.Destruction to nature and the intense radiations which caused heatforced science to invent Refrigerators and Air Conditioners, which,initially comforted humankind but made it a threat to them in thelong run. The depletion of Ozone and ever increasing sea level hasled science to rethink of its behaviour towards humankind and Earth.The whole of science today has led to a sole conclusion of carryingout a sustainable development for the survival of humankind and itsprogeny. And that is where SanatanaDharmabecomes an essence, which has a profound reverence towards nature andliving-non living entities as a whole. It is because of the samereason that in India, we worship river ganga as a mother, revereKailash mountain and many more.
Butunfortunately, the forces trying to break this theology oftoleration, universal acceptable Dharma have been increasingmanifold. They may be doing so because of their temporary selfishlymaterialistic mindset which urges them to do so, devoid of any futureimplications for their own progeny too. The adherents of communismhave already distorted our glorious history and misrepresented it inNCERT textbooks. We are being taught four chapters of Mughal historyand a small paragraph of Vijaynagar Empire, when the latter ruledlonger than the Mughals at the same time. India has been representedas a nation which has always been ruled by foreign invaders. Whilethe Islamic invaders took hold of Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Africa in aspan of two decades, they touched the frontiers of India in 640 ADand it took them 570 long years to establish their first rule inIndia. Also, the common mass has been illusioned with a concept ofIndia as a nation split into fragments and integrated only by theadvent of Britishers. While it is a fact when Alexander’s armytrespassed after Battle of Hydapses to vanquish India and Chanakya rearoused in the kingdoms of Bharatvarshthefeeling of oneness, which resulted into a shameful defeat of“Alexander,the Great”and also in his untimely demise. The heroic kshatriya character hasbeen suppressed with calumny by notable communist history writerssince independence, depicting an average hindu ridden with cowardiceand negating many recorded historical evidences.
Anelaborate account of one such writer may develop an insightunderstanding of how slander is being thrown at hindu Ideals. In hisrecent book “CosmicLove and Human Empathy: Swami Vivekananda’s Restatement ofReligion”,Jyotirmaya Sharma exceeds his limits in referring to Vivekananda as aHindu Supremacist and the greatest champion of reinstating andfurthering caste system. Depicting Swami Vivekananda as anexclusivist and a caste votary, he quotes him “Indiafell because you abolished caste”.These lines were truly spoken by Vivekananda but Jyotirmaya Sharma,either being too ignorant about Hinduism or out of a deliberateattempt posed Swami as an evil upper caste racist who promoted caste.Why Vivekananda promoted something which is considered as a taboo inour modern society today?
Thepicture becomes clear when we understand what he really meant andintend to do. Quoting Chapter four, verse number thirteen in BhagwadGeeta :
“ chatur-varnyammaya srishtam guna-karma vibhaga shaha
Tasyakartaram api maam viddhya akartaram avyayam”
[chatur- four ; varna-colour ; guna-karma- qualities and activities]
Krishnasays that he has created a division of four classes and therecruitment of personnels to respective classes was done on the basisof his qualities and actions. Note that Krishna nowhere says that aperson belonging to a particular varnaisdirectly connected to his birth. Similarly, Vedas substantiates itfurther, quoting “TheBrahmanawas his mouth, of both his arms was the kshatriya,his thighs became the vaishyaand the feet wereshudras.”Metaphorically, Vedas ascertained that the four divisions weredependent on each other. The brahmanawould be a knowledge seeker with no materialistic and greed inherentin him, the vaishyawould be the businessmen who would run the economy of the nation, thekshatriyaswould be the army who would protect the frontiers of the nation frominvasions and would seek strategy and policy only by a brahmana,the last being shudraswho would cultivate fields and feed the stated three classes. Allfour co-existed to facilitate each other’s requirements. And suchdivision of powers is noticeable around the globe. There areBrahmans,Kshatriyas,VaishyasandShudraseven in America. Note that the virtue of acquiring a specific classwas not at all based on birth but by deeds. For instance,Vishwamitra, a kshatriyaby birth acquired knowledge and became one of the saptarishis(Brahmin).Vyas, son of a fisherwoman, compiled Mahabharata and is known as aMaharishi. Similarly, Valmiki, born into a Dalit family, wroteRamayana and is known as a Maharishi. Chandragupta Maurya, a Shudraby birth, fought valiantly to protect the nation from invaders andcame to be known as a kshatriya. Also, in the medieval age till 1800AD, the percentage of Shudrasattending gurukuls and colleges exceeded those belonging to Brahmans,bybirth, well elaborated with authenticity and archival proofs in amuch debated and research thesis of Professor Dharampal’s “TheBeautiful Tree”,eliminating all hoax regarding suppression of Shudras by Brahmins. Infact, Dr James Findlay and Dr Thomas Crusso witnessed a surgicaloperation in Pune Residency in 1792 AD being performed by a personbelonging to a jatiof Kumharas(potter maker). It becomes crystal clear that caste, by virtue ofbirth was never a case in India but it was by virtue of deeds,qualities and actions. Moreover, It was not caste system but varnavyavasthawhich prevailed in India. Varna has a Sanskrit meaning as colour butdisplayed in Bhagwad Geeta as an insignia (badge) colour. Brahminbeing white, kshatriyabeing saffron, vaishyabeinggreen and shudrabeing black. Obviously, it does not, in any case promotes racialdiscrimination because persons cannot be saffron or green in facialappearance. Vedic India till 1800 AD was somehow egalitarian. Butwhat happened later? The British empire of the past was not onlyabout the physical subjugation of peoples. Their real strength lay inthe colonization of minds. Max Meuller, wrote to his wife in 1866:
Suchwere the emphatic words delivered on September 11, 1893 by a Hindumonk, Swami Vivekananda in Chicago before a thousand sistersand brothers of America.His fervent speech about his religion which described not onlytoleration but universal acceptance towards all religions made him ahistoric figure in the West.
Whatis it which is in the DNA of Indians to accept all and refute none?It is its continuing, long and ever perpetuating ideology which hasits epicentre in Hindu theology. The progress of this civilisation interms of civil engineering can be witnessed from the very earliesttimes of human history from the remnants of Harappa and Mohenjo-Darowhich dated back to 3000 BC. Also, its pioneering advancement inMathematics can be dated back to 800 BC from the reading ofsulba-sutras.The progress in the field of Metallurgy can be well noticed fromDelhi Iron Pillar which is a 1600 year old extant rust free iron. Theintroduction to Calculus comprising both Differentiation andIntegration were very well taught in the Kerala School of Mathematicssince 1400 AD by Madhavacharyaand Bhaskaracharya, a couple of centuries before Newton could patent his theory ofcalculus along with Leibnitz, independently, the details beingelaborated well in Dr. C.K Raju’s “Historyof Mathematics in India”,who was among the prime architects along with Dr. Vijay Bhatkar inthe creation of India’s first ever supercomputer. The surgicaloperations including Rhinoplasty (nasikasandhana),its father being Sushruta (around 800 BC),werebeing performed with efficacy for centuries, which West learned aslate in 1792 AD in Pune, which is apparent from the writings of DrJames Findlay and Dr Thomas Crusso, who were among the firstEuropeans witnessing this operation during Anglo Mysore war.
Thereis only one thing which was common in all these discoveries and theirdiscoverers. That is, these discoveries were possible only through aprofound knowledge and understanding of Vedas and their discovererswere saints. An ever scientific, rational ideologue mixed with avalue based system constitutes an idea of this theology, SanatanaDharma. Itadvocates for modernity and scientific progress but asks for asustainable growth. It asks to become inquisitive for new inventionsbut emphasises for the non exploitation of nature at its cost. Thisis where Hindu theology makes Indian science different from Europeanscience.
Muchof the prosperity in the West was derived from the plunder of otherpeoples. “We, who have come from the East,” Vivekananda said inan interview to a US newspaper on September 29, 1893, “have sathere day after day and have been told to accept Christianity becauseChristian nations are the most prosperous. We look about us and seeEngland, the most prosperous Christian nation in the world, with herfoot on the neck of 25 crore Asiatics. We look back into history andsee that the prosperity of Christian Europe began with Spain. Spain’sprosperity began with the invasion of Mexico. Europe wins itsprosperity by cutting the throats of its fellow men. At such a price,Hindu will not have prosperity. Blood and sword are not for theHindu, whose religion is based on the laws of love.”
Theinvention of atomic bomb which caused fatal destruction to nature andhumankind was the consequence of a western philosophy, when themethod of its invention was already known in India since timesimmemorial. Even the father of atomic bomb, Dr Robert Oppenheimerquoted a verse from Bhagvad geeta during its trial in New Mexico.Destruction to nature and the intense radiations which caused heatforced science to invent Refrigerators and Air Conditioners, which,initially comforted humankind but made it a threat to them in thelong run. The depletion of Ozone and ever increasing sea level hasled science to rethink of its behaviour towards humankind and Earth.The whole of science today has led to a sole conclusion of carryingout a sustainable development for the survival of humankind and itsprogeny. And that is where SanatanaDharmabecomes an essence, which has a profound reverence towards nature andliving-non living entities as a whole. It is because of the samereason that in India, we worship river ganga as a mother, revereKailash mountain and many more.
Butunfortunately, the forces trying to break this theology oftoleration, universal acceptable Dharma have been increasingmanifold. They may be doing so because of their temporary selfishlymaterialistic mindset which urges them to do so, devoid of any futureimplications for their own progeny too. The adherents of communismhave already distorted our glorious history and misrepresented it inNCERT textbooks. We are being taught four chapters of Mughal historyand a small paragraph of Vijaynagar Empire, when the latter ruledlonger than the Mughals at the same time. India has been representedas a nation which has always been ruled by foreign invaders. Whilethe Islamic invaders took hold of Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Africa in aspan of two decades, they touched the frontiers of India in 640 ADand it took them 570 long years to establish their first rule inIndia. Also, the common mass has been illusioned with a concept ofIndia as a nation split into fragments and integrated only by theadvent of Britishers. While it is a fact when Alexander’s armytrespassed after Battle of Hydapses to vanquish India and Chanakya rearoused in the kingdoms of Bharatvarshthefeeling of oneness, which resulted into a shameful defeat of“Alexander,the Great”and also in his untimely demise. The heroic kshatriya character hasbeen suppressed with calumny by notable communist history writerssince independence, depicting an average hindu ridden with cowardiceand negating many recorded historical evidences.
Anelaborate account of one such writer may develop an insightunderstanding of how slander is being thrown at hindu Ideals. In hisrecent book “CosmicLove and Human Empathy: Swami Vivekananda’s Restatement ofReligion”,Jyotirmaya Sharma exceeds his limits in referring to Vivekananda as aHindu Supremacist and the greatest champion of reinstating andfurthering caste system. Depicting Swami Vivekananda as anexclusivist and a caste votary, he quotes him “Indiafell because you abolished caste”.These lines were truly spoken by Vivekananda but Jyotirmaya Sharma,either being too ignorant about Hinduism or out of a deliberateattempt posed Swami as an evil upper caste racist who promoted caste.Why Vivekananda promoted something which is considered as a taboo inour modern society today?
Thepicture becomes clear when we understand what he really meant andintend to do. Quoting Chapter four, verse number thirteen in BhagwadGeeta :
“ chatur-varnyammaya srishtam guna-karma vibhaga shaha
Tasyakartaram api maam viddhya akartaram avyayam”
[chatur- four ; varna-colour ; guna-karma- qualities and activities]
Krishnasays that he has created a division of four classes and therecruitment of personnels to respective classes was done on the basisof his qualities and actions. Note that Krishna nowhere says that aperson belonging to a particular varnaisdirectly connected to his birth. Similarly, Vedas substantiates itfurther, quoting “TheBrahmanawas his mouth, of both his arms was the kshatriya,his thighs became the vaishyaand the feet wereshudras.”Metaphorically, Vedas ascertained that the four divisions weredependent on each other. The brahmanawould be a knowledge seeker with no materialistic and greed inherentin him, the vaishyawould be the businessmen who would run the economy of the nation, thekshatriyaswould be the army who would protect the frontiers of the nation frominvasions and would seek strategy and policy only by a brahmana,the last being shudraswho would cultivate fields and feed the stated three classes. Allfour co-existed to facilitate each other’s requirements. And suchdivision of powers is noticeable around the globe. There areBrahmans,Kshatriyas,VaishyasandShudraseven in America. Note that the virtue of acquiring a specific classwas not at all based on birth but by deeds. For instance,Vishwamitra, a kshatriyaby birth acquired knowledge and became one of the saptarishis(Brahmin).Vyas, son of a fisherwoman, compiled Mahabharata and is known as aMaharishi. Similarly, Valmiki, born into a Dalit family, wroteRamayana and is known as a Maharishi. Chandragupta Maurya, a Shudraby birth, fought valiantly to protect the nation from invaders andcame to be known as a kshatriya. Also, in the medieval age till 1800AD, the percentage of Shudrasattending gurukuls and colleges exceeded those belonging to Brahmans,bybirth, well elaborated with authenticity and archival proofs in amuch debated and research thesis of Professor Dharampal’s “TheBeautiful Tree”,eliminating all hoax regarding suppression of Shudras by Brahmins. Infact, Dr James Findlay and Dr Thomas Crusso witnessed a surgicaloperation in Pune Residency in 1792 AD being performed by a personbelonging to a jatiof Kumharas(potter maker). It becomes crystal clear that caste, by virtue ofbirth was never a case in India but it was by virtue of deeds,qualities and actions. Moreover, It was not caste system but varnavyavasthawhich prevailed in India. Varna has a Sanskrit meaning as colour butdisplayed in Bhagwad Geeta as an insignia (badge) colour. Brahminbeing white, kshatriyabeing saffron, vaishyabeinggreen and shudrabeing black. Obviously, it does not, in any case promotes racialdiscrimination because persons cannot be saffron or green in facialappearance. Vedic India till 1800 AD was somehow egalitarian. Butwhat happened later? The British empire of the past was not onlyabout the physical subjugation of peoples. Their real strength lay inthe colonization of minds. Max Meuller, wrote to his wife in 1866: