I have always thought that gratitude and being grateful and thankful to people who help you especially in times of need is of utpmost importance. Of course having said that, there is a difference between you personally showing your gratitude compared to passing the buck and obligation to your children and expecting them to sacrifice on your behalf.
In my personal experience, there are far too many ingrates around. I have learnt to think ten times before going to someones rescue or helping people out of kindness because they generally tend to drop you like hot potato and start canoodling with their tormentors and you end up with a bad name and lose close friends in the process of helping someone else no less! Thats gratitude for you. I have definitely learnt to be more cynical and shrewd (unfortunately) rather than wade in the quicksand and end up getting pushed in instead.
Dear amala,
A post like this, is a seed, that once planted, takes a while to germinate. And flower and bloom. When I read this, I wanted to respond, but could not gather my thoughts to coherently put them in a few sentences.
Something happened this morning at home, which connected me with this thread.
I think, there are occasions, when we go out of our way to help people. To help them a lot. All the way to such an extent, that had it not been for us, they would have been ruined or suffered serious losses. Once these get back on their feet, the last thing they would like to be reminded of, is their recent misfortune. Guess what – who and what is a constant reminder of the same. Yes, you, the very friend who saw her through the worst of times.
When this happens, there starts initially a thin curtain, between the two, often instigated by the victim, and this grows and grows, till a resentment over such a helplessness and need builds up. This can even result in antagonism, loutish behavior or anger.
I think, in such cases, after so serious a giving, it is best, the giver gives the givee a wide berth. Stay away. Avoid and let time take its own course to heal the wounds suffered by the healee. One can and will never find an open expression of gratitude, especially in public. Not with most anyway.
The real consolation is that you have a good feeling that if you ever need any help, you can ask this person without having any misgivings. But don’t be too sure – this might be met with refusal and rudeness. The human mind is a complex mechanism, of which we understand nary an atom.
This happens even among countries. In the 1960s, india suffered a huge shortfall of grains – both rice and wheat. And had no hard currency to pay for purchases abroad. The u.s.a. with its proverbial surplus, shipped india millions of tons of wheat and rice and corn, all paid for in indian rupees – ie the indian government printed paper and deposited it in the u.s. embassy in new delhi for the goods.
This was called PL480 transactions, after the Public Law 480 passed by the u.s. house of representatives. It was meant precisely for such purposes, where a country was unable to pay for food, and in turn could pay for it in their local currency, which the americans can use to buy up services or goods.
The usa with its capitalistic structure, could and did not indulge in governmental buying of a commercial kind, like the ussr of old did. And the amount was so huge, that it was a constant thorn in indo usa relations particularly in Indira gandhi’s time.
madam gandhi was hysterically critical of usa even as ship loads of u.s. grains were unloaded and went straight to hungry stomachs. at that time, i was only reminded of 'biting the hands that feed you'. yechh!!
I forget which u.s. president took the unilateral measure, of I think, burning all the indian worthless paper rupees held in the u.s. embassy – but that eased a lot of tensions, and made india conveniently forget that thanks to usa, we avoided a repeat of the famines of the 1940s and earlier ones, where huge percentage of population was decimated due to hunger.
Gratititude? From india? To usa? For saving millions from starvations? Forget it.
Hope dear amala, this long winded note, somehwhat addresses your thoughts, and definitely does not excuse it. I think gratitude is a quality, which we, atleast if not match that of a dog, atleast follow it to 10%. Why only 10%. I don’t know. Just came to my mind.