Auh Ji,
This discussion which is off the topic by the minute is in fact getting bit hilarious as it progresses.
The courts are really a supreme authority to decide matters weighing the pros and cons on hearing arguments presented by both the parties and pass appropriate orders duly applying the principles governing the law, besides upholding the belief of majority knowing well that the proof is not in the books but it is in the belief/faith of the public.
An this case was argued by Mr. K.N. Rao, a promient retired IRS Officer and reported to be as Astrology Researcher and founder of Department of Astrology in Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan, Delhi.
And in the above case, during the course of argument, it appears that both the petitioner and the defendants reported to have presented different definitions for science.
And BTW what is your definition for science…??
This Hon’ble court after hearing arguments of both the sides, after weighing the pros and cons came to the conclusion and passed orders rightly by saying that since Astrology is partly based upon the study of movement of earth, planets and other celestial bodies, it is a study of science at least to some extent.
It is indeed one among the land mark judgements, which establishes time and again that our judiciary is at its finest in declaring verdits.
And impact of such decisions of the Supreme Court still echoes on the society.
When the supreme court was convinced that Astrology is a science, we are all as a law abiding citizen, need to accept, admit and adhere.
I can say that you are now conveniently trying to sway the subject as though this case may have a different judgment if presented in an international court, This is the hilarious part.
Who prevented the Scientists taking up this case to international court …??
Why they failed to do that….??
Can this silence of Scientists can be construed that they have nothing to prove that Astrology is not a science?
Hence in my opinion few sceptic minds not accepting the ruling of Supreme Court does not deserve a debate at all.
I go by the conclusion of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and accordingly end up my argument.
Bye Bye to this thread.
P.S: Ganesh Ji now you are free to post your texts on the topic with a proud feeling that you are discussing Astrology which is a science. No force under the sun can stop you. Believe on the planets viz sun, moon, earth and other planets and stars which we see in our every day life are the proof. Go ahead with your narration.