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jagadguru darshanam

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Why antoganize the kuladeivam (family deity)?

A dampati (couple) who had immense bhakti towards mahA-periyavar. They would never start anything significant on a day without doing pUjA to his image. The wife was in the family way, and was in an advanced stage. Not a day passed without their praying to the sage that the child be born in good health and shape. Although their family deity was God NarasiMha!

When the pregnant woman was sleeping one night, NarasiMha appeared in her dream and ordered that the couple name the child after him. The mother argued with the god that it was their custom to consult the kAnchi sage before they did anything. But then NarasiMha was adamant.

She narrated the dream to her husband the next morning. They decided to name the child NarasiMha and also have a word with the sage after the child was born. After all, they can't antagonize the family deity!

A handsome male child was born to them. When the initial rites were over, they went to have darshan of the sage. They had decided to tell him the dream and seek his advice.

When their turn of darshan came, they placed the child at the feet of the sage. Looking at the child, the sage had a sparkling ray of smile in his face. He said to the child, "Generally people would name a child only after due rites. But then this fellow is born with a name even when he was in the stomach. Isn't that so, NarasiMha?"

Even before the couple could think of expressing their predicament, the sage had solved their problem! This is how he graces his devotees.

--translated by saidevo

Nice article..but I wonder why the pregnant mother did not follow her dream right away ..after all the instructions were from Narasimha.

Anyway the Sage solved the problem.

Why antoganize the kuladeivam (family deity)?

A dampati (couple) who had immense bhakti towards mahA-periyavar. They would never start anything significant on a day without doing pUjA to his image. The wife was in the family way, and was in an advanced stage. Not a day passed without their praying to the sage that the child be born in good health and shape. Although their family deity was God NarasiMha!

When the pregnant woman was sleeping one night, NarasiMha appeared in her dream and ordered that the couple name the child after him. The mother argued with the god that it was their custom to consult the kAnchi sage before they did anything. But then NarasiMha was adamant.

She narrated the dream to her husband the next morning. They decided to name the child NarasiMha and also have a word with the sage after the child was born. After all, they can't antagonize the family deity!

A handsome male child was born to them. When the initial rites were over, they went to have darshan of the sage. They had decided to tell him the dream and seek his advice.

When their turn of darshan came, they placed the child at the feet of the sage. Looking at the child, the sage had a sparkling ray of smile in his face. He said to the child, "Generally people would name a child only after due rites. But then this fellow is born with a name even when he was in the stomach. Isn't that so, NarasiMha?"

Even before the couple could think of expressing their predicament, the sage had solved their problem! This is how he graces his devotees.

--translated by saidevo


What if it was a GIRL?
The rustic who turned into a devotee

The years 1957-59 were a golden time in the history of Chennai metro during this half century. Those were the sacred months when the avatAra mUrti who blesses even our fleshy eyes with his darshan during this kaliyugam -- the sage of kAnchi -- whom this world celebrates as mahAperiyavar the tavashrEShTha--the most splendid ascetic, with a halt-and-takeover-compassion, was camping in Chennai. Staying primarily at the Sanskrit College, MylApUr, Chennai, with the then ascetic prince shrI Jayendra, the Compassionate set his sacred feet in many areas of the city such as Triplicane, NungambAkkam, ToNDaiyArpet and MAmbalam, and gave his anugraha--spiritual favour, for the crop of dharma to grow lush again in Chennai where once it flourished.

One early morning from the ShivA-ViShNu temple at MAmbalam, he set out on a pAdayAtra--travel by foot, to the temple at TiruvAnmiyUr, where Shiva as maruntIshvara--the healing god, rose in blessing with his consort shrI Tripurasundari. This aDiyEn--devotee, was among those blessed to be with the traveling group. I think that the Chief Minister then was shrI Baktavatsalam. Two or three policemen accompanied the entourage.

After some distance was covered, a man from the opposite direction confronted shrI Periyavar. His look teemed with ego; feet did not remove the sandals; his appearance and manners betrayed carelessness and disrespect.

Devotees who ruahsed to prevent any sparsham--touch on the munipungava--ascetic guru, built a wall around him with their hands. The policmen too came forward. But then the karuNAmUrti--image of compassion, asked them to move away and asked the man, "You want anything?"

"I don't need anything", he said. "People talk about a SankarAchArya, a great man. Is that you?"

"Let it remain. What's your name? Where are you going at this early morning hour?" -- The merficul inquiry from the charaNAgata vatsala--one who expresses paternal love for those who seek him.

He told his name and said, as if he shot an arrow, "Don't I have a job to do? I am going for my work". A ray of mockery that 'You people who are pontiff are lazy people, doing nothing useful' seemed to echo his words.

"Where is your job?" -- the dayAnidhi--treasure of mercy, continued his inquiry.

"At Guindy" he replied and said, "Let me ask something. Whoever established this Hindu religion?" The question had no vinayam--humbleness or passion to seek knowledge, even to the extent of a grain of mustard.

Perhaps the reply "I have no idea, my dear" from Periyavar, the jnAna-meru--the Meru mountain of Knowledge, gave him the pride of winning an argument.

"You say you don't know it", he shot another arrow. "But then you also say that the shAstras--scriptures put it this way or that, so pour down milk over a stone image, pour down ghee in the sacrificial fire. How do I believe that these are all for good?"

Without a wave of chalanam--disturbance, the dayApara--man of supreme mercy asked him in a cooling voice, "Let it remain. You said you have to go to Guindy. Will the place be reached if you go through this road?"

"Which is why I am going". The reply had the tone of indifference that the question was unnecessary.

"Alright. Whoever laid this road?" The munipungava decided to play the VINA strings of the pAmara's--rustic's heart.

"This one, the road, exists since the times of my grandfather, his great-grandfather, and theirs. Why bother who laid the road? It goes to Guindy. Isn't all that needed?"

"You say with certainty that this road leads to Guindy."

"Why should there be any doubt, sir? I take this road to work daily. Moreover look up. There is a signboard that the Government has set up, indicating which road leads to what place."

The deer was caught in the net of love. But then this is not one of capture, but redemption!

"I am like you, dear. Without bothering about or worrying over who laid the road, I go through this road of Hindu religion, just as you go with belief, based on the signboard. You beleive the signboard. Even that might change direction in the wind, or fall down in rain. I believe in the books of veda and shAstras. Things that are in existence over thousands and thousands of years, far before the times of my great grandfathers who were much superior to me (and believed in them). So I believe in them and tell people to believe in them." Finishing, the dayAnidhi said in a soothing tone, "Alright, unlike me, you have work. So you get along. Take care." The sage raised his abhaya hastam--hand of blessing.

The next second, the man kicked away his sandals and prostrated before the sage, falling flat on the ground.

"Please forgive me", he said, his toungue quivering. Tears drenched his cheeks.

'Those who came to scoff remained to pray', the poetic lines of Oliver Goldsmith in The Village Preacher came to my mind.

Thereafter, due to the rasavAda pariNAmam--transformation into gold, he became a parama bhakta and visited the sage's camps.

jaya jaya shankara, hara hara shankara!

In the guava fruit, a girl...
author:....... A shrImaTham (KAnchi hermitage) disciple
compiler:..... T.S. Kothandarama Sarma
source:....... Maha PeriyavaL - Darisana AnubhavangaL vol.3, pp.067-092
publisher:.... VAnathi Padhippaham (May 2005 Edition)
type:......... book, Tamil

In the guava fruit, a girl...

Arrangements were on for the upanayanam--wearing the holy thread, ceremony of the only son of the GaNEshan dampati--couple, KumbakONam. A day before the day of muhUrtam--auspicious day, the boy met with an accident when a bus crushed him dead. The dampati were afflicted with endless sorrow and suffering. After a few months, they came for having darshan of shrI PeriyavAL.

The close disciple who arranged the darshan, informed the sage about the prArthana--prayer, of the dampati, who were afflicted with putra-shOkam--loss of child, for having putra saMtAnam--a child to continue the progeny, again. shrI PeriyavAL, after keeping his hand on his nAbhi--navel for sometime, did dhyAnam--meditative reflection, closing his eyes and then gave two guava fruits to the couple. The couple were comforted by the words of the close disciple that the sage doing them anugraham--divine favour, by keeping a hand on his navel was a shuba-sUchakam--indication of auspice.

Of the two fruits, one had rotten slightly. Nevertheless, the wife took both the fruits considering them equally as PeriyavAL prasAdam--gracious offer.

After some days, the wife who was pregnant had an abortion. Later, when she became pregant again, the doctors who examined her said that it was no pregnancy, probably a tumour in the stomach. The woman's age then was forty-seven.

But then, will what the 'doctor of doctors' granted go waste?

By the grace of shrI PeriyavAL, a daughter was born to the couple. That daughter is now in her school education, having good habits and control, enlivening the happiness of everyone in that family.

*** *** ***

Jungly places of divinity

That was a day of the transit of the planet Guru. A bhakta--devotee came to PeriyavAL. "According to my horoscope, Guru has arrived at the lagna-sthAnam (position of Sun at birth). So, it is said that I will meet with heavy hardship. They say that shrI RAma going to the forest was due to the transit of Guru in his lagnam. The astrologer says that I should do some shAnti-parihAram--appeasement relief", said the devotee.

Periyava said:

"There is such a talk indeed: that RAma going to the forest was due to the Guru transit into his lagnam. All that (talk) is not right. RAma was comfortable in the forest... doing tapas--penance, doing saMbhAShaNam--conversation with the maharShis--great sages, and giving them darshan...

"Let it be. Since RAma went to the forest, you want to do the same, right? There are many kShetras--sacred places,--vana-kShEtras--jungly abodes, such as VEdAraNyam, SuvEtAraNyam, VilvAraNyam, ShanbhagAraNyam, DarbhAraNyam... (and so on: AraNyam--forest). You go to one of these AraNyas, stay for two three days, have svAmi darshan--darshan of God, and come back. It would be mental peace for you as well as having the astrologer right..."

The bhakta assured to do so and left the place.

Ref: What is lagnam?
What is Lagan or Lagnam? - Vasthurengan.Com

*** *** ***

Guru's graceful look

"The astrologers say that guru's look has not happened yet; so the hurdles in the way of getting my daughter married continue to delay it", a worried devotee supplicated to PeriyavAL.

Nearby, was standing the dear disciple of shrImaTham, (named) TEdiyUr VAnchi ayyar. He said immediately, with love and comfort, "It's wrong, what you say. guru-kaTAkSham has indeed happened. You have come to the sannidhi--presence of PeriyavA, who is the pratyakSha guru--visible guru. So no more hurdle. The marriage will be celebrated soon."

It was beyond fifteen days in the month of AvaNi--Aug-Sep. How could the marriage happen soon before the end of AvaNi? Later would be the months of puraTTAsi, aippasi and kArthtikai and mArgazhi, so the marriage talk could be started again only after this period... Thoughts of the bride's father ran in this manner.

PeriyavA's anugraha visheSham--speciality of divine grant, had been expressed in the words of VAnchi ayyar. In a sudden turn, the betrothal took place in a day or two and the mAngalya dhAraNam--wearing the sacred pendent in marriage, too was celebrated immediately thereafter.

The devotee who came to have PeriyavA darshan with the newly-wed couple, prostrated flat in PeriyavA's saMnidhi, expressing boundless happiness.

"I did not have time to come personally and inform PeriyavA about the betrothal; so I seek pardon. Owing the guru-kaTAkSham, I had the bridegroom from a good family and this soon..."

Raising his hand, PeriyavA blessed them.

*** *** ***
What guru-sthAnam is...

"My daughter is getting older and older. There is no boy's horoscope that we missed as an alliance to her. I have tons of such boys' horoscopes!" A daughter's father expressed his predicament with humour.

"Not a single boy's horoscope did match my girl's. The moment I handover both the horoscopes to the astrologer he just pouts his lip and says, 'Boy's horoscope is A-class... But then no match for our KamalA's...'"

Since the gracious look of the navagrahas was absent, the parents came to KAnchipuram, to have guru-pArvai (tam)--guru's glance.

"Now, you have any horoscopes with you?" (asked the Guru).

"It's there. Good lineage, gOtram. Boy looks good, everyone of us like him. Yet to see if it matches. I am afraid to go to the astrologer."

"You have the girl's horoscope?"

"I have."

"Give me both."

Both horoscopes were submitted to him. PeriyavA took them in hand and had a second's glance at them.

"It's a match... Proceed with the marriage..."

The marriage was celebrated with all pomp and glory.

Three months later, the boy had an examination to pass, for a promotion at his office. How would be his luck in this? They showed the horoscope to the astrologer.

"There is nothing that can be told with certainty. You have the horoscope of this man's wife?"

He considered the girl's horoscope in elaborate detail. "Sir, What a wonderful match! It is very rare to have such a couple. Great comfort awaits this girl! So I can say with a clap of hand that the boy would get his promotion."

And he got it!

Like a ball struck with a bat, the parents came down to KAnchipuram.

"Owing to PeriyavA's anugraham, the marriage was conducted... The promotion too has come..."

"What did I do? In the horoscope, guru (the planet Jupiter) is in a good position..."

Aren't dampati--couple have the fortune to have their guru in great position?

*** *** ***

bhAgavata prasAdam--Gift of the divine singers

A troupe of devotees who sing the glory of God came for darshan of PeriyavAL. They expressed their desire to perform nAma saMkIrtanam in front of PeriyavA. And they got permission.

The bhajan--singing hymns, was held for four hours. Sitting there, PeriyavA listened to it the whole time.

After the bhajan was over, the sage told his assistant to offer a plate of ground jaggery to the people of the troupe.

The bhajan troupe was very happy that they were offered sweet jaggery as PeriyavA's prasAdam--divine gift.

After the troupe left, PeriyavA asked for the plate of the ground jaggery. He took some of the left over and placed it in his mouth.

Thereby he taught his disciples a silent, firm lesson...

'bhAgavata prasAdam has great distinction... If you eat it, you will have frequent remembrance of God's name...'--His action--not saying these words--became unforgettable teaching to his disciples.

*** *** ***

Shouldn't censure the planets!

An astrologer came to have darshan of PeriyavAL. "Mine is a large family... Not enough income... Income from my astrology work is much less... I have great difficulty (in making both ends meet)."

PeriyavA asked him: "You are still in the ancestral house of your father?"

"No, my elder brother lives in it. I stay in a house on the west side of it."

"You needn't be there. Isn't there an old cowshed on the east side of your ancestral house? Build a hut and stay there."

It was a family who for generations worshipped Goddess ambAL--PArvatI. That's why PeriyavA asked him to stay on the east side in the old cowshed.

"Don't you censure all the grahas--planets (when you match a horoscope or predict it? You typically say) guru--Jupiter is nIchan--low person, in your horoscope, shani--Saturn is pApin--sinful person, budhan--Mercury is vakra--crooked... Shouldn't say such things with the mouth. guru is a large gRham--astrological mansion--personifies dakShiNAmUrti--Shiva. You shouldn't censure him as nIchan, pApin, vakram and so on. shani is the son of sUrya--Sun, one who has got the title of Ishvara--god. And you say that he is a pApin!...

"Isn't it enough if you say in general that the gRhas are not in right places, so the results at this time are not right?

"And you don't need to say 'There is no match' to those who seek you to match the bride and groom's horoscopes... You might say on these lines: 'It would take time for the girl's vivAha kAlam--period of marraige, to arrive... Things such as putra bhAgyam--fortune of a child, for the boy is a question mark'...

"Many girls are yet unmarried even when they are thirty years old. For such girls, when they seek horoscope match for an alliance, you should seek to give a favourable reply as far as possible..."

[PeriyavA would say that in seeking marital alliance, not much value is given to the matching of the horoscopes of the boy and girl. It's enough if the kulam--lineage, gotram--ascetic lineage, are taken into consideration, and there is mental harmony. In the olden days, the matter of matching horoscopes was not so important (as it is now).]

The astrologer was immensely satisfied. Saying, "I shall henceforth do as PeriyavA as advised", he took the prasAdam.

*** *** ***
You people are driving me away!

One Sunday. PeriyavA went to the 'gangai koNDAn maNDapam' AnchanEyar (HanumAn) temple opposite shrIMaTham and sat down there. A large number of devotees had a leisurely darshan.

Even when it was four in the afternoon, PeriyavA didn't seem to move back to his abode. Since after sunset on a Sunday, PeriyavA wouldn't take even a cup of water, the disciples got worried. It was ascetic dharma to fast on Sunday nights. A disciple took courage, went to PeriyavA and supplicated, "anuShThAnam, bhikSha--(daily religious observances, taking alms) need to be done. Today is Sunday. If it is sunset, then there would be no bhikSha thenceforth. PeriyavA should come back to the MaTham."

PeriyavA said: "It's said that SEshAdri svAmigaL, after taking bath in the sarvatIrtham--temple pond, and doing his shmashAna japam--litany in the cremation ground, would visit this maNDapam--pavilion and stay for many days. I too came here so I can stay for at least a day. And you people are driving me away!"

[PeriyavA had great respect for SEshAdri svAmigaL and RamaNa maharShi.]

Then he consented to their supplication and started towards his abode. The fruits, suger lumps and coconuts that his devotees had submited him in darshan had become a large pile there.

"Let all these things remain here. The hanumAn pUjaka--priest of HanumAn temple, and the umbrella people, let them take these things."

[In the gangai koNDAn pavilion, crafts people who design the temple umbrella and flag used to stay. They can be seen there today.]

*** *** ***

Mansion, yesterday and a sand hut today!

The place where PeriyavA was staying in ChowdApUr (KarnATakA), was a large mansion of an inAmdAr--owner of a gifted land.

PeriyavA had fever when he was there. It intensified. A MarATi doctor examined him and gave medicine. He said that the sage needed compulsory rest for a week. Fever did not abate the whole night.

But then, once it was early morning, PeriyavA started out. He went to a hamlet full of lambADis--nomadic people of Rajasthan, two miles from there, where even basic amenities did not exist, and stayed there. He did not listen to his disciples who entreated him not to walk the distance.

Once he reached the lambADi hamlet, the fever was gone! And he started to perform his usual daily tasks!

Perhaps he left his fever at the ChowDApUr mansion! Perhaps he did not want to stay free in an inAmdAr's mansion!

*** *** ***

sAmiyE saraNam! (I seek refuge in Lord AyyappA)

Sabarimala (AyyappA) devotees in two buses came to have darshan of PeriyavA. He asked them, "What places did you visit until now? And what are in your plan to visit?"

They told the names of places they had visited and said that they had plans to visit Vaikkam, GuruvAyUr and ChOTTANikkara in KEralA.

PeriyavA ordered them to have darshan of Trichy MAthrUbhUtEshvara (Shiva at the Rockfort Temple, Trichy), AkhilANDEshvarI of TiruvAnaikkA, RanganAtha of ShrIrangam, Madurai MInAkShi, Tirupparankunram Murugar, TirunelvEli Nellaiyappar and KuTrAlanAthar at TirukkuTrAlam en route.

But then it was not possible for all the devoteesto take this route. So, one bus went through the route they had planned earlier and the other through the route PeriyavA had advised.

News came after ten days.

The bus that went in the route PeriyavA advised came back home safely (after darshan at Sabarimala). The other bus met with an accident en route, many people were injured (one or two dead) and never reached Sabarimala.

The troupe of people whose lives were saved on that day visited shrIMaTham every year during the AyyappA season. They made it a custom to do saraNa gOSham--hymns on AyyappA, before PeriyavA and prostrate to him. Till the long saraNa gOSham was finished, PeriyavA would immerse himself in AtmAnandam--bliss of soul, closing his eyes in meditation.

PeriyavA would always support devotion and the devotees.

*** *** ***
Remedy for madness

The middle-aged boy suffered from madness. Medicines and mantras did not heal him even to the extent of a mustard grain. It seemed enough to the boy's mother that he did not shout and show aggression in his behaviour. He was constantly drooling.

PeriyavA keenly looked at the boy. "They say it is due to VANi (goddess SarasvatI) that the boy drools. Need not worry.

"Ever heard of a medicine called brammighritam? Will be available in Kerala. Get a bottle of vallArai ~ney--(tam)ghee from the plant Indian penny-wort. Keep it in front, do litany of one lakh count of the panchAkShara mantram--namashivAya mantra, and then give it to the boy. And then... you know the seeds of the neem plant? Crush two three seeds into a smooth paste in honey and smear it daily on his tongue..."

Two months later, the mother and boy came over. There was no cheShTha--signs of aggressiveness, left in the boy, but he was merely looking stupid, with wide open eyes. There was no other disturbance.

"Boy has started learning in bits", said the mother with a sigh of relief. PeriyavAL bless them, raising his hand.

*** *** ***

The doctor's surprise

Camp at Chennai Sanskrit College.

PeriyavAL was suffering from chest pain. He seemed to be restless. Even after taking some Ayurvedic medicine, the agony did not abate. The manager of shrIMaTham was much worried. With great hesitation he supplicated to the sage: "I shall send word to Alwarpet doctor VaidyanAtha aiyar, if PeriyavA permits it. Seems it would be better if he comes to have a look."

PeriyavA gave him permission.

VaidyanAtha aiyar arrived and checked the pulse. It was normal. Then he checked the blood pressure. It was dangerously high.

"The B.P. has shot up dangerously", he said. "Should take immediate medicine..."

"It's alright. You come half an hour later and check up again..."

When the test was done a half hour later, the B.P. had gone abnormally low.

"When you tested last time, you said that the B.P. was very high. And now you say it is very low! What would happen if it gets high? Or low?"

"If the B.P. shoots up dangerously, it could result in haemorrhage and be fatal. When it becomes very low, faintness would result the person would fall down. And that is dangerous..."

"But then, nothing happened to me! I did not have haemorrhage; nor did I faint..."

"That is surprising, indeed! It does not occur normally that the B.P. shoots up very high and then in a short time become very low. It seems to me that PeriyavAL's sharIram--body, obeys PeriyavA's mind!"

PeriyavAL is yogIshvara--lord of the yoga. One who does kAyakleSham--undertakes bodily suffering and keep it within his control. He is the disease... and he is the medicine that cures it!

*** *** ***

Half an hour later

PeriyavAL had swelling in both his legs. Like the swelling with the disease elephantiasis.

An elederly sumangali (one who has her husband alive) woman waved a flame of camphor in front of him. She was much scared when she found that PeriyavAL's legs had so much swelling. Her eyes watered. Is there no one to treat PeriyavAL who heals the entire town?

"Better if PeriyavA takes care of the body. Should consult a good doctor and take medicine." She prayed to him, with a lump of grief in her heart.

PeriyavAL had only to laugh. He understood that the woman was concerned about the condition of his legs.

"Come and check half an hour later", he told her.

After she moved away, PeriyavAL sat himself in padmAsanam and did japam--litany for fifteen minutes. The elderly woman came back after sometime. She fould the sage's legs had become normal, with no swelling whatsoever.

'How did the swelling go, with PeriyavAL taking no medicine', was what puzzled her.

It was a lIlA--sport for PeriyavAL to cause a disease on himself and then heal it! In order to heal the ailment of an unknown atyanta bhakta--close devotee, he would suffer the disease on him, and thus would make the person's karma wither, without contradicting the shAstras--scriptures...

When it comes to the question of lIlA, there is no place for any tarka--logical argument.

*** *** ***
It was a lIlA--sport for PeriyavAL to cause a disease on himself and then heal it! In order to heal the ailment of an unknown atyanta bhakta--close devotee, he would suffer the disease on him, and thus would make the person's karma wither, without contradicting the shAstras--scriptures...

When it comes to the question of lIlA, there is no place for any tarka--logical argument.

*** *** ***

Sathya Sai Baba used to do these many times..taking over the illness of Bhaktas and undergoing all the symptoms of even a stroke and be normal the very next moment.

That is why I feel that when we are ill with anything its better not to pray for any help from God cos why make any high soul "suffer" for our sake?...even though its not really a 'suffering' for a high soul but I feel as a human we should undergo our own sufferings.
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Shri Mathurakali Amman of Siruvachur is the Kula Deivam of Shri Maha Periyavaa. The temple was consecrated
at the instance of Aadhi Shankara Bhagavat Padhal. The temple is open only on two days in a week, i.e. Monday
Friday. Of late, the temple remains open on Amavaasya and Pournami besides Pongal, Navaratri and Deepavali.
The temple festival takes place during Panguni-Chithirai (Tamil month) and the festival extends over a period of
a week with Veedhi Ula in a Chariot, etc. Every Friday and Monday, the Deity is taken around in the Golden
Chariot within the Temple premises. One of the Chola Kings constructed the Temple after he was gifted with
a child. Sri Chakram has been installed at the temple by Shri Sadashiva Brahmendrar.
Siddhars have worshipped HER for many years.

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[TD]As flour lamp lighting is the main form of prayer commitment in the temple. The devotees neither buy the flour outside nor bring it prepared from their homes. They bring only rice, soak it in the water and then pound it in the temple premises only. They add ghee and prepare the paste for making the lamp. These lamps are placed before the shrine of Shakti. The temple has special space for pounding the rice to make the flour. There are also people for hire to help devotees pounding the rice. Devotees take bath at the temple premises and change their dress. Ladies have to wear Madisar and
Gents Panchakatcham. Devotees for the Ambal are spread over all around
the world.

It is said that the name Madurai Kaliamman has later changed as Madurakaliamman. The idol is about 4 feet tall facing northward. She has weapons and an Akshayapatra – a vessel always full of food – in her four hands. The mother is sitting with one leg bent and the other on the lion, the vehicle of Shakti. The absence of demon under the feet of Kaliamman as usually found in Kali temples denotes that the deity is all merciful and not furious.
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[TD]According to some hearsay stories, Kannagi, heroine of Cilapathikaram calmed herself down in this place after her departure from Madurai. Chelliamman is the deity of Siruvachur. A tantric, using his powers controlled the deity and was using Her for his evil doings. There is also a version that Lord Parameswara deputed Goddess Parvathi to destroy the tantric and stay at
Siruvachur to protect the people residing in the village.

While visiting this place, Madurai Kaliamman sought a space from Chelliamman to stay here for a night. Chelliamman told her of her slavery under the tantric. Madurai Kaliamman destroyed the Tantric and rescued Chelliamman of her captivity.

Surprised by the power of Madurakaliamman, Chelliamman said that she would move to the Periaswami mount nearby and asked her protector to stay in Siruvachur itself but demanded that the first respect (Mudal Mariyadai) should be offered to her.

Accordingly during the puja times, the Arati is shown to the mount where Chelliamman stays. Then pujas continue in the main temple here. As Madurakalaiamman came to Siruvachur on a Friday, She is granting darshan to the devotees on Mondays. Following this story, the temple is open only on Mondays and Fridays. It is said that the deity stays with Chelliamman on other days.

Anga Pradakshinam is done by every devotees.

People who have problems of sickness, business related and on account of evil deeds get total relief besides for begetting a child.

Shri Mathurambikayai Namaha :

Kreem Hreem Hreem Mathura Kalikee Kreem Hreem Hoom

Badrakali Karaleecha Mahaa Kaali Thilothama
Kaali Karaala Vakthraanthaa Kamaakshi Kaamatha Subha

Om Hreem Kaali Kabaalini Goranaathini
Vishvam Vimohya Jagana Mohya Sarva Mohya Mohya Daha Daha Swaaha:

Om Im Hreem Shreem

The undermentioned Slokas are collated by me besides

Indraaksheem chathur pujam Deveem Beetha Vastra Dvyaanvithaam
Vaamahastha Vajradharaam Dakshinena Varapradham
Indraathibihi Surair Vandhyam Vandhe Sankara Vallabham
Evam Dyaathva Maha Deveem Japeth Sarvaartha Sidhaye
Sivaacha Sivaroopaacha Siva Bakthi Paarayanee
Mrthunjayee Mahaamaayee Sarva Roha Nivaarinee
Aakshara Roopinee Aathma Prakaasini Aabaara Karunamaya Leele
Jaya Jaya He Jagadeeshwari Mathuraambike
Siruvachur Nayaki Paalayamam
Sundara Alankrutha Kreeta Shobitha Paasamaana Laavanya Muke
Mathupriye Siva Hrudayeshwari Bindu Thrikona Shri Chakra Vaasini
Jaya Jaya He Jagadeeshwari Mathuraambika Siruvachur Nayaki Palayam
Namasthe Paranjyothi Roopaam Namasthe Siruvachur Vaase
Namasthe Namasthe Sri Mathurakalikaambike
Namasthe Namasthe Namasthe Namosthuthe
Jagadeeshwari Rakshamam
Prathi Somavaarecha Poojye Mangalaanaam cha Mangale
Shukravaare Poojitha Devi Samsaara Mangalaadhaare Moksha Mangala Dayini

Shri Mathurakalikambikaayaicha Vidhmahe Sarva Siddhyaicha Dheemahi
Tanno Devi Prachodayaath

Sri Mathurakalikambikaayaicha Vidhmahe Damaroo Daarinyaicha Dheemahi
Tanno Sakthi Prachodayaath

Shri Mathurakalikambikaayaicha Vidhmahe Shoola Hasthaayaicha Dheemahi
Tanno Devi Prachodayaath

Dvam Bala Thripura Para Sulalithaa Prathyangkira Saaradha
Vaachameeshwari Chandikaa cha Bagala Jwaalamukhi Vaishnavee
Lakshmi Neela Saraswathi cha Vijayaa Saakambari Saanthaa Sarvaha thvam
Shri Mathurambike Vijayase the Suprabatham Sivam

Saptha Brahmamayee Saraacharamayee Jyothirmayee Vangmayee
Nithyaananthamayee Niranjanamayee Thathvam mayee Chinmayee
Thathvaathamayee Paraathparamayee Maayamayee Shreemayee
Sarvaishvaryamayee Sadasivamayee Maambahi Shri Mathurambike

A visit to this temple will give a great relief to every devotee.


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