Japan has its uniqueglory, ancientness out of the world nations. Japanese have selfconfidence and Self faith in themselves and confident of achievinganything on their own. Japanese believe in themselves and are anexample of doing things on their own. From the days of Expo-70 when Ivisited there, I had been observing Japanese. I used to frequentlyvisit Japan. The people who live there are my friends and alsoIndustrialists. Their life of simplicity and transparent life is dearto my heart. “Love conquers the world” is an example of Japanesepeople. By doing confidently we can achieve anything is imbibed intheir life blood. Never they beg for charity and confident ofovercoming any mishap through their grit and determination. Duringthe time of Tsunami, they never expected any help from outside andeven when world nations are prepared to help also, they never gottheir help and by their united way overcome a major catastrophe andbecame victorious in achieving their resurrection. They proclaimedproudly to the whole world “SELF HELP IS BEST HELP”. TodayIndia is importing transport vehicles from Japan. Indo Japan Businessrelation is growing leaps and bounds. Indo-Japan Business Council iscelebrating its Silver Jubilee. I’m very proud of reminiscing aboutit. I express my heartfelt endeavour and happiness for the businessrelations to grow between the two ancient countries. HAILJAPAN...HAIL OUR FRIENDSHIP