When you come across a truly sincere student, not very bright, but works hard and and is willing to slog it out, you feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when they pass the course, even if they scrape through with a C. But then there are some others, they think they are very smart, but cannot be bothered with some actual studying, but want to take a short cut, copy from GF or BF, and then get caught. I usually warn them with dire consequences and let them go.
But something truly awful, IMO, happened today. I was grading a particularly hard homework. This was a problem to be done in Excel. I came across a student file that had the exact error I made in my answer key before noticing it and correcting it. On further examination it became absolutely clear she somehow got access to my Excel file before I found the error and fixed it.
But that is not all, there were eight other students who have turned in the exact same file, with the same error. These are the kids with whom I joke around and have fun during and after class.
This time I am going to go after these punks, I am going to file an honor court report and teach a real lesson of hard knocks....
If there are any other teacher out there in this forum, commiserate with me please, if you feel up to it, share your story, may be that will make me feel a little less betrayed by these young punks...
But something truly awful, IMO, happened today. I was grading a particularly hard homework. This was a problem to be done in Excel. I came across a student file that had the exact error I made in my answer key before noticing it and correcting it. On further examination it became absolutely clear she somehow got access to my Excel file before I found the error and fixed it.
But that is not all, there were eight other students who have turned in the exact same file, with the same error. These are the kids with whom I joke around and have fun during and after class.
This time I am going to go after these punks, I am going to file an honor court report and teach a real lesson of hard knocks....
If there are any other teacher out there in this forum, commiserate with me please, if you feel up to it, share your story, may be that will make me feel a little less betrayed by these young punks...
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