Good initiative!
[h=2]Kochi Restaurant Installs Public Fridge For People To Leave Food For The Homeless[/h]Amongst the hustle-bustle on Shenoys Junction in Kochi, you will find Pappada Vada, a modern take to the quintessential tea shops you find across Kerala that’s found a way to stand out humbly yet powerfully. The owner Minu Pauline decided to take her basest passion to feed hungry people to the rungs of society that don’t feel the effects of the trickle-down nearly enough by starting an initiative of her own to feed not just the ones who walk into her restaurant, but also those who couldn’t afford to do so. And she’s doing it in a very unique way.
A few days ago, a Facebook post on the restaurant’s page called out to its followers, asking them to pack the leftover food from their homes and leave in it in the public fridge that they have placed in front of the restaurant. They have named the fridge, ‘Nanma Maram’, which can be loosely translated as the ‘Tree of Goodness’. The fridge will be operational throughout the day, allowing hungry souls across the city to come and eat the food in the fridge to their hearts content.
Image Source: Facebook
What’s the catch? None at all. In fact, you’re not even required to have a meal at the restaurant in order to be able to contribute. All they ask is that the food you donate is not spoilt and that it is neatly packed before placing it in the fridge. The restaurant itself will contribute 50 food packets every day to the fridge so that no one goes back disappointed.
The hope is that through this initiative, they will not only be able to feed the needy, but also encourage people to not waste food.
[h=2]Kochi Restaurant Installs Public Fridge For People To Leave Food For The Homeless[/h]Amongst the hustle-bustle on Shenoys Junction in Kochi, you will find Pappada Vada, a modern take to the quintessential tea shops you find across Kerala that’s found a way to stand out humbly yet powerfully. The owner Minu Pauline decided to take her basest passion to feed hungry people to the rungs of society that don’t feel the effects of the trickle-down nearly enough by starting an initiative of her own to feed not just the ones who walk into her restaurant, but also those who couldn’t afford to do so. And she’s doing it in a very unique way.
A few days ago, a Facebook post on the restaurant’s page called out to its followers, asking them to pack the leftover food from their homes and leave in it in the public fridge that they have placed in front of the restaurant. They have named the fridge, ‘Nanma Maram’, which can be loosely translated as the ‘Tree of Goodness’. The fridge will be operational throughout the day, allowing hungry souls across the city to come and eat the food in the fridge to their hearts content.

What’s the catch? None at all. In fact, you’re not even required to have a meal at the restaurant in order to be able to contribute. All they ask is that the food you donate is not spoilt and that it is neatly packed before placing it in the fridge. The restaurant itself will contribute 50 food packets every day to the fridge so that no one goes back disappointed.
The hope is that through this initiative, they will not only be able to feed the needy, but also encourage people to not waste food.