The joy of being missed by someone can never be described by words. It could be by your dearest one, could be by your dear friend, could be by your grand children and for that matter by your friendly street dog too. Not only human beings but other species too miss their dear ones and haven't you seen the pets at home jumping with joy when they see you.
The feeling that 'You are missed by someone' increases many folds when the same is expressed to you and how many really express the same. This poem is
written imagining one such sequence..( not necessarily my personal experience
Every day is not Sunday
That is what some wise man said
But this Sunday is a special day
That not the wise man said
Like all days when morning came
Your Short message came with all cheers
It was the usual ‘Good Morning “ Greetings
Making my heart to go in all flutters
The Short message service is jut not words
As it conveys your remembrance of me
The short message service is just not words
As I feel it is like a nectar of love for me.
But today is so special day for me
As it brought your second short message
May be as an after thought from you to me
You just sent that ‘Miss u Da” message
My Own ! Yes for me you are ‘My Own’
When you and me know you belong to someone
Even with that, when you said ‘Miss you da”
I start missing you so much da !
The feeling that 'You are missed by someone' increases many folds when the same is expressed to you and how many really express the same. This poem is
written imagining one such sequence..( not necessarily my personal experience

“ The Magic of Miss U “
That is what some wise man said
But this Sunday is a special day
That not the wise man said
Like all days when morning came
Your Short message came with all cheers
It was the usual ‘Good Morning “ Greetings
Making my heart to go in all flutters
The Short message service is jut not words
As it conveys your remembrance of me
The short message service is just not words
As I feel it is like a nectar of love for me.
But today is so special day for me
As it brought your second short message
May be as an after thought from you to me
You just sent that ‘Miss u Da” message
My Own ! Yes for me you are ‘My Own’
When you and me know you belong to someone
Even with that, when you said ‘Miss you da”
I start missing you so much da !