I saw in another thread a mention that "our boys" do not choose medicine as a career anymore (from India).
Things are not very clear to me in this area.
I know it is easy to get into IT by doing anything and you can make a lot of money in India compared to medicine. But then, I see a lot of people prepared to pay Rs. 20 lakhs + to get admission in to a medical college. In my last trip, I met a retired medical professor, who said that he was commericaly hopeless - yet he seemed to have a thriving a practice and his son & daughter-in-law were working with him and he had knocked down the waiting room to build a car port. His complaint seemed to be that his colleagues were buying towns when he could buy only houses!
In US, I think medicine is very much in demand and pays very well.
Interested in kowning your thoughts on the topic.
Should our children pursue medicine - is it a commercialy viable option?
I also understand that it is a family business. For those, whose parents are not doctors, is it still an attractive option?
I saw in another thread a mention that "our boys" do not choose medicine as a career anymore (from India).
Things are not very clear to me in this area.
I know it is easy to get into IT by doing anything and you can make a lot of money in India compared to medicine. But then, I see a lot of people prepared to pay Rs. 20 lakhs + to get admission in to a medical college. In my last trip, I met a retired medical professor, who said that he was commericaly hopeless - yet he seemed to have a thriving a practice and his son & daughter-in-law were working with him and he had knocked down the waiting room to build a car port. His complaint seemed to be that his colleagues were buying towns when he could buy only houses!
In US, I think medicine is very much in demand and pays very well.
Interested in kowning your thoughts on the topic.
Should our children pursue medicine - is it a commercialy viable option?
I also understand that it is a family business. For those, whose parents are not doctors, is it still an attractive option?