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Modi is India's only hope, can't let him fail

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The author of this article is not a sanghi or a Hindutva-vAdi.

But the article is touching at places, poignant at other places and sarcastic at places. It expresses the frustrations of the Indian population with the political dispensation that is being dished out to Indians.

Modi is India's only hope, can't let him fail
The PM alone can stand between us and NOTA next time.

Valson Thampu

We are citizens. Quite frankly, we are selfish. Like everybody else. Our primary concern is ourselves. And our woes are many.

It matters little to us who rules, and who is sulking on the sidelines. We are more interested in small things - roti, kapda, makaan. Also, toilets (some 46 per cent of us have none) and a little paani (many of us live in those 5,00,000 villages, where safe drinking water is a rarity), some education for our children and life-saving medicines when they fall ill

For the last several decades we hoped that we would rise with the fall of governments. We did not. We voted for change.
Change, each time, proved fickle like off-season clouds. They promise rain, but deceive and disappoint. Our hopes died young. We were always left waiting for the next elections. Our elders died waiting.

Now we too are tired. Many of us are tempted to press NOTA, when we go into polling booths. We like that word, NOTA. It sounds like lota, which is a luxury for us. Especially when it holds some water.

We are lost in this political kabaddi. Some of us cry, some laugh, when we see hungama (we are told it is called "debate") in Parliament. Our angrezi master tells us that "debate" is now just another word for fighting and shouting.

In that case, we prefer to watch sports channels, where wrestling is amusing and entertaining. The wrestlers think we don’t know they are faking! They don't know how much faking we are used to. They fake fighting. Well, that’s their livelihood. But, when it comes to the Parliament, it is our livelihood.

How we wish opposition parties at least had cared for us. They fight and paralyse the Parliament, but we do not figure in their agenda.

Our hope gasps when politics is organised around enmity and hatred. We know that these are balloons of distraction. The poor have neither friends nor enemies.

Well, not quite. We do have a few enemies. Poverty. And its terrible brood of hunger, humiliation, illness, debt, premature death. Why is nobody interested in fighting our enemies?

Thousands of our children die each week due to diarrhoea. Millions can't attend school. When illnesses come calling, quacks bleed us to death.

We know that we have nothing to hope for, so long as this game of "enmity" goes on. You are interested in make-belief. We don't believe your make beliefs. We have our burning issues.

The fire in our belly, for example. Our parched throats, for example. Our children for whom there is no future, for example. Our women who are raped, for example. We have endured it for too long.

We hoped against hope that the nightmare would end and we would someday begin to live like human beings.
Governments changed. Nothing changed for us. We were used. Forgotten. Each time we voted with eager and aching hearts. Many of us sacrifise a day's wage to vote.

We were told that our votes were mighty. That they had the power to change our plight. We believed the canard. We are beginning to feel cheated.

Please don't promise improvements after the next election. We want our misery mitigated before the next election. We are sick and tired of promises. We try to munch promises and hurt ourselves in the stomach.

There may not be another election for many of us. We may not survive till then. Some of us are desperate unto death.
We feel bitter about religion. Religions have no place for us. They are always on the side of the rich and the corrupt. We, the poor, have no god. So, don’t ask us to fight in the name of religion.

We are willing to fight for a morsel of food, not for god. We find it hard to believe that your gods are our gods. Why are gods so partisan? Why are they blind to our pains? Your gods... Hindu, Muslim, Christian... Why do they look the other way when our children die young, our girls are raped and our empty stomachs growl under acid rains?

Prime Minister Modi looks like our last hope. So we chant, NaMo, NaMo... We want him to succeed. We will give him lifelong loyalty, in exchange for mere survival.

Give our children a tomorrow. (We who have no "today" can't ask for a "better" tomorrow.) We'd die than hate anyone or support politics of violence. Anyway, we look doomed to die.

Why should we die hating? We have cast our lot with Modi ji, for unfurling the banner of our hopes. We wish to hold on... hoping against hope... What else can we do?

Sometimes we watch TV programmes. Then we wonder in which country we are living. There is so much wealth! Pomp and show! Glitter and the flutter! Thunderous celebration of a growth story.

Many of us, watching all this, sink through the floor. Literally. Our floors are not made of marble or granite, you see. Nor are there carpets to come in the way.

There is something about Modi ji that appeals to us. That soft and delicate outlines of his oneness with us, thanks to his own humble beginnings. So, he knows our anger and our misery. Our desperation. That makes us hope!

One last word to Modi ji. Hope he listens to our "mann ki baat". It makes good political sense to let a few crumbs fall for us from the sumptuous table of development.

We vote. The rich don’t. They may pay. But they pay only to take it back, a hundred fold. You are our last gamble, we who are the majority in this country.

We do not want to turn away from you. We have trusted nobody else. You alone can stand between us and NOTA next time. Please do.

If we can only find 1 person in 1.4 Billion Indians, it is a sad day. I think we are selling Indians short. I do want Modi to succeed, But I want India to succeed in-spite of any anything, including Modi.

When you hitch the future of the country to one shoulder, it is very dangerous. Humans can fail, India can not fail.
Some people are such cult minded that they loose the main focus. This personality cult will be the undoing of India's future.
January 29, 2016 | The Wall Street Journal

Narendra Modi is losing India’s market liberals

His failure to reform the economy is hurting him among his once-enthusiastic supporters.

Two years ago, as Mr. Modi gathered steam ahead of national elections, a small but influential cohort of market-friendly analysts and commentators were among his most ardent supporters. Today many of them have lost enthusiasm for Mr. Modi, who appears to lack both clarity and appetite for bold reforms.

The prime minister’s advisors may pooh-pooh this development. India’s elections, they say, are won by appealing to the masses, not to intellectuals spouting Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek. They are wrong. Already loathed by the cultural left, Mr. Modi cannot afford to alienate the economic right. Should Finance Minister Arun Jaitley deliver another lackluster budget next month—which would be his third dud in a row—it will not only hurt India’s economy but also his boss’s re-election prospects.
Already some of the most influential market liberals in India have signaled their disappointment. Former cabinet minister Arun Shourie, who successfully privatized state-owned firms during Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure from 1998-2004, accused the Modi government of confusing managing the economy with “managing the headlines.”
News commentator T.N. Ninan said: “One-third of the way into its tenure, the Modi government has not really been able to get on top of its inherited economic problems.” Investment guru Jim Rogers, once an enthusiastic Modi backer, accused the prime minister of having done little “to change the basic macroeconomic problems facing India.”
To be sure, some of the disappointment can be chalked up to high expectations. On the campaign trail, Mr. Modi built up hopes that he would be different from the cut-rate socialists and lazy populists who have mostly ruled India since its independence. He proffered his vision for the economy through slogans such as: “minimum government, maximum governance,” “red carpet, not red tape,” and “the government has no business being in business.”
The government has done its best to roll out a red carpet for investors, with the prime minister himself acting as India’s chief pitchman. But in terms of minimizing government, particularly in business, the slogans have little connection with reality.
It hasn’t helped that Mr. Modi’s more ambitious plans have been blocked in Parliament by an intransigent left-of-center Congress Party. A proposed goods and services tax to stitch India into a common market won’t be rolled out this April as planned, if it’s rolled out at all. The opposition also forced the government to retreat on a proposal to ease land-acquisition norms for industry.
Perhaps fearing more political turmoil, Mr. Modi kicked the reform of labor laws—which currently discourage job growth by making it difficult to lay off workers during a downturn—to state governments. But except in a few states, progress hasn’t been stellar.
A deeper problem is that the Modi administration displays no philosophical clarity on the economy. Despite having a majority in the lower house of Parliament, he has done nothing to reverse the previous government’s worst laws, like an unpopular retroactive tax.
Also in force is a government directive compelling companies to channel some of their profits toward social objectives such as reducing child mortality and combating AIDS. In reality, politicians use the provision to “encourage” businessmen to fund their favorite boondoggles.
Instead of winding up the previous government’s flagship make-work program—a rural job guarantee that wasted billions of dollars—Mr. Modi plans to increase its funding. He also believes he can stem the rot in state-owned companies by picking the right managers rather than privatizing the firms.
Contrary to what senior politicians from Mr. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party argue, the government’s lackluster reform record will likely have electoral consequences. Take away the market liberals, and the only opinion makers left supporting the BJP are a group of culture warriors championing ancient Hindu glory. Mr. Modi will also fail to achieve his goal of being seen as a global statesman if he can’t deliver on his promise to transform India’s economy.
Mr. Dhume is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a columnist for WSJ.com
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Modi haters will not like such threads, but it is an open forum and everyone is free to express their POV.

I don’t belong to any political party and remain neutral.

While assuming charge, this Government promised among lot of other things, Minimum Govt. and Maximum Governance.
The current Modi Cabinet has only highly limited Cabinet Ministers i.e. 23 and 23 State Ministers. On the contrary, the previous Government had 71 ministers. This reduced considerable expenditure. It is taqx payers money and it is always better to have an eye on expenditure. In fact, a paise saved is a paise earned.

I would like to share the following message received through face book:

1. 2 வருடங்கள் முடியப்போகிறது. ஒரு ஊழல் குற்றச்சாட்டைக் கூட பிரதமர் மேலோ, அமைச்சர்கள் மேலோ எதிர்க்க்ட்சிகளாலும் , பெற்றதாய் பிறந்த பொன்னாட்டை எட்டணாவிற்கு விற்கத் தயாராக இருக்கும் ஊடகங்களினாலோ , முன்வைக்கக்கூட முடியவில்லை.

2. பியுஷ் கோயல், சுரேஷ் பிரபு, கட்காரி, நிர்மலா சீதாராமன், போன்ற அமைச்சர்கள் தங்களது அமைச்சகத்தின் செயல்பாட்டை பளிங்கு போல் இணையத்தில் காட்டுகிறார்கள். அவர்களது அமைச்சகங்கள் செய்துள்ள கடினமான சாதனைகளை ஆய்வு செய்யும் அளவு எதிரிக் கட்சிகளில் விஷய ஞானம் இல்லை.

3. வெளிநாட்டுக்கு ரதகஜ துரகபதாதிகளுடன் உல்லாசப் பயணம் போன மன்மோகனார் பற்றி வாயே திறக்காத ஊடகங்கள் பிரதமரின் வெளிநாட்டுப் பயணத்தை கார்டூன் போட்டு தங்கள் அரிப்பை காட்டிக்கொண்டன. ஆனால் அவரது முயற்சியினால் அன்னிய முதலீடுகள் குறிப்பிடத்தகுந்த அளவு அதிகரித்துள்ளது.

4. உள்ளூர் கேடிக் கௌன்சிலர்கள் படாடோபமாக இருக்க , நாட்டின் ராணுவ மந்திரி வரிசையில் நின்று குறைந்த கட்டண விமானத்தில் ஏறுகிறார். ராணுவ முதலீடுகளில் நேர்மையும் , வெளிப்படையான செயல்பாடும் நடப்பது தெரிகிறது. ராணுவக் கொள்முதல் முந்தைய அரசுகளைவிட மிகவும் அதிகரித்திருக்கிறது, தேசப் பாதுகாப்புக் கருதி. ஆனால் முந்தைய ஆட்சிபோல் ஹெலிகாப்டர் தொடங்கி பீரங்கி வரை ஊழல் இல்லை.

5.பிரதமர் வாரம் தவறாது , ஊடகத் தரகர்களின்றி மக்களுடன் வானொலி மூலம் உரை நிகழ்த்துகிறார். தன்னுடைய செயல்பாடு, அரசின் செயல்பாடு, சந்திக்கும் சவால்கள், இந்தியாவைப் பற்றித்தான் கொண்டுள்ள கனவு பற்றி ஊடகக் கருத்துச் சேர்ப்பின்றி சொல்கிறார்.

6.நீதித்துறையில் அரசின் தலையீடு அறவே இல்லை. அத்துறையின் மீது , மக்கள் நம்பிக்கையை வளர்க்கும் வண்ணம் அரசும் வழக்குகளைக் கோர்ட்டில் தீட்டுகிறது, சந்திக்கிறது. சொன்ன முறை சற்று தவறுதான் ....ஆனால் நாட்டின் தலைமை நீதிபதி அதிகப் பணிச்சுமை பற்றி நேரடியாக பிரதமரிடம் சொல்லும் வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறது. சகுனித்தனமாக , தலைமை நீதிபதியும் ஊடகங்களின் துணையை நாடவில்லை. அது நம்பிக்கையின் அடையாளம்.

7.நாட்டின் சுத்தம் சுகாதாரம் பற்றி பிரதமரே அக்கறை எடுத்து திட்டங்கள் வகுத்து செயல் படுத்துகிறார்.ஸ்வச் பாரத் இன்று சிறு குழந்தைகள் அளவில் தெரிந்திருக்கிறது. இது வருங்காலத்தின் நம்பிக்கை.

8.லோக்சபா, ராஜ்யசபாவில் அநாகரீக நடத்தைகள் இல்லை. பாஜக பிரதிநிதிகளிடம் நாகரீகமும், நகைச்சுவையும் மட்டுமே மின்னுகிறது. "ஸ்வாமி! ஹராம் கோர்! "என்று வசைபாடி மிரட்டும் காங்கிரஸின் கழிவறை நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கும் பாஜகவின் நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கும் உள்ள வேறுபாடு தெள்ளத்தெளிவாகிறது.

9. வெளிநாட்டுவாழ் இந்தியர்களுக்கு சுஷ்மா ஸ்வராஜ்ஜும், வி.கே.சிங்கும் எளிதில் அணுகக்கூடியவர்களாக இருக்கிறார்கள். என் அரசு என்னைக் கைவீட்டு விடாது என்ற நம்பிக்கை இன்று ஒவ்வொரு வெளிநாட்டு வாழ் இந்தியனிடமும் வந்துள்ளது. சவுதி அரேபியா வந்த பிரதமர் சாதாரணத் தொழிலாளிகளோடு கலந்து பேசுகிறார். அவர்களோடு லேபர் காம்ப்பில் உணவைப் பகிர்ந்துகொள்கிறார்.

10. மத்திய அரசு அலுவலகங்களில் ஊழல் பெருமளவு குறைந்து, செயல்பாடு தரமானதாக இருப்பதை பல நேரங்களில் மோதியை எதிரியாகக் கருதுபவர்கள் கூட ஒப்புக்கொள்ளும் தருணம். வறட்டு வாதங்களால் மோதியை எதிர்ப்பவர்கள்கூட பதுங்கும் ஒரு நிலை , ஆக்கப்பூர்வமாக உருவாகியுள்ளது.

11. டிசாஸ்டர் மானேஜ்மெண்ட் எனும் பேரழிவு நேர மேலாண்மை ஏமன் தொடங்கி கேரளா வரை அரசு நடைமுறைப்படுத்திக் காட்டியிருக்கிறது.

13. தங்கள் கட்சி ஆளும் மாநிலம் ,ஆளாத மாநிலம் என்ற பாகுபாடின்றி அரசு திட்டங்களைச் செயல்படுத்துகிறது.

14.வெளிநாட்டு உறவுகளில் உலகின் அனைத்து கௌரவமான நாடுகளுடனும் நல்ல உறவு உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. பாகிஸ்தான், சைனா அந்த கௌரவமான நாடுகள் வரிசையில் இல்லாதது நம்முடைய பிழையில்லை. அனைத்துத் துறையிலும் தோற்றுப்போன பாகிஸ்தானும், நம்பகத்தன்மை இல்லாத சைனாவும் மாறும் வரை மோதிக்கு 98/100 மட்டுமே!

15.வறட்சி நிவாரணம் பல மாநிலங்களில் மத்திய அரசு நேராகத் தலையிட்டு போர்க்கால நடவடிக்கைகள் மேற்கொண்டுள்ளது இதுவே முதல் முறை.

கடந்த 2 வருடங்களில் ,,,இதுவரை 60+ வருடங்களில் இல்லாத ஒரு எதிர்பார்ப்பும், நம்பிக்கையும் மக்களிடம் வந்துள்ளது,
இன்னும் பாலும் , தேனும் ஓடவில்லை ....... பளிங்குபோல சாலைகள் இல்லை ....குற்றங்கள் குறைந்தாலும் அவை முற்றிலுமாக ஒழிக்கப்படவில்லை .........இவை எல்லாம் இருந்தாலும் இந்த அரசு நேர்மையானது, செயல் படக்கூடிய அரசு என்ற எளிமையான நம்பிக்கை வந்துள்ளது. அந்த ஒரு காரணம் போது பாஜகவிற்கு வாக்களிக்க!

To be continued.........
Modi is not the ultimate person in India.
Nobody is indispensable in this world.
Many more Modis would be born in India, in future.
Who knows next generation Modis may be much more better.

I think those who elected Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat State from 2001-2014 and as Prime Minister of India from 2014 know pretty well that he is not the ultimate person. And they also know that no body is indispensable in this world. But still it happens and will happen.

And most wish that we get next generation leaders capable of delivering much more better results.


On PM Modi's Orders, Centre Says Bye to 33 Non-Performing Officials

NEW DELHI: Non-performance will no longer be tolerated: To drive home this Good Governance message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Centre has ordered 33 senior officials of the revenue department to take premature retirement.

Over the last two years, 72 officials have also been dismissed following departmental and disciplinary action. But this was the first time that action was taken against such a large group.

All 105 officers were Class 1 officers and are above 50 years in age.

Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/with...ys-bye-to-33-non-performing-officials-1403207
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[h=1]Why Shourie is right in praising PM Modi's fight against corruption[/h]
Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi narcissistic? Is he Machiavellian? Is he remorseless and is he running a presidential-style government, a virtual one-man show? All this could be true.

Arun Shourie, one of the most bitter critics of Modi, pilloried the Prime Minister on all these counts. Shourie was as scathing and devastating as he could get in a recent interview given to Karan Thapar of India TV.

Shourie also said something that was important but didn’t make headlines: that Modi has drastically reduced corruption, that there hasn’t been a single case of corruption in the government and that nobody in the Modi Cabinet can be accused of corruption. That’s a rare compliment and that’s rare for a government in India. In our living memory, we don’t recall any government at the Centre, which didn’t face atleast one corruption charge.

In the first two years of the government, Modi — who Shourie says has the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism and remorselessness as personality traits — has beaten the most formidable enemy of governance: corruption.

Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi narcissistic? Is he Machiavellian? Is he remorseless and is he running a presidential-style government, a virtual one-man show? All this could be true.

Arun Shourie, one of the most bitter critics of Modi, pilloried the Prime Minister on all these counts. Shourie was as scathing and devastating as he could get in a recent interview given to Karan Thapar of India TV.

Shourie also said something that was important but didn’t make headlines: that Modi has drastically reduced corruption, that there hasn’t been a single case of corruption in the government and that nobody in the Modi Cabinet can be accused of corruption. That’s a rare compliment and that’s rare for a government in India.

In our living memory, we don’t recall any government at the Centre, which didn’t face atleast one corruption charge.

In the first two years of the government, Modi — who Shourie says has the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism and remorselessness as personality traits — has beaten the most formidable enemy of governance: corruption.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/arun-shourie-pm-modi-fight-against-corruption-2772698.html
Why Shourie is right in praising PM Modi's fight against corruption

Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi narcissistic? Is he Machiavellian? Is he remorseless and is he running a presidential-style government, a virtual one-man show? All this could be true.

Arun Shourie, one of the most bitter critics of Modi, pilloried the Prime Minister on all these counts. Shourie was as scathing and devastating as he could get in a recent interview given to Karan Thapar of India TV.

Shourie also said something that was important but didn’t make headlines: that Modi has drastically reduced corruption, that there and that nobody in the Modi Cabinet can be accused of corruption. That’s a rare compliment and that’s rare for a government in India. In our living memory, we don’t recall any government at the Centre, which didn’t face atleast one corruption charge.

In the first two years of the government, Modi — who Shourie says has the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism and remorselessness as personality traits — has beaten the most formidable enemy of governance: corruption.

Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi narcissistic? Is he Machiavellian? Is he remorseless and is he running a presidential-style government, a virtual one-man show? All this could be true.

Arun Shourie, one of the most bitter critics of Modi, pilloried the Prime Minister on all these counts. Shourie was as scathing and devastating as he could get in a recent interview given to Karan Thapar of India TV.hasn’t been a single case of corruption in the government

Shourie also said something that was important but didn’t make headlines: that Modi has drastically reduced corruption, that there hasn’t been a single case of corruption in the government and that nobody in the Modi Cabinet can be accused of corruption. That’s a rare compliment and that’s rare for a government in India.

In our living memory, we don’t recall any government at the Centre, which didn’t face atleast one corruption charge.

In the first two years of the government, Modi — who Shourie says has the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism and remorselessness as personality traits — has beaten the most formidable enemy of governance: corruption.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/arun-shourie-pm-modi-fight-against-corruption-2772698.html

Nobody is needed to contradict Arun Shourie.
Nobody is needed to contradict Arun Shourie.

While everyone is free to express their opinion, it is every other's liberty to condradict the same. And what is important is the substance.
After 60 years of corrupt government, India got a break by electing a person like PM Modi. By his own initiatives he is highly respected around the world outside India. The problems are so severe that it will take some time to clear out the mess. But he is committed to the poor people and always keeps that in his mind.

What India has is a large number of corrupt goons at various levels of the Government. We have many literate fools who love to critique just because it is their habit. Many love the legacy of bureaucracy left by the British because it can hide lack of productivity and enables corruption.

What India needs is dictatorship by a Dharmic and benevolent dictator to clean up the political and bureaucratic class. PM Modi has to walk the fine line between being effective and being labelled.

It is all easy to say that no one person can make a difference. But it took 60 years to find someone who is beginning to make a dent.
I think fair critique is healthy. But most often what I find in the media are sore losers making unjustified criticism. They are best ignored.

I hope India can become an economic superpower in our lifetime and I hope we support PM Modi in his effort to lay the foundation.
Modi is doing his duties without any blemish...We only hope & pray that his service to the nation continues for at least another decade+
Modi is the best PM since independence but democracy will never work in India, people for their own small term benefits chose the candidates in a moment of haste and for the next 5 years they regret. even america has limited democracy. Our democracy is the biggest farce on the planet. Bharat will never develop with this constitution
[h=1]மத்திய அரசின் நேரடி மானியத் திட்டங்களால் ரூ.27 ஆயிரம் கோடி பணம் சேமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

ஆதார் அடையாள அட்டை, நேரடி மானியத் திட்டங்கள் தொடர்பாக டெல்லியில் உயர்நிலை ஆலோசனைக் கூட்டம் நடைபெற்றது. பிரதமர் நரேந்திர மோடி தலைமை வகித்தார். தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம், ஊரக வளர்ச்சி, பெட்ரோலிய துறை அமைச்சர்கள், மூத்த அதிகாரிகள் கூட்டத்தில் பங்கேற்றனர்.

சுமார் 2 மணி நேரம் நீடித்த இந்த ஆலோசனைக் கூட்டத்தில் ஆதார் அடையாள அட்டை, நேரடி மானியத் திட்டங்கள் குறித்து விரிவாக விவாதிக்கப்பட்டது.

நேரடி மானியத் திட்டத்தில் கடந்த ஆண்டில் மட்டும் 30 கோடி பயனாளிகளுக்கு ரூ.61,000 கோடி வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதில் தேசிய ஊரக வேலைவாய்ப்புத் திட்டத்தில் ரூ.25,000 கோடியும் சமையல் காஸ் நேரடி மானியத் திட்டத்தில் ரூ.21,000 கோடியும் அளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

ஆதார் அடையாள அட்டை காரணமாக நாடு முழுவதும் ஒரு கோடியே 60 லட்சம் போலி ரேஷன் அடையாள அட்டைகள் ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன. இதன்மூலம் ரூ.10,000 கோடி சேமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதேபோல சமையல் காஸ் நேரடி மானியத் திட்டத்தால் 3.5 கோடி போலி பயனாளிகள் நீக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இதன்மூலம் ரூ.14,000 கோடி சேமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தேசிய ஊரக வேலைவாய்ப்புத் திட்டத்தில் 3,000 கோடி மிச்சமாகி உள்ளது.

மத்திய அரசின் நேரடி மானியத் திட்டங்களால் ஒட்டுமொத்தமாக ரூ.27,000 கோடி சேமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது என்று கூட்டத்தில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டது.[/h][h=1]Read more at: http://tamil.thehindu.com/india/நேர...த்தில்-தகவல்/article8581383.ece?homepage=true[/h]
Savings of Rs 27000 crore is not a small amount! It made better economic sense for Modi to continue with the UIDAI which was the flagship scheme of UPA despite expressing apprehensions about its utility in the run up to the elections!
Mr Naredra Modi was elected with comfortable majority with great hope of reviving the Nation from the ignominy of economic disaster and unabated corruption. Now his Government will be completing two years of reign on 26th May 2016. What he has achieved so far does not match the expectations of the people (like me),who had voted his party to power. The achievements claimed by this Government are due to the initiatives, like Adhaar Card and Direct Benefit Transfer, taken by Dr Manmohan Singh's Government. The fiscal initiatives and correction process to control the inflation has not given the expected results. Price rise of essentials has not been controlled. In spite of the stastics supplied by RBI, there is no perceptible economic resurgence seen. This has tempted the State Political outfits to offer a number of freebies to voters to gain their election results !

On the plus side, Mr Modi has resurrected the lost glory of our Coutry at the international arena. This is due to his personal charisma. He has set an example to others by his sincerity and honesty to establish a new work culture.
We have not heard any corruption among his Ministers or the Central Government departments. This is a major achievement indeed. Mr Modi's cabinet has some good Ministers like Mr Piyush Goel, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, Mr Kiren Rijju, Mr M.Venkayya Naidu, Mr Manohar Parikkar, Mr Nitin Gadkari, Ms. Smrithi Z. Irani and Col. Rajyavardhan Rathor.
Among the Parliamentarians of BJP, I would consider Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi, Mr Anurag Thakur and Mr Prahalad Joshi had shown good debating skill and hard work.

Well, I will vote Mr Narendra Dhamodardas Modi again, since there is no viable alternative seen in the horizon. The leadership offered by other Political Parties are pathetic in comparison to Mr Modi.

These are my random thoughts as a well wisher,

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Other positive points are the remarkable initiatives in Power and road sector..However water management is still a matter of concern as is seen in Maharashtra reeling under drought!
Other positive points are the remarkable initiatives in Power and road sector..However water management is still a matter of concern as is seen in Maharashtra reeling under drought!

Yes, Power sector is managed by Mr Piyush Goel and Roads by Mr Nitin Gatkari, two efficient Minsters. Water Management is a State Subject depends on natural resourses and rains. It needs a long term planning and inter state cooperation.
Water Management is a State Subject depends on natural resourses and rains. It needs a long term planning and inter state cooperation.

All the rivers are inter state ...Inter state cooperation is a tough task with pulls and counter pulls...Center has to play a pro active role in this..May be this is the right time for moving rivers to Concurrent list!
All the rivers are inter state ...Inter state cooperation is a tough task with pulls and counter pulls...Center has to play a pro active role in this..May be this is the right time for moving rivers to Concurrent list!
Even the Court orders are not implemented in regard to inter state disputes. It will be impossible for Central Government to take proactive role in this matter. Amending the Constitution in respect of such a major issue like changing the concurrent list is impossible.
Even the Court orders are not implemented in regard to inter state disputes. It will be impossible for Central Government to take proactive role in this matter. Amending the Constitution in respect of such a major issue like changing the concurrent list is impossible.


What is the solution to this....As it stands we are like a Central African Republic where there is no rule of law!

What is the solution to this...As it stands we are like a Central African Republic where there is no rule of law!
Dear Sri vgane,
As I see there is no perceptible solution under the present dispensation. The whole country needs a Vivekananda to shake us up from the induced slumber of "comfort".We need another Mahatma Gandhi to unite us.
Our Nation is unique in many ways, cannot be compared with any other Country in its problems and resources.
Our main impediment is that we "enjoy" excess freedom without accountability. All the institutions set up by the Constitution to safe guard the Nation are showing their inability to perform freely due to over vote bank Politics !

Perhaps we require another Lee kuan Yew to stop the rut and discipline the nation.

As a believer in the words of Lord who declared "sambavami yuge yuge",
the resurrection will happen to redeem our Mother Land from this state of ignominy.

Time only can answer the question when?


Modi is the right person at the rguess right time and place. I am sure things will start looking up for India. My guess is India should be a superpower in about 10 years. U.S. will continue to be a superpower too but will not be the sole superpower.
Dear Sri vgane,
As I see there is no perceptible solution under the present dispensation. The whole country needs a Vivekananda to shake us up from the induced slumber of "comfort".We need another Mahatma Gandhi to unite us.
Our Nation is unique in many ways, cannot be compared with any other Country in its problems and resources.
Our main impediment is that we "enjoy" excess freedom without accountability. All the institutions set up by the Constitution to safe guard the Nation are showing their inability to perform freely due to over vote bank Politics !

Perhaps we require another Lee kuan Yew to stop the rut and discipline the nation.

As a believer in the words of Lord who declared "sambavami yuge yuge",
the resurrection will happen to redeem our Mother Land from this state of ignominy.

Time only can answer the question when?


hi sir

just i saw a documentary about JINNAH AND INDIAs PARTITION.....we are from south...i never affected so much pain like

north in partition process...especially punjab/bihar/bengal sufferd a lot....partition is boom or curse?...time will give answer....

after 65 yrs....we still feel the pain....
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