Dear M/s Vgane/ yesmohan / Tbs / Mskmoorthy & host of Veteran Members , though not written now on the Topic / but they very well would come up with their practical experiences & give a long Lecture , based on their Life Exp :--
Money is not Every thing in Life is the Topic :- I am for one , who always feel & also realize like elderly Tamil Brahmins of this Forum , that we All ( I take it that all realize & Agree beyond doubt that,) in the last 3 Decades Have reached self sufficiency , & because of Financial prosperity got our children educated in professional courses , having one/ two children only & most got migrated to U.S & other green Pastures & they have started keeping their parents happy duly investing $ & Pounds, with modern Flats/ provide frequent visits to their Countries & we all Enjoy the outcome of our unified efforts even sacrificing our comforts for their sake .
Our parents/ grand parents have constantly taught us , not be extravagant , insisted on Savings. We followed & each one of us , can PAT our backs & say we did it . & the benefit is REAPED , by our Kids (who are the heads of their families )
Our Sons / Daughters being well educated & have worldly knowledge of anything & every thing .
All veterans , would vouch that the next generation of ours have become Masters , with any amount of knowledge, because of their intelligence becoming experts in their own field & contribute to the Society of the World .
Dear Veterans & the members who have given their thoughts, above, Should realize that
our fore fathers have shown us the fundamentals Let us not belittle their permanent, ever applicable Mottos Like living comfortably with hard earned Wealth & jointly think about the way we can think of utilising the EXCESS wealth . If a Dozen enterprizing Men/ women hit upon a Plan, a long standing one for the progress of our Brahmin community, wherever, & bring Unity.
If a couple of entrepreneurs can take the lead & have a get-together in a common place in U.S / U.K it could grow faster & we can feel Proud, for Posterity. Note I ,for one not so lucky in taking such steps, but suggest ways.
My dear Friends (Senors/ veterans like Mr. Krish do take the lead & get things done. Money would flow if you people think about workable schemes
I feel this is the Best Period to instill confidence among Tamil Brahmins in U.S, & motivate ( Unnal mudiyum Thambi )
Rishikesan ( A. Srinivasan )