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Nomination of President

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Pranab Mukherjee has been nominated for next Presidentship by the Congress.
The Die was already there after the skeletons started falling out of the cupboards. Now we see the cast. Thus the Congress has secured itself and the FM/PM is also safe. This is really surprising that a party whose popularity is fast eroding every where, can still call the shots. One should pity PC that he is not likely to get the FM at least until the deck is cleared! The erstwhile FM has done one thing in his life. He brought up the ordinary Ambanis to "only Ambanis" in his first attempt and next he housed them in "Antilla" closer to heaven. Well done FM!
NDA may fall in line with UPA, back Mukherjee.

There is also a view that if the NDA backs Mukherjee there could be a possibility of reaching an understanding with the government for the post of Vice-President. It is horse or camel trading time.

With not much support, will Kalam stay in race?
Former President APJ Abdul Kalam is highly unlikely to contest against finance minister Pranab Mukherjee. Kalam had already indicated a day earlier that he wouldn't enter the fray unless he was assured of support by Mulayam Singh Yadav, along with the NDA, and of course, Mamata Banerjee who has kept backing him. So, with Mulayam parting ways with Mamata on his candidature, Kalam was likely to stick to his view that he won't enter the race, BJP sources said.

Pranab Mukherjee is a suitable candidate for the President. but he is a number one politician. my sad feeling is Sonia selected him. as Mr Ayyarooraan points out failing in all angles Congress Party still shoots the gun. Mumta's main mistake was that she believed Mulayam who is most unreliable. She should have taken Jayalalitha, Navin Patnaik, Badal, N.Modi, BJP into confidence instead of Mulayam before dashing for Great Kalam who unfortunately has no support even from his own State. as on date, the best person to occupy Raisina Hills is Great Kalam only. but, Alas, it is not going to be. Panabda is going to be the President.It is very unfortunate a foreign woman still calls the shot. what a sorry aff

Padma Vibhushan Dr. Pranab Kumar Mukherjee will be our next President. He is well qualified for the post. He holds Masters Degree of Arts in History and Political Science, and LL.B.Degree in Law. He has vast experience in administration and handled various high profile Ministries including Defense, Finance, External Affairs, Revenue, Shipping, Transport, Communication, Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry.He has been awarded "Outstanding Parliamentarian Award" in 1997.He is the leader of the house in the present Lok Sabha. By proposing his name for the post of President, Congress Party will lose their best trouble shooter.
He belongs to the family of Freedom fighters. His father an active Congress member Kamada Kinkar Mukherjee was a respected freedom fighter who had been sent to prison for more than 10 years for his opposition to the British rule. Shri Pranabda is in active politics since 1969.
Shri Pranab Mukherjee is married to Suvra Mukherjee and has two sons and a daughter.

Let us wish him all the best in his new post.

Pranab will now use his presidential authority granted to him by sonia and see to it that black money remains hidden and corrupts will get cover. He, like manmohan singh will look elsewhere; why mulayam changed his stand and did a somersault within 24 hours will make an interesting case study for mba students.
In North, Mulayam Yadav is called Mulla yadav. No8.and 9 I agree with Mr Sarang and Mr Iyyarooran 100%. Black money is not going to come back Let Anna Hazare and group do. President Panab will take care of that. There is only one way. BJP should stop infighting, make Jayalalitha, Navin Patnaik, Mumta, Badal, Sivsena etc and fight 2014 general election and get congress out of power. Mumta has to grow up and matured. I see this is the only way. at present, Pranab becoming President looks certain. let Anna hazare group not critisize all political parties. will this happen and will these see people take care of the nation. I pray
Padma Vibhushan Dr. Pranab Kumar Mukherjee will be our next President. He is well qualified for the post. He holds Masters Degree of Arts in History and Political Science, and LL.B.Degree in Law. He has vast experience in administration and handled various high profile Ministries including Defense, Finance, External Affairs, Revenue, Shipping, Transport, Communication, Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry.He has been awarded "Outstanding Parliamentarian Award" in 1997.He is the leader of the house in the present Lok Sabha. By proposing his name for the post of President, Congress Party will lose their best trouble shooter.
He belongs to the family of Freedom fighters. His father an active Congress member Kamada Kinkar Mukherjee was a respected freedom fighter who had been sent to prison for more than 10 years for his opposition to the British rule. Shri Pranabda is in active politics since 1969.
Shri Pranab Mukherjee is married to Suvra Mukherjee and has two sons and a daughter.

Let us wish him all the best in his new post.


Mr. Brahmanyanji,
I join you.
NDA may fall in line with UPA, back Mukherjee.

There is also a view that if the NDA backs Mukherjee there could be a possibility of reaching an understanding with the government for the post of Vice-President. It is horse or camel trading time.

Dear Mr. Prasad,

It could be a good beginning for better Governance. But I doubt NDA has got a good candidate for the Post of Vice-president. Mr. Ram Jethmalani and Mr. Arun Jailey will fit in for the post. But I doubt Mr Jethmalani will accept the post and whether BJP could afford to lose Mr.Jaitley from his present position of leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha. When we look around it is strange that we have very few credible Statesmen left to occupy Constitutional posts in our Country. Ofcourse we have plenty of Politicians ready to occupy every slot available to bask in its glory without responsibility.
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Let us pray that Pranabji will become the next president. It would have been far better if he could become the Prime Minister of the country. Anyway, for the detractors, please don't judge him harshly yet.
See the following Reutersreport: (15 June 2012)
BJP will be doing a hara-kiri (perhaps not the right word as hara-kiri is done to protect one's honour) if it falls for UPA's design and supports pranab, as the from the beginning it was saying that it will not support a congress candidate. Now for the sake of VP's post, if it changes its stated stand, it will be the loser in all fronts.

There should be a contest in a democracy; consensus by means of coercion, bribe and threat (as with mulayam) will weaken bjp. How can bjp support a congress candidate who has violently criticised bjp hundreds of times. If president's rule is imposed on any bjp state, bjp has to blame itself.
A foreigner announces the name of the president of India. The Missile Man who is a scholar, scientist and probity personified does not get political partie's support. Maino congress does not want him because he stopped maino from becoming PM and he is a no nonsense person. Social networking sites are flooded with messages of support for kalam.

Congress bureau of Investigation is in full play to ensure the dilly dallying parties viz sp, bsp fall in line. The rotten in our state has the temerity to make fun of the missile man.

It is said the incumbent pratiba patil was a helper in Indira gandhi's house before making it big in politics. God help our country.
It is a fact that Politics in Democracy is a game of numbers. The Party or the person who could garner support of enough numbers gets the post. Dr. Pranab Mukherjee has got the numbers this time and he deserves the post of President of the Country.

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam had a good innings and proved to be a successful President and retired gracefully after a full term. He should not get himself entangled in the cheap political controversy .He is an astute gentleman and a Scientist. I am sure he will not offer himself as a candidate for the second time.

Stagnancy should not capture the Country in any field. That includes Leaders and Statesmen also. Most of our Political outfits suffer with this deficiency and look for leaders from dynasties.

It is a fact that Politics in Democracy is a game of numbers. The Party or the person who could garner support of enough numbers gets the post. Dr. Pranab Mukherjee has got the numbers this time and he deserves the post of President of the Country.

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam had a good innings and proved to be a successful President and retired gracefully after a full term. He should not get himself entangled in the cheap political controversy .He is an astute gentleman and a Scientist. I am sure he will not offer himself as a candidate for the second time.

Stagnancy should not capture the Country in any field. That includes Leaders and Statesmen also. Most of our Political outfits suffer with this deficiency and look for leaders from dynasties.


Very good post Sir. But should not the congress or UPA clarify (at least once) as to why they are opposing the candidature of Dr. APJ? As peoples' representatives, should they not give at least a consideration to the overwhelming choice of public to have Dr. APJ as president for a second time?
Let us pray that Pranabji will become the next president. It would have been far better if he could become the Prime Minister of the country. Anyway, for the detractors, please don't judge him harshly yet.
See the following Reutersreport: (15 June 2012)

But Pranab is a hardcore congress man. Can he be expected to act non-partisan as a president?

What was his role during emergency? Wasn't he directly accused for several excesses?

Despite all his experience and political charisma, he just seems to another faithful servant of the first family!

He will prove to be a better president than the current one and that seems to be the only solace!
கால பைரவன்;141622 said:
But Pranab is a hardcore congress man. Can he be expected to act non-partisan as a president?

What was his role during emergency? Wasn't he directly accused for several excesses?

Despite all his experience and political charisma, he just seems to another faithful servant of the first family!

He will prove to be a better president than the current one and that seems to be the only solace!

I grant you all that. But please remember that in politics, such things are common. Kindly try to interpret the Reuters report for me please. I presume that the report has some veracity?

To summarise the Reuters report:

" By all accounts, Congress Party leader Sonia Gandhi does not trust the man she nominated on Friday to become the next president of India..... But with her party facing tough elections due in 2014 he may be her ace in the hole.

He was passed over for the premiership in 2004 by Sonia in favour of Singh. Nor did he get the post of home minister. Sonia feared he might use it as a platform to campaign against unelected Singh, according to the U.S. cable obtained by Wikileaks.

When his name first surfaced as a potential candidate for the presidency, a Congress spokeswoman said he was too indispensable to the party, but media reports suggested Sonia was uneasy about installing a man in the presidential palace who was unlikely to prove as compliant as his predecessors. Why?

Soon after Indra Gandhi's assassination, Pranabjee, then finance minister, was asked by party colleagues who should step in to fill the power vacuum . He replied that according to the constitution it should be the second-most senior person in the cabinet, a close aide told Reuters on condition of anonymity.Traditionally, FM is No. 2 in the cabinet. Rajiv Gandhi, who was sworn in as prime minister hours later, ejected him from the party in 1986, but later made up in 1988."
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Very good post Sir. But should not the congress or UPA clarify (at least once) as to why they are opposing the candidature of Dr. APJ? As peoples' representatives, should they not give at least a consideration to the overwhelming choice of public to have Dr. APJ as president for a second time?

Dear "zebra 16",

At the outset I wish to assure I have great respect and regards for Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam as a man and as a Scientist. He has been an efficient President as well, and nothing further to prove in his field or in politics.

Well, Let me give my reasoning based on the issue and not on the personality. Congress is in politics and they enjoy majority, that they can select their own Candidate for the post of President. I find nothing wrong in this. As per the provisions of our Constitution, President is not selected by people direct, but he/she is selected by an electoral college. Thus it is enough for Congress to clarify the reasons for their choice to the members of electoral college. Further we do not have any indicator to know any one person is people's choice or not. Just because the educated class prefers one person does not mean that he enjoys the majority view. Above all till now no Political outfit has officially suggested the name of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam for the second term. Neither Dr. Kalam has evinced any interest to accept second term.

As I have told in my earlier post Country should produce and identify new Statesmen and Leaders every time when ever an opportunity arise.

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Reuters analysis is very apt. If Sonia was hesitating to nominate Pranab for her own reason and taking the Reuters' analysis into account and also Mulayam's pressure drama, possibly Panab may be a good bet to checkmat Sonia. Also, if in 2014 election Congress looses and/or reduced to a minimum having no capacity to dicdate, then the country will be saved. It is not a bad idea to have Pranab as President. Also, as some one said, he is definitely better than Pratibha Patel who is an embarrassment for Dr Kalam..
In the current scenario, it is more of ego election than President election. Poor India. Politics comes in its way in everything and everywhere.
Congress never wanted APJ as they wanted a politician president to safeguard coterie of scandalous people. But the congress is believing that it can do so. Anyway we cannot have more confusion and turmoil in national interest. Who knows the faithful and loyal (to Soniaji) PM may become loyal to the nation. முழு பூசணிக்காயை சோத்துல மறைக்கப்பார்கிறது காங்கிரஸ்.
dear friends !
in majority of time we are not getting PM or president of our choice .we are all accustomed to live with what is offered.
we unnecessarily make MR.Abdul khalam getting degraded or feel sorry .he is happy with the opportunity to serve the nation and he may not be in a mood to enter the rastrapathy bhavan in a controversial situation.
the threads 'President of India' and 'Nomination of President' should be combined so that there is no duplication
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