My father passed away in Chennai India on 29 August 2020. Aavani, Shukla Paksham, Dwadasi Thithi.
I am the eldest son, living in Toronto Canada. My three younger brothers and a sister are in Chennai. Because of Covid and flight restrictions, I could not come to India for the final rites.
My immediate younger brother with other relatives completed the 13 day ceremonies @ Chennai.
I completed the Kuzhi Tharpanam on 10th day and shubham here, as advised by the local Sastrigal.
Please clarify:
1. Where the oonam and other Maasiyams are to be performed?
2. The local Sastrigal says, being the eldest, I have to complete the oonam and other monthly rituals here in Canada.
3. The Sastrigals @ Chennai advise, as all other samskaras were performed by my brother, only he can complete them there.
If I have to do, I need to go to Chennai and complete all rituals and then do the maasiyams.
4. Can both of us do the oonams and Maasiyams (Myself here and my brothers in India)
We are unsure about travel to India now or in the near future.
Thanks you and await your response.
Kulathu Sankar