One NGO is reported to have started a campaign asking all prescription writers (doctors) to write their prescriptions in separate capitals (please do not ape Sardarjis). America is reported to have about 7000 deaths due to wrong reading/writing of prescriptions. Another 1.5 mn. report adverse reactions. Naturally the figure could be high or enormously high here or nobody knows how many. India has an advantage in that some 10 to 20% people might be buying the prescription medicines but not necessarily consuming them. Whatever progress we may have made, contributing to actual statistics/censors must be lowest in our agenda. And who cares? Take for instance the "Adhar" scheme programmed by Nilekkeni. It has been discontinued as some political leaders have been averse to it. Now the new idea is going to come in a newer scheme named "National Information Survey". New Delhi should be aptly called Tuqlakabad.