Waylee!! I learnt a new spelling today! I write 'vEli'.
May your pilgrimage give you more jnAnam. 
P.S: The spellings in your post show that you are really in a haste! :roll:
Pilgrim's Progress! From Ampalapuza to Aprameya :Last month it was Krishna's call from Kerala Now this is a call from 'Crawling" krishna of Karnataka . Two Kalai Gnyanam - inspired by this pilgrimage! & not those Y & U kalai jnAnam already received from you .
This Aprameyaswamy Temple is about 60 KM from Bangalore on the Mysore highway near Chennapatnam It has the sannidhi of this Krishna!
Sri Navaneetha Krishnar :
As you proceed to the North Western ramparts of the temple, the next Sannidhi you see is that of the renowned Lord Navaneetha (Thavazrar/ambegal(crawling))Krishna. This Krishna figures in a lot of Puranams. It is believed that Sage Vyasa did the Prathishta of this Vigraham. This lovely, adorable Krishna Vigraham depicts Him in a crawling pose, holding his favourite butter in his right hand. It appears as if Lord Krishna is crawling towards you to invoke the maternal instincts within you, compelling you to spontaneously shower your love on him. His face is like Poorna Chandra Bimbam, his doe-like eyes are very attractive and the curly locks of his hair are a sight to behold. This Neela Megha Shayma is crawling on a Garuda Peetam. He is adorned with a lot of jewels like amulets, chains, necklaces and anklets. He flaunts his Pulinagam (Tiger Claws dollar) as if to show off his prowess while the priests make sure he wears it to avoid Kan Dristi Dosham from his many devotees ogling at his boundless beauty! While drinking in this lovely sight, you may think you heard the jingling of bells from the cord he wears around his waist and the gorgeous anklets adorning his tender ankles, as he crawls closer to your heart!!
His beauty inspired Purandara dasa to compose the popular krithi "Jagadoddharana Adisidalu Yashoda" when he visited this sannidhi.
The delicious Navaneetham he is holding in his right hand is no ordinary butter but Gnyanam (self realization) shaped like a butterball. Parandhaman is willing to share this precious treat with you, if only you ask him for it, with a true mind.
Another boon that this God is famous for granting is the gift of children to those who need it. The loads of silver and wooden cradles in the Sannidhi offered by people desirous of begetting offspring stand testimony to this fact.
1. Sangeetha Gnyanam. This krishna inspired Purandaradasar to give that Jagadodharana in the rag that is MY CUP OF KAPI!!
The song inspird by the place Chennapattnam! Popular song of yester years!
2 . Chithra Kala Gnyanam My Krishna Tanjor Painting - the latest one I had posted already in different thread I am working now on Krishna - Oil on canvas Titled Makhan Ka Chor I will post it when fully done!
Your wish -
May your pilgrimage give you more jnAnam.
- from the way you have spelt I presume it is Self realization!!
The delicious Navaneetham he is holding in his right hand is no ordinary butter but Gnyanam (self realization) shaped like a butterball. Parandhaman is willing to share this precious treat with you, if only you ask him for it, with a true mind.
Self realization from Butterball It is a bit vazavaza & kozaKoza It is a slippery pitch I would not like to play . I would rather play in another thread by Renuka 'Self realization and Insanity - and agree with her observation Poojium is poornam - I am not sure where she said that