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“Commodities that are primarily consumed by the rich have a low tax rate”
India’s rich feed off subsidies worth over Rs. 1 lakh crore a year that are meant for the poor, according to the Economic Survey. And this figure only considers the subsidies on six commodities, two public utilities — the Railways and electricity — and one small savings scheme, the Public Provident Fund.
“There are a fair amount of government interventions that help the relatively better-off in society. In many cases, this takes the form of explicit subsidisation, which is surprisingly substantial in magnitude,” the Survey said in a provocatively titled chapter ‘Bounties for the Well-off.’
The Survey classified the population on the basis of consumption data collected by National Sample Surveys. “Poor refer to the bottom 30 per cent of the population and the rich the top 70 per cent,” it said in a footnote. This categorises a sizeable portion of the non-poor as ‘rich’.
“These numbers are striking and have one policy implication: any tax incentives that are given, for example, for savings, benefit not the middle class, not the upper middle class but the super-rich who represent the top 1-2 per cent,” the Survey added.
Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian, the Survey’s lead author, argued that most commodities primarily consumed by the rich have a very low tax rate, in effect subsidising them at the cost of the poor. For example, the rich consume 98 per cent of the gold in the country, and yet gold is taxed at only 1-1.6 per cent (the Centre and the States combined).
The rich avail of an 88 per cent subsidy on kerosene, amounting to Rs. 5,501 crore and 86 per cent subsidy on LPG, amounting to Rs. 40,151 crore.
The rich consume 98 per cent of the gold in the country, and yet gold is taxed at only 1-1.6 per cent, says the Economic Survey.
India’s rich feed off subsidies worth over Rs. 1 lakh crore a year that are meant for the poor, according to the Economic Survey. And this figure only considers the subsidies on six commodities, two public utilities — the Railways and electricity — and one small savings scheme, the Public Provident Fund.
“There are a fair amount of government interventions that help the relatively better-off in society. In many cases, this takes the form of explicit subsidisation, which is surprisingly substantial in magnitude,” the Survey said in a provocatively titled chapter ‘Bounties for the Well-off.’
The Survey classified the population on the basis of consumption data collected by National Sample Surveys. “Poor refer to the bottom 30 per cent of the population and the rich the top 70 per cent,” it said in a footnote. This categorises a sizeable portion of the non-poor as ‘rich’.

“These numbers are striking and have one policy implication: any tax incentives that are given, for example, for savings, benefit not the middle class, not the upper middle class but the super-rich who represent the top 1-2 per cent,” the Survey added.
Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian, the Survey’s lead author, argued that most commodities primarily consumed by the rich have a very low tax rate, in effect subsidising them at the cost of the poor. For example, the rich consume 98 per cent of the gold in the country, and yet gold is taxed at only 1-1.6 per cent (the Centre and the States combined).
The rich avail of an 88 per cent subsidy on kerosene, amounting to Rs. 5,501 crore and 86 per cent subsidy on LPG, amounting to Rs. 40,151 crore.
The rich consume 98 per cent of the gold in the country, and yet gold is taxed at only 1-1.6 per cent, says the Economic Survey.