Sex Mantras and Talismans in Egypt and Atharva Veda
Picture: This is a symbol from Atharva Veda
This is Part 5 in Indo-Egyptian Connections. Please read
part 1. Did Indians build Egyptian Pyramids?
Part 2. Vedas and Egyptian Pyramid Texts
3. Vishnu in Egyptian Pyramids
4. Hindu Gods in Egyptian Pyramids
before reading this 5[SUP]th[/SUP] part: London Swaminathan.
During Valentine Day and other occasions girls and women are sent cards with the picture of an arrow piercing the heart of a woman. Though many of us are familiar with such Greeting Cards, a lot of people don’t know this symbol has come from the Atharva Veda. Throughout Sanskrit literature we read Manmathan, God Of Love, shooting five arrows made up of flowers to pierce the heart of a lover. We see it first in the Vedas in the earliest time. The concept of Cupid’s arrow has travelled to different parts of the world from India.
Hindus scored many firsts in the world: First Grammar book in the world—Ashtadyaye of Panini, First Sex Manual—Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, First Dictionary of Synonyms—Amarakosham of Amarasimhan, First religious Book- Rig Veda, First Maths Book with Pythagoras Theorem etc by Bodhayana, First Logic Book ………...I can keep on adding over 100 Firsts. But that is beyond the scope of this article.
Read the Atharva Veda Mantra given below and note the words Heart, Arrow etc.
III, 25. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a woman.
1. May (love), the disquieter, disquiet thee; do not hold out upon thy bed! With the terrible arrow of Kâma (love) do I pierce thee in the heart.
2. The arrow, winged with longing, barbed with love, whose shaft is undeviating desire, with that, well-aimed, Kâma shall pierce thee in the heart!
3. With that well-aimed arrow of Kâma which parches the spleen, whose plume flies forward, which burns up, do I pierce thee in the heart.
4. Consumed by burning ardour, with parched mouth, do thou (woman) come to me, pliant, (thy) pride laid aside, mine alone, speaking sweetly and to me devoted!
5. I drive thee with a goad from thy mother and thy father, so that thou shalt be in my power, shalt come up to my wish.
6. All her thoughts do ye, O Mitra and Varuna, drive out of her! Then, having deprived her of her will put her into my power alone!
[h=2]II, 30. Charm to secure the love of a woman.[/h]1. As the wind tears this grass from the surface of the earth, thus do I tear thy soul, so that thou, woman, shalt love, shalt not be averse to me!
2. If ye, O two Asvins, shall unite and bring together the loving pair-united are the fortunes of, both of you (lovers), united the thoughts, united the purposes!
3. When birds desire to chirp, lustily desire to chirp, may my call go there, as an arrow-point upon the shaft!
4. What is within shall be without, what is without shall be within! Take captive, O herb, the, soul of the maidens endowed with every charm!
5. Longing for a husband this woman hath come, I have come longing for a wife, As a loudly neighing horse I have attained to my good fortune!
(Translation by Maurice Bloomfield, Year 1897).
Now read the Egyptian ‘Mantra’:
We have seen the attributes of Egyptian God Thoth in the Fifth part of this series. One other attribute of Thoth is his skill in magic. Thoth knew magic spells. It was known that he possessed spells such as this one, which was cast to ensure that one’s love was returned: “should she drink, eat or sleep with anyone else, I shall cast upon her ear, I shall cast a spell upon her breath, I shall cast a spell upon her three physical apertures; but in particular I shall cast a spell upon her vulva, which I wish to penetrate, until she comes to me and until I know what is in her heart, what she has been doing, what she is thinking of now, immediately, immediately’ (National Library, Paris, Greek Manuscript, IV 147-153).
AC Das View
A.C.Das showed that the Egyptian religion has a close similarity with the worship of gods –Siva, Kama and Kalaratri. He thought it is probable that the Egyptians had the knowledge of a god equivalent to Brahma ( AC Das –Rig Vedic India, Vol.II,Ch.XII). Das believed that the Egyptians migrated from Pandyan Kingdom in the transition from Vedic to Puranic periods.
Double statue of Amenemhet III (1844-1797 BC) has fish emblem like the Pandyas of Tamil Nadu.
Daksha -Shiva clash in Egypt
Indians are very familiar with the clash between Daksha and Lord Shiva. This story is also found in Egyptian literature in a slightly different way. Once when Daksha performed a big Yagna (Fire Sacrifice), Sati went to attend it uninvited. Daksha spoke to her rudely insulting her husband Shiva in front all those assembled. Sati (Parvati) was so upset that she jumped into fire rather than hearing the insults. Hearing this, Shiva became furious and destroyed the Yaga of Daksha. He carried his wife’s body on his shoulder like an insane person. Vishnu pacified his anger after cutting the body of Sati with his Sudarsana chakra (Boomerang used by Vishnu). Sati’s body parts fell in different parts of the country and those places became holy shrines of Goddess Shakti.
Egyptian Version:
Osiris was one of the oldest gods of Egypt. He was worshipped for 3400 years until 400 AD. He was compared with Lord Shiva. His parents were Geb and Nut. He was born with four siblings including his sister Isis, who became his consort. His adversary was Seth. Isis gave birth to god Horus by impregnating herself with the semen of Osiris after his death. Seth found Osiris body and cut into 14 pieces and scattered them along the Nile valley. But Seth missed Osris’ penis. Isis found all the parts and buried them at the sites of various sanctuaries. She restored the penis with replica which became the focus of Osirian cult. This is similar to our Shiva Linga worship.
Both the Shiva –Daksha clash and Osiris- Seth clash are symbolical stories. The scattering of the body parts was allegorized with the winnowing and scattering of grains in the fields.
Jain Statues and Egyptian Statues
Jain Thirtankara statues in India look like Egyptian Pharaoh’s statues. Both the figures with bare and broad shoulders stand straight. No one can miss the similarities. We don’t know how this came about. Of the 14 Jain Manus, one of them was Ksemenkara. We have one pharaoh with the name Menkaure.
Nemi was one of the Puranic kings who mummified his body like the Egyptians. He was one of the 24 Jain Thirtankaras.
Picture: T shirt with Manmatha’s arrow as described in Atharva Veda
Abyados was the first capital of ancient Egypt. Peribsen was one of the pharaohs. All these names are similar to Jain names. The pharaohs’ names end with Sen, Khet or Athen. We have all these suffixes in India as Sena, Ketu and Athan. Mahabharata Who’s Who? gives scores of names with Sena and Ketu. Tamil Chera kings have Athan, Kuttuvan suffixes in their names. According to Puranas, Chakora was ruled by Chandra Ketu. We have a big city Saqquara in Egypt. In the earlier parts, I have dealt with the maze (Chakra) in the city.
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Picture: This is a symbol from Atharva Veda
This is Part 5 in Indo-Egyptian Connections. Please read
part 1. Did Indians build Egyptian Pyramids?
Part 2. Vedas and Egyptian Pyramid Texts
3. Vishnu in Egyptian Pyramids
4. Hindu Gods in Egyptian Pyramids
before reading this 5[SUP]th[/SUP] part: London Swaminathan.
During Valentine Day and other occasions girls and women are sent cards with the picture of an arrow piercing the heart of a woman. Though many of us are familiar with such Greeting Cards, a lot of people don’t know this symbol has come from the Atharva Veda. Throughout Sanskrit literature we read Manmathan, God Of Love, shooting five arrows made up of flowers to pierce the heart of a lover. We see it first in the Vedas in the earliest time. The concept of Cupid’s arrow has travelled to different parts of the world from India.
Hindus scored many firsts in the world: First Grammar book in the world—Ashtadyaye of Panini, First Sex Manual—Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, First Dictionary of Synonyms—Amarakosham of Amarasimhan, First religious Book- Rig Veda, First Maths Book with Pythagoras Theorem etc by Bodhayana, First Logic Book ………...I can keep on adding over 100 Firsts. But that is beyond the scope of this article.
Read the Atharva Veda Mantra given below and note the words Heart, Arrow etc.
III, 25. Charm to arouse the passionate love of a woman.
1. May (love), the disquieter, disquiet thee; do not hold out upon thy bed! With the terrible arrow of Kâma (love) do I pierce thee in the heart.
2. The arrow, winged with longing, barbed with love, whose shaft is undeviating desire, with that, well-aimed, Kâma shall pierce thee in the heart!
3. With that well-aimed arrow of Kâma which parches the spleen, whose plume flies forward, which burns up, do I pierce thee in the heart.
4. Consumed by burning ardour, with parched mouth, do thou (woman) come to me, pliant, (thy) pride laid aside, mine alone, speaking sweetly and to me devoted!
5. I drive thee with a goad from thy mother and thy father, so that thou shalt be in my power, shalt come up to my wish.
6. All her thoughts do ye, O Mitra and Varuna, drive out of her! Then, having deprived her of her will put her into my power alone!
[h=2]II, 30. Charm to secure the love of a woman.[/h]1. As the wind tears this grass from the surface of the earth, thus do I tear thy soul, so that thou, woman, shalt love, shalt not be averse to me!
2. If ye, O two Asvins, shall unite and bring together the loving pair-united are the fortunes of, both of you (lovers), united the thoughts, united the purposes!
3. When birds desire to chirp, lustily desire to chirp, may my call go there, as an arrow-point upon the shaft!
4. What is within shall be without, what is without shall be within! Take captive, O herb, the, soul of the maidens endowed with every charm!
5. Longing for a husband this woman hath come, I have come longing for a wife, As a loudly neighing horse I have attained to my good fortune!
(Translation by Maurice Bloomfield, Year 1897).
Now read the Egyptian ‘Mantra’:
We have seen the attributes of Egyptian God Thoth in the Fifth part of this series. One other attribute of Thoth is his skill in magic. Thoth knew magic spells. It was known that he possessed spells such as this one, which was cast to ensure that one’s love was returned: “should she drink, eat or sleep with anyone else, I shall cast upon her ear, I shall cast a spell upon her breath, I shall cast a spell upon her three physical apertures; but in particular I shall cast a spell upon her vulva, which I wish to penetrate, until she comes to me and until I know what is in her heart, what she has been doing, what she is thinking of now, immediately, immediately’ (National Library, Paris, Greek Manuscript, IV 147-153).
AC Das View
A.C.Das showed that the Egyptian religion has a close similarity with the worship of gods –Siva, Kama and Kalaratri. He thought it is probable that the Egyptians had the knowledge of a god equivalent to Brahma ( AC Das –Rig Vedic India, Vol.II,Ch.XII). Das believed that the Egyptians migrated from Pandyan Kingdom in the transition from Vedic to Puranic periods.
Double statue of Amenemhet III (1844-1797 BC) has fish emblem like the Pandyas of Tamil Nadu.
Daksha -Shiva clash in Egypt
Indians are very familiar with the clash between Daksha and Lord Shiva. This story is also found in Egyptian literature in a slightly different way. Once when Daksha performed a big Yagna (Fire Sacrifice), Sati went to attend it uninvited. Daksha spoke to her rudely insulting her husband Shiva in front all those assembled. Sati (Parvati) was so upset that she jumped into fire rather than hearing the insults. Hearing this, Shiva became furious and destroyed the Yaga of Daksha. He carried his wife’s body on his shoulder like an insane person. Vishnu pacified his anger after cutting the body of Sati with his Sudarsana chakra (Boomerang used by Vishnu). Sati’s body parts fell in different parts of the country and those places became holy shrines of Goddess Shakti.
Egyptian Version:
Osiris was one of the oldest gods of Egypt. He was worshipped for 3400 years until 400 AD. He was compared with Lord Shiva. His parents were Geb and Nut. He was born with four siblings including his sister Isis, who became his consort. His adversary was Seth. Isis gave birth to god Horus by impregnating herself with the semen of Osiris after his death. Seth found Osiris body and cut into 14 pieces and scattered them along the Nile valley. But Seth missed Osris’ penis. Isis found all the parts and buried them at the sites of various sanctuaries. She restored the penis with replica which became the focus of Osirian cult. This is similar to our Shiva Linga worship.
Both the Shiva –Daksha clash and Osiris- Seth clash are symbolical stories. The scattering of the body parts was allegorized with the winnowing and scattering of grains in the fields.
Jain Statues and Egyptian Statues
Jain Thirtankara statues in India look like Egyptian Pharaoh’s statues. Both the figures with bare and broad shoulders stand straight. No one can miss the similarities. We don’t know how this came about. Of the 14 Jain Manus, one of them was Ksemenkara. We have one pharaoh with the name Menkaure.
Nemi was one of the Puranic kings who mummified his body like the Egyptians. He was one of the 24 Jain Thirtankaras.

Picture: T shirt with Manmatha’s arrow as described in Atharva Veda
Abyados was the first capital of ancient Egypt. Peribsen was one of the pharaohs. All these names are similar to Jain names. The pharaohs’ names end with Sen, Khet or Athen. We have all these suffixes in India as Sena, Ketu and Athan. Mahabharata Who’s Who? gives scores of names with Sena and Ketu. Tamil Chera kings have Athan, Kuttuvan suffixes in their names. According to Puranas, Chakora was ruled by Chandra Ketu. We have a big city Saqquara in Egypt. In the earlier parts, I have dealt with the maze (Chakra) in the city.
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