There are a lot of Vaishanavaite stuff that people may not know. I am attaching the life history of Saint Raamanuja who climbed on the Gopuram and called all people to get liberated by chanting NARAYANA naamam, even though he knows he will go to hell if he disobeys his GURU's command of keeping lesssons learnt to himself. Like wise there are excellent material on birth of PANCHARAATHRA . The word VAIKUNTAM (T is2nd in Varga table t, T, d D) itself is a great concept. KunTam means "blunt" represents ignorance, darkness. vikunTam is the opposite ie. knowledge, light, wisdom etc. However, human mind oscilates between darkness (agnaanam) and wisdon (gyaanam). When a person TRANSCENDS this oscillation state and gets established in the KNOWLEDGE / GYAANA / LIGHT that our jeeva chaithanyam (individual consciousness that gets its own mind due to confined space of body and geography, time dimension) is just a speck of sudhdha chaitanyam (cosmic , priordial consciousnesss) because BhaathE ithi Bhaghavann (that is visible through billions of bhaaga / partial is indeed Bhaghavaan) and gets liberated from human limitations then he attains VAIKUNTAM state. We assume when a person ssheds body, this happens, so we decalre "innaar vaikunta prapthi adaiandhaar.