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There is an active thread about IC/IR marriage, mostly talking about TB group, that too from Tamil Nadu.
From my research, it looks like it is happening more and more.
In my family, my generation all had arranged marriage and they were all among Tamil Brahmins (onlyIyers).
The next generation is experimenting with various combinations.
When we had a reunion of my wife's family it looked very much like a United Nation general assembly, people from Australia, India (verymany different) States, and the USA.
On my side of the family, we seem to belittle bit more conservative, there are Iyyangars, Panjabis, One lone person from USA.
Close to 50 years after interracial marriages became legal across the U.S., the share of newlyweds married to a spouse of a different race or ethnicity has increased more than five times — from 3 percent in 1967, to 17 percent in 2015, according to a new report by the Pew Research
The Pew report comes about a month before the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia. Mildred Loving, a part-Native American, part-black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, landed in a Virginia county jail for getting married. Today, one in six newlyweds marry someone outside their race, which appears to allude to a more accepting society.
Among adults who are not black, there's a shrinking share of those who say they would be opposed to having a close relative marrying someone who is black — from 63 percent in 1990, to 14 percent in 2016. The share of people who oppose marriages with Asian or Hispanic people has also dropped from about one in five to around one in tenadults not in those groups. Among those who are not white, the share opposed to a relative marrying a white person has dropped from 7 percent to 4 percent.
Asian and Latino newlyweds are more likely to marry outside of their race or ethnicity than black and white newlyweds
More than a quarter of Asian newlyweds (29 percent) and Latino newlyweds (27 percent) are married to a spouse of a different race or ethnicity. Those rates go up even higher for those born in the U.S. — to 46 percent for Asian newlyweds and 39 percent for Hispanic newlyweds.
Despite lagging behind Asian and Hispanic newlyweds, black and white newlyweds experienced the most dramatic growth in the rate of interracial and interethnic marriages. The rate for black newlyweds has more than tripled since 1980 — from 5 percent to 18 percent. For white newlyweds, the rate has almost tripped from 4 percent to 11 percent over the same period.
Interracial and interethnic marriages are more common among college-educated black and Latino newlyweds, but not among white or Asian newlyweds
While educational level is not a major factor for white newlyweds, black and Latino newlyweds with at least a bachelor's degree are more likely to have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity than those with some college experience or less education. That educational gap is starkest among Latino newlyweds. As the authors of the Pew report, Gretchen Livingston and Anna Brown, write: "While almost half (46 percent) of Hispanic newlyweds with a bachelor's degree were intermarried in 2015, this share drops to (16 percent) for those with a high school diploma or less – a pattern driven partially, but not entirely, by the higher share of immigrants among the less educated."
But among Asian newlyweds, those with some college experience (39 percent) are more likely to marry someone of a different race or ethnicity than those with a bachelor's degree or higher (29 percent) or with a high school diploma or less (26 percent). "Asian newlyweds with some college are somewhat less likely to be immigrants, and this may contribute to the higher rates of intermarriage for this group," the Pew report suggests. But it also notes that this trend also holds true for Asian newlyweds who were not born in the U.S.
Certain areas of the country, including in Hawaii (42%), Fayetteville, NC (30%), and areas of California and Florida (29%) have higher rates of inter-racial marriage, whereas other areas of the country, like Jackson, Mississippi and Asheville, NC have intermarriage rates similar to those rates that were more common in the 60s (3%). In addition, city dwellers are more apt to marry across races (18%) relative to people living in less urban areas (11%).
This article may not have any affect today to our generation even particularly in the depth of TN. But it will affect the future of human race world over, and it is comming to your part of the world as well.
From my research, it looks like it is happening more and more.
In my family, my generation all had arranged marriage and they were all among Tamil Brahmins (onlyIyers).
The next generation is experimenting with various combinations.
When we had a reunion of my wife's family it looked very much like a United Nation general assembly, people from Australia, India (verymany different) States, and the USA.
On my side of the family, we seem to belittle bit more conservative, there are Iyyangars, Panjabis, One lone person from USA.
Close to 50 years after interracial marriages became legal across the U.S., the share of newlyweds married to a spouse of a different race or ethnicity has increased more than five times — from 3 percent in 1967, to 17 percent in 2015, according to a new report by the Pew Research

The Pew report comes about a month before the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia. Mildred Loving, a part-Native American, part-black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, landed in a Virginia county jail for getting married. Today, one in six newlyweds marry someone outside their race, which appears to allude to a more accepting society.
Among adults who are not black, there's a shrinking share of those who say they would be opposed to having a close relative marrying someone who is black — from 63 percent in 1990, to 14 percent in 2016. The share of people who oppose marriages with Asian or Hispanic people has also dropped from about one in five to around one in tenadults not in those groups. Among those who are not white, the share opposed to a relative marrying a white person has dropped from 7 percent to 4 percent.
Asian and Latino newlyweds are more likely to marry outside of their race or ethnicity than black and white newlyweds
More than a quarter of Asian newlyweds (29 percent) and Latino newlyweds (27 percent) are married to a spouse of a different race or ethnicity. Those rates go up even higher for those born in the U.S. — to 46 percent for Asian newlyweds and 39 percent for Hispanic newlyweds.
Despite lagging behind Asian and Hispanic newlyweds, black and white newlyweds experienced the most dramatic growth in the rate of interracial and interethnic marriages. The rate for black newlyweds has more than tripled since 1980 — from 5 percent to 18 percent. For white newlyweds, the rate has almost tripped from 4 percent to 11 percent over the same period.
Interracial and interethnic marriages are more common among college-educated black and Latino newlyweds, but not among white or Asian newlyweds
While educational level is not a major factor for white newlyweds, black and Latino newlyweds with at least a bachelor's degree are more likely to have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity than those with some college experience or less education. That educational gap is starkest among Latino newlyweds. As the authors of the Pew report, Gretchen Livingston and Anna Brown, write: "While almost half (46 percent) of Hispanic newlyweds with a bachelor's degree were intermarried in 2015, this share drops to (16 percent) for those with a high school diploma or less – a pattern driven partially, but not entirely, by the higher share of immigrants among the less educated."
But among Asian newlyweds, those with some college experience (39 percent) are more likely to marry someone of a different race or ethnicity than those with a bachelor's degree or higher (29 percent) or with a high school diploma or less (26 percent). "Asian newlyweds with some college are somewhat less likely to be immigrants, and this may contribute to the higher rates of intermarriage for this group," the Pew report suggests. But it also notes that this trend also holds true for Asian newlyweds who were not born in the U.S.
Certain areas of the country, including in Hawaii (42%), Fayetteville, NC (30%), and areas of California and Florida (29%) have higher rates of inter-racial marriage, whereas other areas of the country, like Jackson, Mississippi and Asheville, NC have intermarriage rates similar to those rates that were more common in the 60s (3%). In addition, city dwellers are more apt to marry across races (18%) relative to people living in less urban areas (11%).
This article may not have any affect today to our generation even particularly in the depth of TN. But it will affect the future of human race world over, and it is comming to your part of the world as well.
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