Well explained!
Hindu Religious and spiritual texts
Before getting into study of Hindu scriptures its essential to have a basic understanding of the classifications of Hindu texts. Unlike other organized religions Hinduism had no founder of central text because of which it evolved over thousands of years and had a large body of written material which can be confusing for a knowledge seeker. The image below provides a basic explanation of the categorization of Hindu texts. Scroll your mouse on the boxes to get more info on what that category means. Inside each tab below the image you will find the relevant books that belong inside each category.
Hindu Religious and spiritual texts
Before getting into study of Hindu scriptures its essential to have a basic understanding of the classifications of Hindu texts. Unlike other organized religions Hinduism had no founder of central text because of which it evolved over thousands of years and had a large body of written material which can be confusing for a knowledge seeker. The image below provides a basic explanation of the categorization of Hindu texts. Scroll your mouse on the boxes to get more info on what that category means. Inside each tab below the image you will find the relevant books that belong inside each category.
