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The New Zealand Tragedy in the Mosque


Active member
Can it happen in other places? Absolutely. As long as politician and leaders keep using Islamaphobia as a political tool to win the election. Including so-called Inteligencia, who tacitly support and harbor such thoughts.

In less than five minutes, the prominent Australian broadcaster Waleed Aly, a practicing Muslim, connected the New Zealand mosque shootings to a worldwide continuum of hate and violence driven by a global political climate pitting religious and ethnic groups against one another.

On his show, The Project, he said the attacks in Christchurch that killed at least 49 people cannot be addressed in a vacuum.

“Of all the things that I could say tonight—that I am gutted, that I am scared, and that I am filled with utter hopelessness—the most dishonest thing, the most dishonest thing would be to say that I am shocked,” Aly said. “I’m simply not. There’s nothing about what happened in Christchurch today that shocks me.”

Aly went on to list attacks in recent years in places of worship—targeting Muslims in mosques in Quebec City and London, Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Christians in a church in Charleston, South Carolina—saying that this kind of violence has come to be expected in a climate of hate that many political leaders build up and manipulate rather than stop.

This is what happens when people fall for continuous hate propaganda. Same is already happening in india with the repeated Hindu Muslim communal tensions and violence !!

If one fills their minds with negative shit, then it will only end in disaster !!
How politicians encourage hateful language
Politicians across the world are bringing racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim speech to the forefront of political discourse. CNN's Sara Sidner explains.
Source: CNN

Whatever said and done tragedies like this expose human behavior of being selective.

Mostly people feel only when their own kind is affected.

Most Muslims are feel bad becos Muslims got killed.

Some non Muslims are feeling happy too( lots online) for the death of these 49 killed in NZ.

If the situation was reversed..and it was non muslims who were killed instead..most Muslims wont bother..some would rejoice if they are from enemy countries.
Puwalma took 49 lives too.

When a Hindu is dead..not all Hindus would feel bad cos Hindus are divided mostly and might feel mostly for their own caste unless its an Indo Pak clash.

Its a sick state of mind the world has..very few can feel for anyone regardless of race..caste or religion.

generally new zealand/australia are very peaceful....im in a foriegn country...im an allien for many...

but the end of world is based on religion.....there a lot of counter actions for this act and consequences

are going to happen...
These are manufactured tragedies. The leaders like trump encourage it and people listen to it and commit such acts.

President Donald Trump this week issued a thinly veiled threat of violence against his opponents, saying that members of the police, military and biker gangs could “play it tough” if they “reach a certain point.”

It was a disturbing remark, but even more disturbing is the fact that it’s part of a long history of Trump encouraging his supporters to engage in violence. Largely unchecked by his party’s leadership, Trump’s rhetoric has become normalized despite its real-world ramifications.

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” Trump told Breitbart in the interview, which he later tweeted. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

What we need to learn in this episode is how the New Zealanders came together to condemn the act and console the victims.
Jacinta Ardern displayed her great leadership. She wore a hijab and went into the mosque to comfort the victims. She used this tragedy to strengthen the bondage between each religious and ethnic groups.

* The Indian Government should follow her example and learn to be more humane and compassionate towards minority and the meek.
"My true devotee does not feel hatred for any being, but is friendly and compassionate towards all, without the thoughts of I-and-mine" (12:13).

Unless religious bigotry is rooted out, such things can occur. Its high time that religion is made strictly between god and individual and no form of mass worship be allowed.
Unless religious bigotry is rooted out, such things can occur. Its high time that religion is made strictly between god and individual and no form of mass worship be allowed.

Dear Asoktwinn, That sounds rather harsh to close down the Temples, Manthirs, Bajans, Churches and mosques. Would the same apply to political meetings and protest marches? I think people should learn to be tolerant.
What we need to learn in this episode is how the New Zealanders came together to condemn the act and console the victims.
Jacinta Ardern displayed her great leadership. She wore a hijab and went into the mosque to comfort the victims. She used this tragedy to strengthen the bondage between each religious and ethnic groups.

* The Indian Government should follow her example and learn to be more humane and compassionate towards minority and the meek.
"My true devotee does not feel hatred for any being, but is friendly and compassionate towards all, without the thoughts of I-and-mine" (12:13).

View attachment 7218

Where have you been for the last 20 years? In a remote island?
In India, among Hindus Compassion, Tolerance, Humanity, are Taboo words. You will be considered a weak person, and run out of town.

It is a dog-eat-dog world out there and Gandhiji and his philosophy are totally disregarded.
Only a strong man is worshipped, and they do not mind using violence to achieve their objective.
Bigotry comes from harbouring and developing deep hatred against communities, ideologies, etc..

For eg, the communists came up as anti imperialists, anti aristocrats, anti rich, etc..,and millions of lives were lost.

Today right wingers are dangerously building such hatred against minorities and also against the liberals...
Whatever said and done tragedies like this expose human behavior of being selective.

I also felt over-whelming sorrow for all the victims when the scale of tragedy became known.

But in a couple of days, social media dug out the facebook page and facebook wall messages of one of
the victims who was a Pakistani. That particular victim had a deep interest in Gazwa-E-Hind and in establishment of Caliphate and the whole world being subjected to Sharia Law.

This is the third such instance where a few of the victims of mass killings in terrorist acts also harbour death to infidels and kAfirs, though the media invariably and without fail portray them as "innocent" and "peaceful".

Nowadays my sympathies are also very selective and it is only for those who are not closet bigots.
I also felt over-whelming sorrow for all the victims when the scale of tragedy became known.

But in a couple of days, social media dug out the facebook page and facebook wall messages of one of
the victims who was a Pakistani. That particular victim had a deep interest in Gazwa-E-Hind and in establishment of Caliphate and the whole world being subjected to Sharia Law.

This is the third such instance where a few of the victims of mass killings in terrorist acts also harbour death to infidels and kAfirs, though the media invariably and without fail portray them as "innocent" and "peaceful".

Nowadays my sympathies are also very selective and it is only for those who are not closet bigots.
One of the victims was a 3yr old Sudanese boy.

His elder bro and father lied down acting as if they were dead but the 3 year old didnt know how to play dead and ran to the shooter and got shot dead point blank.

I agree with what you say but part of me cant be selective.
I have personally witness a shooting in a shopping complex once where a security guard who just smiled at me and family was shot dead by a robber in a gold shop heist.
The robber who shot him was finally shot dead by another security guard.

Another doc too happened to be there.
He tried to revive the security guard and i tried to revive the robber but both could not be saved.

Its hard to be selective when you see anyone dead or dying..be it sinner or saint.
Inspite of having a Rightist Hindu nationalist party in power, it has been peaceful except Jand K and some

areas in North east

In Jand K it is more because it is encouraged by a neighbouring country and a section of population would

like the valley to be part of the neighbouring country.

North east -most of the ethnic population is christian and there is friction between them and muslims from

east and west bengal due to the bengalis competing for the limited economic oppurtunities.

Delhi with mixed population is free of riots.

It is well policed and our intelligence is good to prevent any bad incident.

While it is terror free ,it is unsafe for women who frequent places late night.

It is mostly those from other parts of country not familiar with delhi and its ways get hurt.
Dear Asoktwinn, That sounds rather harsh to close down the Temples, Manthirs, Bajans, Churches and mosques. Would the same apply to political meetings and protest marches? I think people should learn to be tolerant.
The point is not closing down religious places of worship. But keep the activities which is strictly religious within the premises. Until Balgangadhar Tilak the concept of mass worship never existed in Hinduism. Religious discourse on mass basis is ok, but not loud worship disturbing the neighbourhood and proclaiming that my god is the only god and no other god exists.
The point is not closing down religious places of worship. But keep the activities which is strictly religious within the premises. Until Balgangadhar Tilak the concept of mass worship never existed in Hinduism. Religious discourse on mass basis is ok, but not loud worship disturbing the neighbourhood and proclaiming that my god is the only god and no other god exists.

We cannot impose the views or philosophy of a particular religion on others. That is not fair and reasonable. Our focus should be on fair and just society, even if others fail this test.
Taraka Mantra, WAY OUT

”Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama” is a 13-syllabled mantra called Taraka Mantra or bija mantra. Bija means seed which is root of all mantras.

Sage Valmiki, Tyagaraja, Tulsidas, Bhadrachala Ramadas, Purandaradasa…the list is endless…. all talked about this mantra as an easy way to get out of this Kali Yuga bondage. Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman too are said to be engrossed in this mantra.

This manta helps one cross the OCEAN OF BIRTHS AND REBIRTHS. Lord Shiva gave this mantra to Parvati, saying, “O Parvati, this taraka mantra is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord Vishnu.”


Sri stands for Shakti or Sita;
Ra the fire that burns all karmic entanglements;
Ma represents water, the serenity or bliss once the truth is understood;
Jayam means victory of the spirit over the flesh. The flesh always wants physical pleasure and destroys us from taking the spiritual path to get ourselves rid of this earthly bondage. It is the greatest obstacle to spiritual upliftment.


It should be remembered that all mantras are prefixed with OM. Only exception is Taraka Mantra (Sri Rama Jayam) which is the root of all mantras. Even Gayatri mantra takes OM as prefix as Gayatri is born out of Om, the Creator. When the world was first born OM emanated. It was the first sound. Later all other sounds came.

In yogic definition:
Ra is the sun or solar energy at the right side of the spine and is masculine energy;
Ma moon or lunar energy left of the spine and feminine energy.
“Rama” when chanted balances these energies giving the unstable mind its tranquility.

Another school of thought says RAMA is derived from Na ‘RA’yana’ (or Vishnu), the “root ra” and Na ‘MA’shivaya , the “root ma” forming RAMA.

Rama is very significant. Ra makes your mouth (MAIN GATE) open wide and sins are thrown out. Ma makes your lips locked and no sinful thoughts enter into you. Rama mantra purifies mind and heart and God then lives in such a pure heart. These are metaphysical aspects and let us not indulge in arguing and counter-arguing given the limitations of Man. He may have gone to Moon but can he create a blade of grass? Not the plastic one.

There are 72,000 nadis in human body of which 108 are in heart. That is the location of God (Paramatma) & Soul (jivatma). Therefore 108 is a mystical number for doing japa which is the most powerful spiritual discipline in which the repetition of the holy mantra, along with pranayama or rhythmic breathing, takes you to a different world of ultimate in human experience.

One gentleman recently argued with me that repeating a mantra loudly is equivalent to “manasika” or reciting in the mind. We encounter such negative arguments either out of ignorance or plain arrogance. The best way to recite a mantra is within yourself (manasika japa) rather than loudly uttering it for the world to know how spiritual you are. In spirituality remember there cannot be show business. You need to be honest.

In Gita Lord Krishna says: Yagnanaam Japayagnosmi which means, “Among all the spiritual practices, Japa (Meditation) is MYSELF ” {Ch10:25}

JAPA is nothing but a mantra repeated which is associated with UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

Three types of JAPA exist according to Vedas:
Vaikhari japa (loud recitation of the mantra); Upamshu Japa (moving tongue and lips but not audible to others) and third is the Manasika Japa (or mantra repeated in meditative form).

Vedas say benefits of Vaikhari Japa are ten times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga (a kind of Vedic ritual). While Upamshu Japa gives benefits hundred times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga. And Manasika Japa is the BEST and HIGHEST form of spiritual practice, because in this form of Japa, the mind is turned INWARD i.e. towards one’s own Self which is the connector to the Universal Self.

For reciting Taraka Mantra there is no caste or religious bar. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Male, Female all can recite this Taraka Mantra. It quells hate and gives happiness.

Taraka Mantra can be practiced in writing too. While as a boy of 9 I wrote many notebooks full of “Sri Rama Jayam”and Sage of Kanchi, Paramacharya Chandrasekhara Saraswati, had given me lots of silver coins for submitting these books full of taraka mantra. Even my parents and sisters did this and got silver coins in return. Some of the coins are still at my home in Hyderabad.

Kali Yuga is the most BRUTAL (senseless) YUGA. As this yuga advances morality will be endangered and vanish. The sanctity of marriage or the institution of marriage too will vanish and men and women will live and breed like animals. Everyone is for everyone with no moral hangover. This danger is not far off as time is running out. Then why not take the easiest path when there is one available? All you need to chant is "Sri Rama Jayam" once a while or while leaving your home for office or shopping. Is that really difficult?
Taraka Mantra, WAY OUT

”Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama” is a 13-syllabled mantra called Taraka Mantra or bija mantra. Bija means seed which is root of all mantras.

Sage Valmiki, Tyagaraja, Tulsidas, Bhadrachala Ramadas, Purandaradasa…the list is endless…. all talked about this mantra as an easy way to get out of this Kali Yuga bondage. Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman too are said to be engrossed in this mantra.

This manta helps one cross the OCEAN OF BIRTHS AND REBIRTHS. Lord Shiva gave this mantra to Parvati, saying, “O Parvati, this taraka mantra is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord Vishnu.”


Sri stands for Shakti or Sita;
Ra the fire that burns all karmic entanglements;
Ma represents water, the serenity or bliss once the truth is understood;
Jayam means victory of the spirit over the flesh. The flesh always wants physical pleasure and destroys us from taking the spiritual path to get ourselves rid of this earthly bondage. It is the greatest obstacle to spiritual upliftment.


It should be remembered that all mantras are prefixed with OM. Only exception is Taraka Mantra (Sri Rama Jayam) which is the root of all mantras. Even Gayatri mantra takes OM as prefix as Gayatri is born out of Om, the Creator. When the world was first born OM emanated. It was the first sound. Later all other sounds came.

In yogic definition:
Ra is the sun or solar energy at the right side of the spine and is masculine energy;
Ma moon or lunar energy left of the spine and feminine energy.
“Rama” when chanted balances these energies giving the unstable mind its tranquility.

Another school of thought says RAMA is derived from Na ‘RA’yana’ (or Vishnu), the “root ra” and Na ‘MA’shivaya , the “root ma” forming RAMA.

Rama is very significant. Ra makes your mouth (MAIN GATE) open wide and sins are thrown out. Ma makes your lips locked and no sinful thoughts enter into you. Rama mantra purifies mind and heart and God then lives in such a pure heart. These are metaphysical aspects and let us not indulge in arguing and counter-arguing given the limitations of Man. He may have gone to Moon but can he create a blade of grass? Not the plastic one.

There are 72,000 nadis in human body of which 108 are in heart. That is the location of God (Paramatma) & Soul (jivatma). Therefore 108 is a mystical number for doing japa which is the most powerful spiritual discipline in which the repetition of the holy mantra, along with pranayama or rhythmic breathing, takes you to a different world of ultimate in human experience.

One gentleman recently argued with me that repeating a mantra loudly is equivalent to “manasika” or reciting in the mind. We encounter such negative arguments either out of ignorance or plain arrogance. The best way to recite a mantra is within yourself (manasika japa) rather than loudly uttering it for the world to know how spiritual you are. In spirituality remember there cannot be show business. You need to be honest.

In Gita Lord Krishna says: Yagnanaam Japayagnosmi which means, “Among all the spiritual practices, Japa (Meditation) is MYSELF ” {Ch10:25}

JAPA is nothing but a mantra repeated which is associated with UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

Three types of JAPA exist according to Vedas:
Vaikhari japa (loud recitation of the mantra); Upamshu Japa (moving tongue and lips but not audible to others) and third is the Manasika Japa (or mantra repeated in meditative form).

Vedas say benefits of Vaikhari Japa are ten times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga (a kind of Vedic ritual). While Upamshu Japa gives benefits hundred times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga. And Manasika Japa is the BEST and HIGHEST form of spiritual practice, because in this form of Japa, the mind is turned INWARD i.e. towards one’s own Self which is the connector to the Universal Self.

For reciting Taraka Mantra there is no caste or religious bar. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Male, Female all can recite this Taraka Mantra. It quells hate and gives happiness.

Taraka Mantra can be practiced in writing too. While as a boy of 9 I wrote many notebooks full of “Sri Rama Jayam”and Sage of Kanchi, Paramacharya Chandrasekhara Saraswati, had given me lots of silver coins for submitting these books full of taraka mantra. Even my parents and sisters did this and got silver coins in return. Some of the coins are still at my home in Hyderabad.

Kali Yuga is the most BRUTAL (senseless) YUGA. As this yuga advances morality will be endangered and vanish. The sanctity of marriage or the institution of marriage too will vanish and men and women will live and breed like animals. Everyone is for everyone with no moral hangover. This danger is not far off as time is running out. Then why not take the easiest path when there is one available? All you need to chant is "Sri Rama Jayam" once a while or while leaving your home for office or shopping. Is that really difficult?
Is it not contrary that God (Shiva) chanting or recommending to chant Rama, who was a human being? Does Shaivite philosophy accept this?

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