We cannot afford to miss this wonderful traditional breakfast.
Let us start the day with this unique savory rice cake and sambar and enjoy the breakfast.
[h=1]The Rise of Idly Nationalism: 5 modern day assaults battering the gastronomic white wonder[/h]
The history of Mother Idly and how Western missionaries are conspiring to destroy the Idly’s 5000-year-old civilizational culture.
Idly Dharm khatre mein hai - the religion of Idly is under threat.
The 5000-year old civilisational culture of the Idly is under frontal attack from Western Missionaries who want to Balkanize the Idly-land. Not just from within India, attacks are being foisted from Italy and France, sponsored by the Church and multi-national evil corporate who seek to appropriate the fluffy, soft and light white wonder – and make ours a cultureless, godless land of the Satan.
The earliest known mention of Idly in ancient texts is in the Vedas. No, seriously.
One of the hymns in the Vedas (read here) reads,
“O Indra, let us not, like fools who waste their lives at home, with friendship such as thine, Sit Idly by the poured-out juice.”
Later, ‘Iddalige’ is first mentioned in a Kannada work in 920 AD, Sanskrit work Manasollasa of 1130 AD has ‘iddarika’, but the Tamils had the last word, mentioning ‘itali’ in the 17th century. But, sorry Dravidian folks, the Vedas called the dibs on this.
In the modern era, the idly has been kind to us. It is comfort food, breakfast food, tiffin food and, like Amma would have it, one-rupee food. Today, we have Idly makers even on board the INS Vikramaditya. We are idly, Idly is us.
Read more at: https://www.thenewsminute.com/artic...ults-battering-gastronomic-white-wonder-39895
Let us start the day with this unique savory rice cake and sambar and enjoy the breakfast.
[h=1]The Rise of Idly Nationalism: 5 modern day assaults battering the gastronomic white wonder[/h]

The history of Mother Idly and how Western missionaries are conspiring to destroy the Idly’s 5000-year-old civilizational culture.
Idly Dharm khatre mein hai - the religion of Idly is under threat.
The 5000-year old civilisational culture of the Idly is under frontal attack from Western Missionaries who want to Balkanize the Idly-land. Not just from within India, attacks are being foisted from Italy and France, sponsored by the Church and multi-national evil corporate who seek to appropriate the fluffy, soft and light white wonder – and make ours a cultureless, godless land of the Satan.
The earliest known mention of Idly in ancient texts is in the Vedas. No, seriously.
One of the hymns in the Vedas (read here) reads,
“O Indra, let us not, like fools who waste their lives at home, with friendship such as thine, Sit Idly by the poured-out juice.”
Later, ‘Iddalige’ is first mentioned in a Kannada work in 920 AD, Sanskrit work Manasollasa of 1130 AD has ‘iddarika’, but the Tamils had the last word, mentioning ‘itali’ in the 17th century. But, sorry Dravidian folks, the Vedas called the dibs on this.
In the modern era, the idly has been kind to us. It is comfort food, breakfast food, tiffin food and, like Amma would have it, one-rupee food. Today, we have Idly makers even on board the INS Vikramaditya. We are idly, Idly is us.
Read more at: https://www.thenewsminute.com/artic...ults-battering-gastronomic-white-wonder-39895