Unluckiest People On Earth The Japanese who was hit by both atomic bombings: Hiroshima and Nagasaki resident of Nagasaki, Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business for his employer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries when the city was bombed on August 6, 1945. He was actually preparing to leave the city on that day, and was on his way to the station, when he realised he had forgotten his "hanko" --a stamp allowing him to travel--, so he had to return to his workplace to get it. At 8:15, while he was walking back towards the docks, the American bomber Enola Gay dropped the Little Boy atomic bomb near the centre of the city, only 3 km away. explosion ruptured his eardrums, blinded him temporarily, and left him with serious burns over the left side of the top half of his body. After recovering, he spent the night in an air-raid shelter before returning to Nagasaki, the following day. at home, in Nagasaki, he received treatment for his wounds, and despite being heavily bandaged, he reported for work on August 9, the day of the second atomic bombing. At 11am, just when Yamaguchi was describing the blast in Hiroshima to his supervisor, the American bomber Bockscar dropped the Fat Man atomic bomb onto Nagasaki. Once again, he was 3 km from ground zero, but this time he was unhurt.
In 2009 the government of Japan officially recognized him as the only person who survived both explosions. He died of stomach cancer on 2010 at the age of 93. The Greek who was the only one in town who didn't win a $950 million lotto 2012, residents of the small town of Sodeto, Spain, bought tickets for Spain's huge Christmas lottery out of loyalty to the homemakers' association here, which makes a small percentage on the sales.
When the big day arrived, their number came in, making all 70 households winners of at least a piece of the first prize: $950 million, the biggest ever.
All of the town's residents won a piece of it, except for one, Mr. Cotis Mitsotakis, a Greek filmmaker who's house was somehow overlooked that year as they made the rounds, making him the only one in all Sodeto who didn't win. The ocean liner stewardes who crashed with the RMS Titanic, the HMHS Britannic and the RMS Olympic 1911, 23-year-old Violet Jessop was a stewardess at the RMS Olympic, a luxury ship that was the largest civilian liner at that time, until it collided with the old protected cruiser HMS Hawke off the Isle of Wight.
A year later, Violet boarded the RMS Titanic also as a stewardess, until it famously struck an iceberg, broke in two and sank. She was later ordered into lifeboat 16 and was rescued by the RMS Carpathia.
Finally, during the First World War, Violet served again as a stewardess for the His Majesty's Hospital Ship Britannic, when the ship apparently struck a mine and, with all the portholes open for ventilation, quickly sank in the Aegean Sea off the Greek island of Kea, with the loss of 30 lives. Violet jumped out of a lifeboat to avoid being sucked into the Britannic's propellers and was eventually rescued, once again.
After the war, Violet continued to work a stewardess! Many years later, in 1971, she died of congestive heart failure. The Woman who was struck by hurricanes five times Martinez had lost four homes in the last 50 years after Hurricanes Betsy (1965), Juan (1985), George (1998), and Katrina (2005), but she was still hesitant to leave Louisiana. "I was born here," she said. "It's home, home, home."
Touched by her story, A&E reality show "Hideous Houses" had selected her home for a $20,000 makeover in 2012. Her luck seemed to change, but just a few months later, a category 1 hurricane named Isaac once again took her brand new home. Everything was lost. "Now I've lost five houses to five storms. Every time a wipe-out," said Martinez, who's now being called by the media "the unluckiest woman on America."