பூவிலே போடற பணத்தைப் பணப் பயிரான பருப்பிலே போட்டால் :decision:
recycle பண்ணி அப்புறமாக ஆயாசம் தீர பாயசம் சாப்பிடலாமே! :thumb:
hiஅதுசரி....தலையில...வட்ச பருப்ப...சமையலுக்கு யார் யூஸ் பண்ணுவாங்க...
சும்மா தண்ணியிலே அலம்பி சமைக்கலாம்......ஹோட்டல் லே எப்படி போட்டாலும் எல்லோரும்
சாப்பிடறோம்......ஆத்து மாமி தலை தானே...பரவாயில்லே...அடுத்தாத்து மாமி தலை இல்லையே...
The nuts I guess can be reused like the jadais and kunjalams...Not for food..We do not take any food which gets entwined with human hair.
And yet how many times we just cast aside the long hair pulled out from the plate/ leaf and go on eating as IF nothing happened!![]()
hiI would like to share an anecdote...There was lunch served at home in our ancestral village...My grandfather was very particular about cleanliness...He found hair in the Ilai sappadu when he was having rasam..He was very upset...He just got up and washed his hands & missed his part meal...I am mellowed...If I see I just take that portion aside & take the rest!!
I am sure you mean ONLY hair on the dome! :lol:.. now a days ....,mamas are cooking...mamis are working....mamis have no kitchen business....so no hair in sappadu..
There are greater souls who open and end many threads, just with an OP!! :typing:I for once became the person to end a thread ( is it the right word) and it feels great!![]()