In Ramayanam 14 years vanavaasam to Sri Rama was ordered by King Dsarathan in order to grant one of the boons to his Kaikeyi. This is similar to our current practice of AAyuL DhandanNai which is equvalent to 14 years of rigorous imprisonment.
In Mahabharatham 12 years of Vanavaasam and one year Agnaadhavasam is ordered to Pandavas. what could be the significance for this and if they were identified they would be punished by invoking again with the same no. of years of vanavaasam and angnaadhavasam.
12 in Hinduism:
12 is important after 108 in Hindu Dharma.
'samvatsaram dvadasa masam ahurh jagatyah pado dvadasaivaksarani
dvadasahah prakrto yajna ukto dvadasadityan kathayantiha viprah'
Ashtavakra said, Twelve months compose the year; twelve letters go to the composition of a foot of the metre called Jagati; twelve are the minor sacrifices; and twelve, according to the learned, is the number of the Adityas.'
Twelve Adityas from Vishnu Purana are:
Amsa, Aryaman, Bhaga, Dhuti, Mitra, Pusan, Sakra, Savitr, Tvastr, Varuna, Visnu and Vivasvat
Twelve Jyotirlingas are mentioned in Shiva Purana, Satarudra Samhita, Chapter 42, Verses 2 to 4.
Twelve most important deities (Brahma, Vishna, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesh, Skanda and Surya)
Guru (jupiter) takes 12 years time to go around sun. So it takes 12 years to complete 12 twelve zodiac signs.
Maha (great) Kumbha Mela is celebrated at Prayag once in 12 years.
When Jupiter transits in Simha and Makha star occurring in the month when Sun is in Kumbha as per Nirayana System, "Mamangam" is celebrated. This comes once in 12 years. (Kumbakonam and Thirukoshtiyur etc.).
Dwadasa Nama of Lord Vishnu are Keshava, Narayana, Madhava, Govinda, Vishnu, Madhusudhana, Trivikrama, Vamana, Sridhara, Hrishikesha, Padmanabha and Damodhara),
Dwadasa Nama of Goddess Lakshmi are Sriyee, Amruthotbhavaye, Kamalaye, Chandra sodharye, Vishnu patniye, Vaishnavye, Vararohaye, Hari vallabhaye, Saranghaye, Deva devikaye, Sura sundarye, Sri MahaLakshmiye
Vaisnavite wear 12 pundam. After putting Dvadasa Oordhva pundram (Thiruaman) one should chant 12 names of Perumal (Maha Vishnu) and 12 names of Thayar (Maha Lakshmi)
There are 12 Alwars (Vaisnavite saints) who sang Divya Prabandham.
Pandavas had exile for 12 years and unrecognised exile for 12 months!
Both Hindustani and Carnatic music use 12 Swarasthanas in an octave. (sa, ri, Ri, ga, Ga, ma, Ma, pa, dha, Dha, ni and Ni)
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