What I wrote for 2011
Mind Caught in the time's torrentshttp://nuerons.blogspot.in/2012/12/unload-and-unlearn.html
Gathers slush from the fleeting moments!
Bias, prejudice and presumptions
Becomes the Cargo of our minds!
Thought prison made of tapered prisms
Trigger for all the 'dogmas' and 'isms'!
Echoes of our own views and hope
Mind becomes a Convoluted Kaleidoscope!
Let's look at the nature of time
That eternally flows in rhtymic rhyme!
Massless, Moving, Fresh as ever
Should not 'mind' be time's mirror..?
Every moment that is newly born
Before we cherish, it is gone!
Teaches us to unload and move on..
Let's all learn to unlearn!
In the referenceless frame of Universe
Every second is a new born verse!
Why do we year-mark a begin and end..?
To unload, unlearn and start a new trend!
Happy 2011!