Advantages of being a
female is
nothing compared to being a
- Unwanted kid is only a Female kid; hence THOTIL Dhittam was brought up in TN (simply not wanting a girl.) "Cradle babies” project was brought up only because only female babies were left in dust bins.
- Your last name stays put.
- Can watch any movie/or game alone or with a buddy or group of buddies
- Same work... more pay.
- Wedding shopping costs much less
- People do not stare even with bare chest
- Less Phone/Cell phone bill as conversations are short
- A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
- Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
- The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
- One wallet for the whole year
- You have the freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache /Beard
- Any Festival shopping is over within 15-20 minutes.
- Can be hero even after 60
- Can marry beautiful girls much younger
- You don't care if someone is talking about you behind your back.
- Gray hair and wrinkles add character.
- Can Sit in anyway unmindful of other’s stare
- No delivery pain
- Always ready!!
- Men are less likely to suffer from depression.
- Men are less likely to suffer from anxiety disorders.
- Men are better able to defend themselves against physical assault.
- A group of Men can walk on sea shore even at Midnight.
- Chocolate is just another snack.
- The world is your urinal.
- After 40 more Active!!
- Business at ATM centre takes less time
- No menopause worry
- If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.
- Inner Garments costs less!!
- Everything on your face stays its original color.
- If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends.
- FINALLY NO ONE IN DELHI is going to ……..
Dear PJ sir,
1)Unwanted female child is a problem in India.
Here any kid can be wanted or unwanted.
So it is not a world wide problem.
2)Here my last name is staying put..cos we have National ID cards where our name has to match the name in our Birth Certs.
So we come with the same name and even on death certificate here the name has to be the same as in ID card.So not a problem here.
3)Who says females can not watch movies alone?I have done that before.
It is very safe here to watch movies alone out here.
4)Here pay scale is sex biased situations.
One report to the Labour Office and the employer is screwed in the Industrial Court.
5)Wedding shopping can cost less than a guys if we know what to shop.
6)Who is complaining if anyone is staring at anyone's chest??LOL
Most of us are not Pamela Anderson so rarely happens!Ha Ha Ha
7) are wrong..females make missed they don't have phone bills..its the guy who calls them back!
8)I go for vacations with just 1 suitcase..bring clothes that can be mixed and matched.
I never give clothes to laundry at hotels..I wash them in the Jacuzzi!
Really I did that before many times..its like a washing machine..put clothes in..add soap and its clean.
9)Women's shoes dont cost much.
The shoe I am wearing from Bata cost only RM 50 but my husband's shoe from Bata cost RM 120.
So If I buy two it is the same cost as a guys 1 shoe.
10)Men's hairstyle keep changing..thinning,frontal or side or back balding!LOL
11)Most females these days becos of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Obesity have facial hair.
So its up to them to decide if they want to keep it or not!LOL
12)I have only 3 handbags and it lasting me 10 years!
13)A woman can be a Pimp at 60 once the market value of youth decreases!Ha Ha employment not a problem..they can be heroine in anything!
14)Well many old rich women have toy boys..who wants to marry BTW!
15)Gray hair and wrinkles add character too.
Everyone ages..even the ever green male's shade of green fades.
16)Not all woman care who talks what?BTW nowadays internet keeps everyone busy cos juicy gossip is got on line and people gossip online.
17)Females too these days give a damn how they sit..some celebrities are known to show some underclothes here and there.
It's a peek a boo situation for be happy..girls are still considerate for giving guys some pleasure.
18)Always ready?? I don't know what you mean.
If is getting ready fast to go somewhere..not don't know that some men take longer to get ready to go out.
If you are talking about sexual intercourse..then as men age they are not always ready..Viagra takes about 30 mins for action to kick in.
That way its we females who win!Ha Ha Ha
No need for Viagra.
19)Renal stone colic in male is known to be even worse than Labour Pain..I have seen patients reel and cry!
Some say a kick in the groin for a male is the world's worst known excruciating pain!
20)Men have higher risk for suicide and substance abuse.Most love failure suicide cases are males!
Men still cry for first love..woman go on and marry another! Ha Ha Ha
21)Man suffer from performance anxiety..if the nether regions do not work as well..his mind is totally in unrest!
22)If we are equipped with a weapon then luck can be on a woman's side too.
23)A group of woman can walk anywhere they want..I have seen a group of woman walking and swimming at the sea shore at night.
I have seen this from the resort window.
24)Of course chocolate is another snack.Most women crave chocolate when they have Pre Menstrual Syndrome.
25)The world is a dumpster for us humans..we pollute it.
26)After 50 more active cos when menopause sets in..there is no fear of pregnancy.
So its at this age some women chose to become adventurous!
27)Men will worry if they will rise to the occasion!LOL
28)There is online who goes to ATM!
29)In fact I do not like people inviting me for I prefer to be friends with people who do not encroach upon my personal space.
So not all women get angry when not invited for functions.
At functions we will be forced to eat food cooked with loads of oil etc...that will need extra hours at the gym to burn that off.
30)Nope...not inner garments during a might be cheaper than Jockey brand of guys inner garment(Indian brand)
31)Guys and girls face color changes according to the shades of the nothing stays original and further more in this world..everything is subject to change besides Brahman.
So nothing remains the original color or form.
32)I have seen many females turn up with same outfit as mine big deal..if a woman knows she looks good why worry?
33)Woman might get raped..but men get killed, shot and also sodomized or even worse, emasculated.
Just 2 months ago... walking distance from where I work a guy got shot dead point blank range at a restaurant.
So death and assault can come in any form.
34)Lastly women have Pre Menstrual Syndrome and at that time if a guy makes her angry..he has to bear the brunt of her anger!LOL